

The Dialectica category is symmetric monoidal #

We show that the category Dial has a symmetric monoidal category structure.

The object X ⊗ Y in the Dial C category just tuples the left and right components.

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Instances For
    def CategoryTheory.Dial.tensorHom {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] [Limits.HasFiniteProducts C] [Limits.HasPullbacks C] {X₁ X₂ Y₁ Y₂ : Dial C} (f : X₁ X₂) (g : Y₁ Y₂) :
    X₁.tensorObj Y₁ X₂.tensorObj Y₂

    The functorial action of X ⊗ Y in Dial C.

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    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.Dial.tensorHom_f {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] [Limits.HasFiniteProducts C] [Limits.HasPullbacks C] {X₁ X₂ Y₁ Y₂ : Dial C} (f : X₁ X₂) (g : Y₁ Y₂) :

      The unit for the tensor X ⊗ Y in Dial C.

      Instances For

        The associator for tensor, (X ⊗ Y) ⊗ Z ≅ X ⊗ (Y ⊗ Z) in Dial C.

        Instances For
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          theorem CategoryTheory.Dial.instMonoidalCategoryStruct_tensorHom_f {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] [Limits.HasFiniteProducts C] [Limits.HasPullbacks C] {X₁✝ Y₁✝ X₂✝ Y₂✝ : Dial C} (f : X₁✝ Y₁✝) (g : X₂✝ Y₂✝) :
          theorem CategoryTheory.Dial.tensor_comp {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] [Limits.HasFiniteProducts C] [Limits.HasPullbacks C] {X₁ Y₁ Z₁ X₂ Y₂ Z₂ : Dial C} (f₁ : X₁ Y₁) (f₂ : X₂ Y₂) (g₁ : Y₁ Z₁) (g₂ : Y₂ Z₂) :
          theorem CategoryTheory.Dial.associator_naturality {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] [Limits.HasFiniteProducts C] [Limits.HasPullbacks C] {X₁ X₂ X₃ Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ : Dial C} (f₁ : X₁ Y₁) (f₂ : X₂ Y₂) (f₃ : X₃ Y₃) :
          CategoryStruct.comp (tensorHom (tensorHom f₁ f₂) f₃) (Y₁.associator Y₂ Y₃).hom = CategoryStruct.comp (X₁.associator X₂ X₃).hom (tensorHom f₁ (tensorHom f₂ f₃))