Fibered categories #
This file defines what it means for a functor p : š³ ā„¤ š®
to be (pre)fibered.
Main definitions #
IsPreFibered p
is fibered overš®
via a functorp : š³ ā„¤ š®
, as in SGA VI.6.1. This means that any morphism in the baseš®
can be lifted to a cartesian morphism inš³
.IsFibered p
is fibered overš®
via a functorp : š³ ā„¤ š®
, as in SGA VI.6.1. This means that it is prefibered, and that the composition of any two cartesian morphisms is cartesian.
In the literature one often sees the notion of a fibered category defined as the existence of
strongly cartesian morphisms lying over any given morphism in the base. This is equivalent to the
notion above, and we give an alternate constructor IsFibered.of_exists_isCartesian'
constructing a fibered category this way.
Implementation #
The constructor of IsPreFibered
is called exists_isCartesian'
. The reason for the prime is that
when wanting to apply this condition, it is recommended to instead use the lemma
(without the prime), which is more applicable with respect to non-definitional
References #
Definition of a prefibered category.
See SGA 1 VI.6.1.
Definition of a fibered category.
See SGA 1 VI.6.1.
- comp {R S T : š®} (f : R ā¶ S) (g : S ā¶ T) {a b c : š³} (Ļ : a ā¶ b) (Ļ : b ā¶ c) [p.IsCartesian f Ļ] [p.IsCartesian g Ļ] : p.IsCartesian (CategoryStruct.comp f g) (CategoryStruct.comp Ļ Ļ)
Given a fibered category p : š³ ā„¤ š«
, a morphism f : R ā¶ S
and an object a
lying over S
then pullbackObj
is the domain of some choice of a cartesian morphism lying over f
codomain a
Instances For
Given a fibered category p : š³ ā„¤ š«
, a morphism f : R ā¶ S
and an object a
lying over S
then pullbackMap
is a choice of a cartesian morphism lying over f
with codomain a
Instances For
In a fibered category, any cartesian morphism is strongly cartesian.
In a category which admits strongly cartesian pullbacks, any cartesian morphism is strongly cartesian. This is a helper-lemma for the fact that admitting strongly cartesian pullbacks implies being fibered.
Alternate constructor for IsFibered
, a functor p : š³ ā„¤ š“
is fibered if any diagram of the
R --f--> p(a)
admits a strongly cartesian lift b ā¶ a
of f
Given a diagram
T --g--> R --f--> S
we have an isomorphism T Ć_S a ā
T Ć_R (R Ć_S a)
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