2-squares of functors #
Given four functors T
, L
, R
and B
, a 2-square TwoSquare T L R B
consists of
a natural transformation w : T ⋙ R ⟶ L ⋙ B
C₁ ⥤ C₂
L | | R
v v
C₃ ⥤ C₄
We define operations to paste such squares horizontally and vertically and prove the interchange law of those two operations.
Generalize all of this to double categories.
A 2
-square consists of a natural transformation T ⋙ R ⟶ L ⋙ B
involving fours functors T
, L
, R
, B
that are on the
top/left/right/bottom sides of a square of categories.
- CategoryTheory.TwoSquare T L R B = (T.comp R ⟶ L.comp B)
Instances For
Constructor for TwoSquare
- CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.mk T L R B α = α
Instances For
The natural transfomration associated to a 2-square.
Instances For
The type of 2-squares on functors T
, L
, R
, and B
is trivially equivalent to
the type of natural transformations T ⋙ R ⟶ L ⋙ B
- CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.equivNatTrans T L R B = { toFun := CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.natTrans, invFun := CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.mk T L R B, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
The hoizontal identity 2-square.
Instances For
Notation for the horizontal identity 2-square.
- CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.«term𝟙ₕ» = Lean.ParserDescr.node `CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.«term𝟙ₕ» 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "𝟙ₕ")
Instances For
The vertical identity 2-square.
Instances For
Notation for the vertical identity 2-square.
- CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.«term𝟙ᵥ» = Lean.ParserDescr.node `CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.«term𝟙ᵥ» 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "𝟙ᵥ")
Instances For
Whiskering a 2-square with a natural transformation at the top.
- w.whiskerTop α = CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.mk T L R B (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.whiskerRight α R) w.natTrans)
Instances For
Whiskering a 2-square with a natural transformation at the left side.
- w.whiskerLeft α = CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.mk T L' R B (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp w.natTrans (CategoryTheory.whiskerRight α B))
Instances For
Whiskering a 2-square with a natural transformation at the right side.
- w.whiskerRight α = CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.mk T L R B (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.whiskerLeft T α) w.natTrans)
Instances For
Whiskering a 2-square with a natural transformation at the bottom.
- w.whiskerBottom α = CategoryTheory.TwoSquare.mk T L R B' (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp w.natTrans (CategoryTheory.whiskerLeft L α))
Instances For
The horizontal composition of 2-squares.
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Instances For
Notation for the horizontal composition of 2-squares.
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Instances For
The vertical composition of 2-squares.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Notation for the vertical composition of 2-squares.
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Instances For
When composing 2-squares which form a diagram of grid, compositing horionzall first yields the same result as composing vertically first.