

Fiber functors are (faithfully) full #

Any (fiber) functor F : C ⥤ FintypeCat factors via the forgetful functor from finite Aut F-sets to finite sets. The induced functor H : C ⥤ Action FintypeCat (Aut F) is faithfully full. The faithfulness follows easily from the faithfulness of F. In this file we show that H is also full.

Main results #

The main input for this is that the induced functor H : C ⥤ Action FintypeCat (Aut F) preserves connectedness, which translates to the fact that Aut F acts transitively on the fibers of connected objects.

Implementation details #

We only show this for small categories, because the preservation of connectedness result as it is currently in Mathlib is only shown for (C : Type u₁) [Category.{u₂} C] (F : C ⥤ FintypeCat.{u₂}) and by the definition of Action, this forces u₁ = u₂ for the definition of functorToAction. Mathematically there should be no obstruction to generalizing the results of this file to arbitrary universes.

Let X be an object of a Galois category with fiber functor F and Y a sub-Aut F-set of F.obj X, on which Aut F acts transitively (i.e. which is connected in the Galois category of finite Aut F-sets). Then there exists a connected sub-object Z of X and an isomorphism Y ≅ F.obj X as Aut F-sets such that the obvious triangle commutes.

For a version without the connectedness assumption, see exists_lift_of_mono.

Let X be an object of a Galois category with fiber functor F and Y a sub-Aut F-set of F.obj X. Then there exists a sub-object Z of X and an isomorphism Y ≅ F.obj X as Aut F-sets such that the obvious triangle commutes.

The by a fiber functor F : C ⥤ FintypeCat induced functor functorToAction F to finite Aut F-sets is full.