Topology of fundamental group #
In this file we define a natural topology on the automorphism group of a functor
F : C ⥤ FintypeCat
: It is defined as the subspace topology induced by the natural
embedding of Aut F
into ∀ X, Aut (F.obj X)
Aut (F.obj X)
carries the discrete topology.
References #
For a functor F : C ⥤ FintypeCat
, the canonical embedding of Aut F
the product over Aut (F.obj X)
for all objects X
- CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.autEmbedding F =' (fun (σ : CategoryTheory.Aut F) (X : C) => σ X) ⋯
Instances For
We put the discrete topology on F.obj X
Instances For
We put the discrete topology on Aut (F.obj X)
Instances For
Aut F
is equipped with the by the embedding into ∀ X, Aut (F.obj X)
induced embedding.
The image of Aut F
in ∀ X, Aut (F.obj X)
are precisely the compatible families of
The image of Aut F
in ∀ X, Aut (F.obj X)
is closed.
Alias of CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.autEmbedding_isClosedEmbedding
- CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.instSMulAutFintypeCatObjCarrier F X = { smul := fun (σ : CategoryTheory.Aut (F.obj X)) (a : (F.obj X).carrier) => σ.hom a }
If H
is an open subset of Aut F
such that 1 ∈ H
, there exists a finite
set I
of connected objects of C
such that every σ : Aut F
that induces the identity
on F.obj X
for all X ∈ I
is contained in H
. In other words: The kernel
of the evaluation map Aut F →* ∏ X : I ↦ Aut (F.obj X)
is contained in H
The stabilizers of points in the fibers of Galois objects form a neighbourhood basis
of the identity in Aut F