

Colimits of connected index categories #

This file proves two characterizations of connected categories by means of colimits.

Characterization of connected categories by means of the unit-valued functor #

First, it is proved that a category C is connected if and only if colim F is a singleton, where F : C ⥤ Type w and F.obj _ = PUnit (for arbitrary w).

See isConnected_iff_colimit_constPUnitFunctor_iso_pUnit for the proof of this characterization and constPUnitFunctor for the definition of the constant functor used in the statement. A formulation based on IsColimit instead of colimit is given in isConnected_iff_isColimit_pUnitCocone.

The if direction is also available directly in several formulations: For connected index categories C, PUnit.{w} is a colimit of the constPUnitFunctor, where w is arbitrary. See instHasColimitConstPUnitFunctor, isColimitPUnitCocone and colimitConstPUnitIsoPUnit.

Final functors preserve connectedness of categories (in both directions) #

isConnected_iff_of_final proves that the domain of a final functor is connected if and only if its codomain is connected.

Tags #

unit-valued, singleton, colimit

The cocone on constPUnitFunctor with cone point PUnit.

Instances For

    If C is connected, the cocone on constPUnitFunctor with cone point PUnit is a colimit cocone.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Given a connected index category, the colimit of the constant unit-valued functor is PUnit.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem CategoryTheory.Limits.Types.zigzag_of_eqvGen_quot_rel (C : Type u) [Category.{v, u} C] (F : Functor C (Type w)) (c d : (j : C) × F.obj j) (h : Relation.EqvGen (Quot.Rel F) c d) :

        Let F be a Type-valued functor. If two elements a : F c and b : F d represent the same element of colimit F, then c and d are related by a Zigzag.

        An index category is connected iff the colimit of the constant singleton-valued functor is a singleton.

        The domain of a final functor is connected if and only if its codomain is connected.

        The domain of an initial functor is connected if and only if its codomain is connected.