ℕ-indexed products as sequential limits #
Given sequences M N : ℕ → C
of objects with morphisms f n : M n ⟶ N n
for all n
, this file
exhibits ∏ M
as the limit of the tower
⋯ → ∏_{n < m + 1} M n × ∏_{n ≥ m + 1} N n → ∏_{n < m} M n × ∏_{n ≥ m} N n → ⋯ → ∏ N
Further, we prove that the transition maps in this tower are epimorphisms, in the case when each
f n
is an epimorphism and C
has finite biproducts.
noncomputable def
{C : Type u_1}
(M N : ℕ → C)
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
ℕ → C
The product of the m
first objects of M
and the rest of the rest of N
- CategoryTheory.Limits.SequentialProduct.functorObj M N n = ∏ᶜ fun (m : ℕ) => if x : m < n then M m else N m
Instances For
noncomputable def
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(n m : ℕ)
(h : m < n)
The projection map from functorObj M N n
to M m
, when m < n
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
noncomputable def
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(n m : ℕ)
(h : ¬m < n)
The projection map from functorObj M N n
to N m
, when m ≥ n
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
noncomputable def
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(n : ℕ)
The transition maps in the sequential limit of products
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(n : ℕ)
CategoryStruct.comp ((Functor.ofOpSequence (functorMap f)).map (homOfLE ⋯).op)
(CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π (fun (m : ℕ) => if x : m < Opposite.unop (Opposite.op n) then M m else N m) n)
(eqToHom ⋯)) = CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π (fun (i : ℕ) => if x : i < n + 1 then M i else N i) n)
(CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ⋯) (f n))
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
{n m k : ℕ}
(h : n ≤ m)
(hh : ¬k < m)
CategoryStruct.comp ((Functor.ofOpSequence (functorMap f)).map (homOfLE h).op)
(CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π (fun (m : ℕ) => if x : m < Opposite.unop (Opposite.op n) then M m else N m) k)
(eqToHom ⋯)) = CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π (fun (i : ℕ) => if x : i < m then M i else N i) k) (eqToHom ⋯)
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
{n m : ℕ}
(h : ¬m < n)
CategoryStruct.comp ((Functor.ofOpSequence (functorMap f)).map (homOfLE ⋯).op)
(CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π (fun (m : ℕ) => if x : m < Opposite.unop (Opposite.op n) then M m else N m) m)
(eqToHom ⋯)) = CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π (fun (i : ℕ) => if x : i < m + 1 then M i else N i) m)
(CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ⋯) (f m))
noncomputable def
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
The cone over the tower
⋯ → ∏_{n < m} M n × ∏_{n ≥ m} N n → ⋯ → ∏ N
with cone point ∏ M
. This is a limit cone, see CategoryTheory.Limits.SequentialProduct.isLimit
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(n : ℕ)
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(m n : ℕ)
(h : n < m)
CategoryStruct.comp ((cone f).π.app (Opposite.op m)) (Pi.π (fun (i : ℕ) => if x : i < m then M i else N i) n) = CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π M n) (eqToHom ⋯)
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(m n : ℕ)
(h : n < m)
{Z : C}
(h✝ : (if x : n < m then M n else N n) ⟶ Z)
CategoryStruct.comp ((cone f).π.app (Opposite.op m))
(CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π (fun (i : ℕ) => if x : i < m then M i else N i) n) h✝) = CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π M n) (CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ⋯) h✝)
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(m n : ℕ)
(h : ¬n < m)
CategoryStruct.comp ((cone f).π.app (Opposite.op m))
(Pi.π (fun (m_1 : ℕ) => if x : m_1 < Opposite.unop (Opposite.op m) then M m_1 else N m_1) n) = CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π M n) (CategoryStruct.comp (f n) (eqToHom ⋯))
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
(m n : ℕ)
(h : ¬n < m)
{Z : C}
(h✝ : (if x : n < m then M n else N n) ⟶ Z)
CategoryStruct.comp ((cone f).π.app (Opposite.op m))
(CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π (fun (m_1 : ℕ) => if x : m_1 < m then M m_1 else N m_1) n) h✝) = CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π M n) (CategoryStruct.comp (f n) (CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ⋯) h✝))
noncomputable def
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
The cone over the tower
⋯ → ∏_{n < m} M n × ∏_{n ≥ m} N n → ⋯ → ∏ N
with cone point ∏ M
is indeed a limit cone.
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Instances For
{C : Type u_1}
{M N : ℕ → C}
[Category.{u_2, u_1} C]
(f : (n : ℕ) → M n ⟶ N n)
[HasProductsOfShape ℕ C]
[HasZeroMorphisms C]
[HasFiniteBiproducts C]
[HasCountableProducts C]
[∀ (n : ℕ), Epi (f n)]
(n : ℕ)
Epi (functorMap f n)