Resolutions for a morphism of localizers #
Given a morphism of localizers Φ : LocalizerMorphism W₁ W₂
(i.e. W₁
and W₂
morphism properties on categories C₁
and C₂
, and we have a functor
Φ.functor : C₁ ⥤ C₂
which sends morphisms in W₁
to morphisms in W₂
), we introduce
the notion of right resolutions of objects in C₂
: if X₂ : C₂
A right resolution consists of an object X₁ : C₁
and a morphism
w : X₂ ⟶ Φ.functor.obj X₁
that is in W₂
. Then, the typeclass
holds when any X₂ : C₂
has a right resolution.
The type of right resolutions Φ.RightResolution X₂
is endowed with a category
structure when the morphism property W₁
is multiplicative.
Similar definitions are done from left resolutions.
Future works #
- formalize right derivability structures as localizer morphisms admitting right resolutions and forming a Guitart exact square, as it is defined in [the paper by Kahn and Maltsiniotis][KahnMaltsiniotis2008] (TODO @joelriou)
- show that if
is an abelian category with enough injectives, there is a derivability structure associated to the inclusion of the full subcategory of complexes of injective objects into the bounded below homotopy category ofC
(TODO @joelriou) - formalize dual results
References #
- [Bruno Kahn and Georges Maltsiniotis, Structures de dérivabilité][KahnMaltsiniotis2008]
The category of right resolutions of an object in the target category of a localizer morphism.
- X₁ : C₁
an object in the source category
a morphism to an object of the form
Φ.functor.obj X₁
- hw : W₂ self.w
Instances For
The category of left resolutions of an object in the target category of a localizer morphism.
- X₁ : C₁
an object in the source category
a morphism from an object of the form
Φ.functor.obj X₁
- hw : W₂ self.w
Instances For
A localizer morphism has right resolutions when any object has a right resolution.
- Φ.HasRightResolutions = ∀ (X₂ : C₂), Nonempty (Φ.RightResolution X₂)
Instances For
A localizer morphism has right resolutions when any object has a right resolution.
- Φ.HasLeftResolutions = ∀ (X₂ : C₂), Nonempty (Φ.LeftResolution X₂)
Instances For
The type of morphisms in the category Φ.RightResolution X₂
(when W₁
is multiplicative).
a morphism in the source category
- hf : W₁ self.f
Instances For
The identity of a object in Φ.RightResolution X₂
- R = { f := R.X₁, hf := ⋯, comm := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of morphisms in Φ.RightResolution X₂
- φ.comp ψ = { f := CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp φ.f ψ.f, hf := ⋯, comm := ⋯ }
Instances For
The type of morphisms in the category Φ.LeftResolution X₂
(when W₁
is multiplicative).
a morphism in the source category
- hf : W₁ self.f
Instances For
The identity of a object in Φ.LeftResolution X₂
- L = { f := L.X₁, hf := ⋯, comm := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of morphisms in Φ.LeftResolution X₂
- φ.comp ψ = { f := CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp φ.f ψ.f, hf := ⋯, comm := ⋯ }
Instances For
The canonical map Φ.LeftResolution X₂ → Φ.op.RightResolution (Opposite.op X₂)
Instances For
The canonical map Φ.op.LeftResolution X₂ → Φ.RightResolution X₂
Instances For
The canonical map Φ.RightResolution X₂ → Φ.op.LeftResolution (Opposite.op X₂)
Instances For
The canonical map Φ.op.RightResolution X₂ → Φ.LeftResolution X₂
Instances For
The functor (Φ.LeftResolution X₂)ᵒᵖ ⥤ Φ.op.RightResolution (Opposite.op X₂)
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The functor (Φ.op.RightResolution X₂)ᵒᵖ ⥤ Φ.LeftResolution X₂.unop
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The equivalence of categories
(Φ.LeftResolution X₂)ᵒᵖ ≌ Φ.op.RightResolution (Opposite.op X₂)
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.