

Cover-preserving functors between sites. #

In order to show that a functor is continuous, we define cover-preserving functors between sites as functors that push covering sieves to covering sieves. Then, a cover-preserving and compatible-preserving functor is continuous.

Main definitions #

Main results #

References #

A functor G : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K) between sites is cover-preserving if for all covering sieves R in C, R.functorPushforward G is a covering sieve in D.

Instances For

    The identity functor on a site is cover-preserving.

    The composition of two cover-preserving functors is cover-preserving.

    A functor G : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K) between sites is called compatible preserving if for each compatible family of elements at C and valued in G.op ⋙ ℱ, and each commuting diagram f₁ ≫ g₁ = f₂ ≫ g₂, x g₁ and x g₂ coincide when restricted via fᵢ. This is actually stronger than merely preserving compatible families because of the definition of functorPushforward used.

    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.CompatiblePreserving.apply_map {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₂, u₂} D] {K : GrothendieckTopology D} {G : Functor C D} (hG : CompatiblePreserving K G) ( : Sheaf K (Type w)) {Z : C} {T : Presieve Z} {x : Presieve.FamilyOfElements (G.op.comp .val) T} (h : x.Compatible) {Y : C} {f : Y Z} (hf : T f) :
      theorem CategoryTheory.compatiblePreservingOfDownwardsClosed {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₂, u₂} D] (K : GrothendieckTopology D) (F : Functor C D) [F.Full] [F.Faithful] (hF : {c : C} → {d : D} → (d F.obj c) → (c' : C) × (F.obj c' d)) :

      If F is cover-preserving and compatible-preserving, then F is a continuous functor.

      Stacks Tag 00WW (This is basically this Stacks entry.)