Coverages #
A coverage K
on a category C
is a set of presieves associated to every object X : C
called "covering presieves".
This collection must satisfy a certain "pullback compatibility" condition, saying that
whenever S
is a covering presieve on X
and f : Y ⟶ X
is a morphism, then there exists
some covering sieve T
on Y
such that T
factors through S
along f
The main difference between a coverage and a Grothendieck pretopology is that we do not
require C
to have pullbacks.
This is useful, for example, when we want to consider the Grothendieck topology on the category
of extremally disconnected sets in the context of condensed mathematics.
A more concrete example: If ℬ
is a basis for a topology on a type X
(in the sense of
) then it naturally induces a coverage on Opens X
whose associated Grothendieck topology is the one induced by the topology
on X
generated by ℬ
. (Project: Formalize this!)
Main Definitions and Results: #
All definitions are in the CategoryTheory
Coverage C
: The type of coverages onC
.Coverage.ofGrothendieck C
: A function which associates a coverage to any Grothendieck topology.Coverage.toGrothendieck C
: A function which associates a Grothendieck topology to any
: The two functions above form a Galois insertion.Presieve.isSheaf_coverage
: GivenK : Coverage C
with associated Grothendieck topologyJ
, aType*
-valued presheaf onC
is a sheaf forK
if and only if it is a sheaf forJ
References #
We don't follow any particular reference, but the arguments can probably be distilled from the following sources:
- [Elephant]: Sketches of an Elephant, P. T. Johnstone: C2.1.
- nLab, Coverage
Given a morphism f : Y ⟶ X
, a presieve S
on Y
and presieve T
on X
we say that S
factors through T
along f
, written S.FactorsThruAlong T f
provided that for any morphism g : Z ⟶ Y
in S
, there exists some
morphism e : W ⟶ X
in T
and some morphism i : Z ⟶ W
such that the obvious
square commutes: i ≫ e = g ≫ f
This is used in the definition of a coverage.
- S.FactorsThruAlong T f = ∀ ⦃Z : C⦄ ⦃g : Z ⟶ Y⦄, S g → ∃ (W : C) (i : Z ⟶ W) (e : W ⟶ X), T e ∧ CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp i e = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp g f
Instances For
Given S T : Presieve X
, we say that S
factors through T
if any morphism in S
factors through some morphism in T
The lemma Presieve.isSheafFor_of_factorsThru
gives a sufficient condition for a
presheaf to be a sheaf for a presieve T
, in terms of S.FactorsThru T
, provided
that the presheaf is a sheaf for S
- S.FactorsThru T = ∀ ⦃Z : C⦄ ⦃g : Z ⟶ X⦄, S g → ∃ (W : C) (i : Z ⟶ W) (e : W ⟶ X), T e ∧ CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp i e = g
Instances For
The type Coverage C
of coverages on C
A coverage is a collection of covering presieves on every object X : C
which satisfies a pullback compatibility condition.
Explicitly, this condition says that whenever S
is a covering presieve for X
f : Y ⟶ X
is a morphism, then there exists some covering presieve T
for Y
such that T
factors through S
along f
The collection of covering presieves for an object
.- pullback ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X) (S : Presieve X) : S ∈ self.covering X → ∃ T ∈ self.covering Y, T.FactorsThruAlong S f
Given any covering sieve
and a morphismf : Y ⟶ X
, there exists some covering sieveT
such thatT
factors throughS
Instances For
Associate a coverage to any Grothendieck topology.
If J
is a Grothendieck topology, and K
is the associated coverage, then a presieve
is a covering presieve for K
if and only if the sieve that it generates is a
covering sieve for J
- CategoryTheory.Coverage.ofGrothendieck C J = { covering := fun (X : C) => {S : CategoryTheory.Presieve X | CategoryTheory.Sieve.generate S ∈ J X}, pullback := ⋯ }
Instances For
An auxiliary definition used to define the Grothendieck topology associated to a
coverage. See Coverage.toGrothendieck
- of {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} C] {K : Coverage C} (X : C) (S : Presieve X) (hS : S ∈ K.covering X) : K.Saturate X (Sieve.generate S)
- top {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} C] {K : Coverage C} (X : C) : K.Saturate X ⊤
- transitive {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} C] {K : Coverage C} (X : C) (R S : Sieve X) : K.Saturate X R → (∀ ⦃Y : C⦄ ⦃f : Y ⟶ X⦄, R.arrows f → K.Saturate Y (Sieve.pullback f S)) → K.Saturate X S
Instances For
The Grothendieck topology associated to a coverage K
It is defined inductively as follows:
- If
is a covering presieve forK
, then the sieve generated byS
is a covering sieve for the associated Grothendieck topology. - The top sieves are in the associated Grothendieck topology.
- Add all sieves required by the local character axiom of a Grothendieck topology.
The pullback compatibility condition for a coverage ensures that the associated Grothendieck topology is pullback stable, and so an additional constructor in the inductive construction is not needed.
- CategoryTheory.Coverage.toGrothendieck C K = { sieves := K.Saturate, top_mem' := ⋯, pullback_stable' := ⋯, transitive' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The two constructions Coverage.toGrothendieck
and Coverage.ofGrothendieck
a Galois insertion.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
An alternative characterization of the Grothendieck topology associated to a coverage K
it is the infimum of all Grothendieck topologies whose associated coverage contains K
- CategoryTheory.Coverage.instSemilatticeSup = (fun (x y : CategoryTheory.Coverage C) => { covering := fun (B : C) => x.covering B ∪ y.covering B, pullback := ⋯ }) ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Any sieve that contains a covering presieve for a coverage is a covering sieve for the associated Grothendieck topology.
The main theorem of this file: Given a coverage K
on C
a Type*
-valued presheaf on C
is a sheaf for K
if and only if it is a sheaf for
the associated Grothendieck topology.
A presheaf is a sheaf for the Grothendieck topology generated by a union of coverages iff it is a sheaf for the Grothendieck topology generated by each coverage separately.