

The adjoint functor is triangulated #

If a functor F : C ⥤ D between pretriangulated categories is triangulated, and if we have an adjunction F ⊣ G, then G is also a triangulated functor. We deduce the symmetric statement (if G is a triangulated functor, then so is F) using opposite categories.

We then introduce a class IsTriangulated for adjunctions: an adjunction F ⊣ G is called triangulated if both F and G are triangulated, and if the adjunction is compatible with the shifts by on F and G (in the sense of Adjunction.CommShift); we prove that this is compatible with composition and that the identity adjunction is triangulated. Thanks to the results above, an adjunction carrying an Adjunction.CommShift instance is triangulated as soon as one of the adjoint functors is triangulated.

We finally specialize these structures to equivalences of categories, and prove that, if E : C ≌ D is an equivalence of pretriangulated categories, then E.functor is triangulated if and only if E.inverse is triangulated.

The right adjoint of a triangulated functor is triangulated.

The left adjoint of a triangulated functor is triangulated.

We say that an adjunction F ⊣ G is triangulated if it is compatible with the CommShift structures on F and G (in the sense of Adjunction.CommShift) and if both F and G are triangulated functors.


    A composition of triangulated adjunctions is triangulated.

    @[reducible, inline]

    We say that an equivalence of categories E is triangulated if both E.functor and E.inverse are triangulated functors.

    Instances For

      If equivalences E : C ≌ D and E' : D ≌ F are triangulated, so is E.trans E'.