

Decomposing walks #

Main definitions #

Walk decompositions #

def SimpleGraph.Walk.takeUntil {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (u : V) :
u p.supportG.Walk v u

Given a vertex in the support of a path, give the path up until (and including) that vertex.

Instances For
    theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.takeUntil_cons {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {v w u : V} [DecidableEq V] {v' : V} {p : G.Walk v' v} (hwp : w (h : u w) (hadj : G.Adj u v') :
    (cons hadj p).takeUntil w = cons hadj (p.takeUntil w hwp)
    theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.takeUntil_first {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {v u : V} [DecidableEq V] (p : G.Walk u v) :
    p.takeUntil u = nil
    theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.nil_takeUntil {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {v w u : V} [DecidableEq V] (p : G.Walk u v) (hwp : w :
    (p.takeUntil w hwp).Nil u = w
    def SimpleGraph.Walk.dropUntil {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (u : V) :
    u p.supportG.Walk u w

    Given a vertex in the support of a path, give the path from (and including) that vertex to the end. In other words, drop vertices from the front of a path until (and not including) that vertex.

    Instances For
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.take_spec {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      (p.takeUntil u h).append (p.dropUntil u h) = p

      The takeUntil and dropUntil functions split a walk into two pieces. The lemma SimpleGraph.Walk.count_support_takeUntil_eq_one specifies where this split occurs.

      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.mem_support_iff_exists_append {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {u v w : V} {p : G.Walk u v} :
      w ∃ (q : G.Walk u w) (r : G.Walk w v), p = q.append r
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.count_support_takeUntil_eq_one {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.count_edges_takeUntil_le_one {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u (x : V) :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.takeUntil_copy {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w v' w' : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (hv : v = v') (hw : w = w') (h : u (p.copy hv hw).support) :
      (p.copy hv hw).takeUntil u h = (p.takeUntil u ).copy hv
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.dropUntil_copy {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w v' w' : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (hv : v = v') (hw : w = w') (h : u (p.copy hv hw).support) :
      (p.copy hv hw).dropUntil u h = (p.dropUntil u ).copy hw
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.support_takeUntil_subset {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.support_dropUntil_subset {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.darts_takeUntil_subset {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.darts_dropUntil_subset {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.edges_takeUntil_subset {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.edges_dropUntil_subset {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.length_takeUntil_le {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.length_dropUntil_le {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} (p : G.Walk v w) (h : u :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.getVert_takeUntil {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {w : V} [DecidableEq V] {u v : V} {n : } {p : G.Walk u v} (hw : w (hn : n (p.takeUntil w hw).length) :
      (p.takeUntil w hw).getVert n = p.getVert n
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.snd_takeUntil {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {v w u : V} [DecidableEq V] (hsu : w u) (p : G.Walk u v) (h : w :
      (p.takeUntil w h).snd = p.snd
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.length_takeUntil_lt {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v w : V} {p : G.Walk v w} (h : u (huw : u w) :
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.takeUntil_takeUntil {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {v u : V} [DecidableEq V] {w x : V} (p : G.Walk u v) (hw : w (hx : x (p.takeUntil w hw).support) :
      (p.takeUntil w hw).takeUntil x hx = p.takeUntil x
      theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.not_mem_support_takeUntil_takeUntil {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {v u : V} [DecidableEq V] {p : G.Walk u v} {w x : V} (h : x w) (hw : w (hx : x (p.takeUntil w hw).support) :
      w((p.takeUntil w hw).takeUntil x hx).support
      def SimpleGraph.Walk.rotate {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v : V} (c : G.Walk v v) (h : u :
      G.Walk u u

      Rotate a loop walk such that it is centered at the given vertex.

      Instances For
        theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.support_rotate {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v : V} (c : G.Walk v v) (h : u :
        theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.rotate_darts {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v : V} (c : G.Walk v v) (h : u :
        theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.rotate_edges {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableEq V] {u v : V} (c : G.Walk v v) (h : u :
        theorem SimpleGraph.Walk.mem_support_iff_exists_getVert {V : Type u} {G : SimpleGraph V} {u v w : V} {p : G.Walk v w} :
        u ∃ (n : ), p.getVert n = u n p.length

        Given a walk w and a node in the support, there exists a natural n, such that given node is the n-th node (zero-indexed) in the walk. In addition, n is at most the length of the path. Due to the definition of getVert it would otherwise be legal to return a larger n for the last node.