Nondeterministic Finite Automata #
This file contains the definition of a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), a state machine
which determines whether a string (implemented as a list over an arbitrary alphabet) is in a regular
set by evaluating the string over every possible path.
We show that DFA's are equivalent to NFA's however the construction from NFA to DFA uses an
exponential number of states.
Note that this definition allows for Automaton with infinite states; a Fintype
instance must be
supplied for true NFA's.
An NFA is a set of states (σ
), a transition function from state to state labelled by the
alphabet (step
), a set of starting states (start
) and a set of acceptance states (accept
Note the transition function sends a state to a Set
of states. These are the states that it
may be sent to.
- step : σ → α → Set σ
The NFA's transition function
- start : Set σ
Set of starting states
- accept : Set σ
Set of accepting states