Image and map operations on finite sets #
This file provides the finite analog of Set.image
, along with some other similar functions.
Note there are two ways to take the image over a finset; via Finset.image
which applies the
function then removes duplicates (requiring DecidableEq
), or via
which exploits
injectivity of the function to avoid needing to deduplicate. Choosing between these is similar to
choosing between insert
and Finset.cons
, or between Finset.union
and Finset.disjUnion
Main definitions #
: Given a functionf : α → β
,s.image f
is the image finset inβ
: Given an embeddingf : α ↪ β
, f
is the image finset inβ
Given a functionf : α → Option β
,s.filterMap f
is the image finset inβ
, filtering outnone
:s.subtype p
is the finset ofSubtype p
whose elements belong tos
:s.fin n
is the finset of all elements ofs
less thann
map #
When f
is an embedding of α
in β
and s
is a finset in α
, then f
is the image
finset in β
. The embedding condition guarantees that there are no duplicates in the image.
- f s = { val := (⇑f) s.val, nodup := ⋯ }
Instances For
If the only elements outside s
are those left fixed by σ
, then mapping by σ
has no effect.
Alias of the reverse direction of Finset.map_subset_map
The Finset
version of Equiv.subset_symm_image
The Finset
version of Equiv.symm_image_subset
Associate to an embedding f
from α
to β
the order embedding that maps a finset to its
image under f
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of Finset.map_ssubset_map
Alias of the reverse direction of Finset.map_nonempty
image #
image f s
is the forward image of s
under f
- Finset.image f s = ( f s.val).toFinset
Instances For
Alias of Finset.forall_mem_image
Alias of the forward direction of Finset.image_nonempty
filterMap #
filterMap f s
is a combination filter/map operation on s
The function f : α → Option β
is applied to each element of s
if f a
is some b
then b
is included in the result, otherwise
is excluded from the resulting finset.
In notation, filterMap f s
is the finset {b : β | ∃ a ∈ s , f a = some b}
- Finset.filterMap f s f_inj = { val := Multiset.filterMap f s.val, nodup := ⋯ }
Instances For
Subtype #
Given a finset s
and a predicate p
, s.subtype p
is the finset of Subtype p
elements belong to s
- Finset.subtype p s = { toFun := fun (x : { x : α // x ∈ Finset.filter p s }) => ⟨↑x, ⋯⟩, inj' := ⋯ } (Finset.filter p s).attach
Instances For
s.subtype p
converts back to s.filter p
If all elements of a Finset
satisfy the predicate p
s.subtype p
converts back to s
with Embedding.subtype
If a Finset
of a subtype is converted to the main type with
, all elements of the result have the property of
the subtype.
If a Finset
of a subtype is converted to the main type with
, the result does not contain any value that does
not satisfy the property of the subtype.
Fin #
Given a finset s
of natural numbers and a bound n
s.fin n
is the finset of all elements of s
less than n
- Finset.fin n s = Fin.equivSubtype.symm.toEmbedding (Finset.subtype (fun (i : ℕ) => i < n) s)
Instances For
If a Finset
is a subset of the image of a Set
under f
then it is equal to the Finset.image
of a Finset
subset of that Set
If a finset t
is a subset of the image of another finset s
under f
, then it is equal to the
image of a subset of s
For the version where s
is a set, see subset_set_image_iff
Given an equivalence α
to β
, produce an equivalence between Finset α
and Finset β
- e.finsetCongr = { toFun := fun (s : Finset α) => e.toEmbedding s, invFun := fun (s : Finset β) => e.symm.toEmbedding s, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a predicate p : α → Prop
, produces an equivalence between
Finset {a : α // p a}
and {s : Finset α // ∀ a ∈ s, p a}
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.