

Cardinal-valued rank #

In a finitary matroid, all bases have the same cardinality. In fact, something stronger holds: if each of I and J is a basis for a set X, then #(I \ J) = #(J \ I) and (consequently) #I = #J. This file introduces a typeclass InvariantCardinalRank that applies to any matroid such that this property holds for all I, J and X.

A matroid satisfying this condition has a well-defined cardinality-valued rank function, both for itself and all its minors.

Main Declarations #

Notes #

It is not the case that all matroids are InvariantCardinalRank, since the equicardinality of isBases in general matroids is independent of ZFC (see the module docstring of Mathlib.Data.Matroid.Basic). Lemmas like Matroid.Base.cardinalMk_diff_comm become true for all matroids only if they are weakened by replacing with the cruder ℕ∞-valued Set.encard; see, for example, Matroid.Base.encard_diff_comm.

Implementation Details #

Since the functions cRank and cRk are defined as suprema, independently of the Matroid.InvariantCardinalRank typeclass, they are well-defined for all matroids. However, for matroids that do not satisfy InvariantCardinalRank, they are badly behaved. For instance, in general cRk is not submodular, and its value may differ on a set X and the closure of X. We state and prove theorems without InvariantCardinalRank whenever possible, which sometime makes their proofs longer than they would be with the instance.


noncomputable def Matroid.cRank {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) :

The rank (supremum of the cardinalities of bases) of a matroid M as a Cardinal.

Instances For
    noncomputable def Matroid.cRk {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) (X : Set α) :

    The rank (supremum of the cardinalities of bases) of a set X in a matroid M, as a Cardinal.

    Instances For
      theorem Matroid.IsBase.cardinalMk_le_cRank {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {B : Set α} (hB : M.IsBase B) :
      theorem Matroid.Indep.cardinalMk_le_cRank {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I : Set α} (ind : M.Indep I) :
      theorem Matroid.cRank_eq_iSup_cardinalMk_indep {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} :
      M.cRank = ⨆ (I : { I : Set α // M.Indep I }), I
      theorem Matroid.IsBasis'.cardinalMk_le_cRk {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I X : Set α} (hIX : M.IsBasis' I X) :
      theorem Matroid.IsBasis.cardinalMk_le_cRk {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I X : Set α} (hIX : M.IsBasis I X) :
      theorem Matroid.cRank_le_iff {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {κ : Cardinal.{u}} :
      M.cRank κ ∀ ⦃B : Set α⦄, M.IsBase B κ
      theorem Matroid.cRk_le_iff {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {X : Set α} {κ : Cardinal.{u}} :
      M.cRk X κ ∀ ⦃I : Set α⦄, M.IsBasis' I I κ
      theorem Matroid.Indep.cardinalMk_le_cRk_of_subset {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I X : Set α} (hI : M.Indep I) (hIX : I X) :
      theorem Matroid.cRk_le_cardinalMk {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) (X : Set α) :
      theorem Matroid.cRk_ground {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) :
      M.cRk M.E = M.cRank
      theorem Matroid.cRank_restrict {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) (X : Set α) :
      (M.restrict X).cRank = M.cRk X
      theorem Matroid.cRk_mono {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) :
      theorem Matroid.cRk_le_of_subset {α : Type u} {X Y : Set α} (M : Matroid α) (hXY : X Y) :
      M.cRk X M.cRk Y
      theorem Matroid.cRk_inter_ground {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) (X : Set α) :
      M.cRk (X M.E) = M.cRk X
      theorem Matroid.cRk_restrict_subset {α : Type u} {X Y : Set α} (M : Matroid α) (hYX : Y X) :
      (M.restrict X).cRk Y = M.cRk Y
      theorem Matroid.cRk_restrict {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) (X Y : Set α) :
      (M.restrict X).cRk Y = M.cRk (X Y)
      theorem Matroid.Indep.cRk_eq_cardinalMk {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I : Set α} (hI : M.Indep I) : I = M.cRk I
      theorem Matroid.cRk_map_image_lift {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {f : αβ} (M : Matroid α) (hf : Set.InjOn f M.E) (X : Set α) (hX : X M.E := by aesop_mat) :
      theorem Matroid.cRk_map_image {α β : Type u} {f : αβ} (M : Matroid α) (hf : Set.InjOn f M.E) (X : Set α) (hX : X M.E := by aesop_mat) :
      ( f hf).cRk (f '' X) = M.cRk X
      theorem Matroid.cRk_map_eq {α β : Type u} {f : αβ} {X : Set β} (M : Matroid α) (hf : Set.InjOn f M.E) :
      ( f hf).cRk X = M.cRk (f ⁻¹' X)
      theorem Matroid.cRk_comap_lift {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (M : Matroid β) (f : αβ) (X : Set α) :
      theorem Matroid.cRk_comap {α β : Type u} (M : Matroid β) (f : αβ) (X : Set α) :
      (M.comap f).cRk X = M.cRk (f '' X)

      A class stating that cardinality-valued rank is well-defined (i.e. all isBases are equicardinal) for a matroid M and its minors. Notably, this holds for Finitary matroids; see Matroid.invariantCardinalRank_of_finitary.

        theorem Matroid.invariantCardinalRank_iff {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) :
        M.InvariantCardinalRank ∀ ⦃I J X : Set α⦄, M.IsBasis I XM.IsBasis J ↑(I \ J) = ↑(J \ I)
        theorem Matroid.IsBasis.cardinalMk_diff_comm {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I J X : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hIX : M.IsBasis I X) (hJX : M.IsBasis J X) : ↑(I \ J) = ↑(J \ I)
        theorem Matroid.IsBasis'.cardinalMk_diff_comm {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I J X : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hIX : M.IsBasis' I X) (hJX : M.IsBasis' J X) : ↑(I \ J) = ↑(J \ I)
        theorem Matroid.IsBase.cardinalMk_diff_comm {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {B B' : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hB : M.IsBase B) (hB' : M.IsBase B') : ↑(B \ B') = ↑(B' \ B)
        theorem Matroid.IsBasis.cardinalMk_eq {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I J X : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hIX : M.IsBasis I X) (hJX : M.IsBasis J X) :
        theorem Matroid.IsBasis'.cardinalMk_eq {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I J X : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hIX : M.IsBasis' I X) (hJX : M.IsBasis' J X) :
        theorem Matroid.IsBase.cardinalMk_eq {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {B B' : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hB : M.IsBase B) (hB' : M.IsBase B') :
        theorem Matroid.Indep.cardinalMk_le_isBase {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I B : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hI : M.Indep I) (hB : M.IsBase B) :
        theorem Matroid.Indep.cardinalMk_le_isBasis' {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I J X : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hI : M.Indep I) (hJ : M.IsBasis' J X) (hIX : I X) :
        theorem Matroid.Indep.cardinalMk_le_isBasis {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I J X : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hI : M.Indep I) (hJ : M.IsBasis J X) (hIX : I X) :
        theorem Matroid.IsBase.cardinalMk_eq_cRank {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {B : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hB : M.IsBase B) :

        Restrictions of matroids with cardinal rank functions have cardinal rank functions-

        theorem Matroid.IsBasis'.cardinalMk_eq_cRk {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I X : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hIX : M.IsBasis' I X) : I = M.cRk X
        theorem Matroid.IsBasis.cardinalMk_eq_cRk {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I X : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hIX : M.IsBasis I X) : I = M.cRk X
        theorem Matroid.cRk_closure {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (X : Set α) :
        M.cRk (M.closure X) = M.cRk X
        theorem Matroid.cRk_closure_congr {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {X Y : Set α} [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hXY : M.closure X = M.closure Y) :
        M.cRk X = M.cRk Y
        theorem Matroid.cRk_union_closure_right_eq {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (X Y : Set α) :
        M.cRk (X M.closure Y) = M.cRk (X Y)
        theorem Matroid.cRk_union_closure_left_eq {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (X Y : Set α) :
        M.cRk (M.closure X Y) = M.cRk (X Y)
        theorem Matroid.cRk_insert_closure_eq {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (e : α) (X : Set α) :
        M.cRk (insert e (M.closure X)) = M.cRk (insert e X)
        theorem Matroid.cRk_union_closure_eq {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (X Y : Set α) :
        M.cRk (M.closure X M.closure Y) = M.cRk (X Y)
        theorem Matroid.cRk_inter_add_cRk_union_le {α : Type u} (M : Matroid α) [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (X Y : Set α) :
        M.cRk (X Y) + M.cRk (X Y) M.cRk X + M.cRk Y

        The Cardinal rank function is submodular.

        Finitary matroids have a cardinality-valued rank function.

        instance Matroid.invariantCardinalRank_map {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {f : αβ} (M : Matroid α) [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (hf : Set.InjOn f M.E) :
        instance Matroid.invariantCardinalRank_comap {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (M : Matroid β) [M.InvariantCardinalRank] (f : αβ) :
        theorem Matroid.Indep.isBase_of_cRank_le {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I : Set α} [M.RankFinite] (ind : M.Indep I) (le : M.cRank I) :
        M.IsBase I
        theorem Matroid.Spanning.isBase_of_le_cRank {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {X : Set α} [M.RankFinite] (h : M.Spanning X) (le : X M.cRank) :
        M.IsBase X
        theorem Matroid.Indep.isBase_of_cRank_le_of_finite {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {I : Set α} (ind : M.Indep I) (le : M.cRank I) (fin : I.Finite) :
        M.IsBase I
        theorem Matroid.Spanning.isBase_of_le_cRank_of_finite {α : Type u} {M : Matroid α} {X : Set α} (h : M.Spanning X) (le : X M.cRank) (fin : X.Finite) :
        M.IsBase X