

Dershowitz-Manna ordering #

In this file we define the Dershowitz-Manna ordering on multisets. Specifically, for two multisets M and N in a partial order (S, <), M is smaller than N in the Dershowitz-Manna ordering if M can be obtained from N by replacing one or more elements in N by some finite number of elements from S, each of which is smaller (in the underling ordering over S) than one of the replaced elements from N. We prove that, given a well-founded partial order on the underlying set, the Dershowitz-Manna ordering defined over multisets is also well-founded.

Main results #

References #

def Multiset.IsDershowitzMannaLT {α : Type u_1} [Preorder α] (M N : Multiset α) :

The standard Dershowitz–Manna ordering.

Instances For

    Over a well-founded order, the Dershowitz-Manna order on multisets is well-founded.