The positive natural numbers #
This file develops the type ℕ+
or PNat
, the subtype of natural numbers that are positive.
It is defined in Data.PNat.Defs
, but most of the development is deferred to here so
that Data.PNat.Defs
can have very few imports.
promoted to an AddHom
, that is, a morphism which preserves addition.
- PNat.coeAddHom = { toFun := Coe.coe, map_add' := PNat.add_coe }
Instances For
The order isomorphism between ℕ and ℕ+ given by succ
- OrderIso.pnatIsoNat = { toEquiv := Equiv.pnatEquivNat, map_rel_iff' := ⋯ }
Instances For
promoted to a MonoidHom
- PNat.coeMonoidHom = { toFun := Coe.coe, map_one' := PNat.one_coe, map_mul' := PNat.mul_coe }
Instances For
b is greater one if any a is less than b
Subtraction a - b is defined in the obvious way when a > b, and by a - b = 1 if a ≤ b.
- PNat.instSub = { sub := fun (a b : ℕ+) => (↑a - ↑b).toPNat' }