

Extension of field embeddings #

IntermediateField.exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits' is the main result: if E/L/F is a tower of field extensions, K is another extension of F, and f is an embedding of L/F into K/F, such that the minimal polynomials of a set of generators of E/L splits in K (via f), then f extends to an embedding of E/F into K/F.

Reference #

[Isaacs1980] Roots of Polynomials in Algebraic Extensions of Fields, The American Mathematical Monthly

structure IntermediateField.Lifts (F : Type u_1) (E : Type u_2) (K : Type u_3) [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] :
Type (max u_2 u_3)

Lifts L → K of F → K

Instances For
    noncomputable instance IntermediateField.Lifts.instOrderBot {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] :
    OrderBot (Lifts F E K)
    noncomputable instance IntermediateField.Lifts.instInhabited {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] :
    theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.le_iff {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {L₁ L₂ : Lifts F E K} :
    L₁ L₂ ∃ (h : L₁.carrier L₂.carrier), L₂.emb.comp (inclusion h) = L₁.emb
    theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.eq_iff_le_carrier_eq {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {L₁ L₂ : Lifts F E K} :
    L₁ = L₂ L₁ L₂ L₁.carrier = L₂.carrier
    theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.eq_iff {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {L₁ L₂ : Lifts F E K} :
    L₁ = L₂ ∃ (h : L₁.carrier = L₂.carrier), L₂.emb.comp (inclusion ) = L₁.emb
    theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.lt_iff_le_carrier_ne {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {L₁ L₂ : Lifts F E K} :
    L₁ < L₂ L₁ L₂ L₁.carrier L₂.carrier
    theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.lt_iff {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {L₁ L₂ : Lifts F E K} :
    L₁ < L₂ ∃ (h : L₁.carrier < L₂.carrier), L₂.emb.comp (inclusion ) = L₁.emb
    theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.le_of_carrier_le_iSup {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {ι : Sort u_4} {ρ : ιLifts F E K} {σ τ : Lifts F E K} ( : ∀ (i : ι), ρ i σ) ( : ∀ (i : ι), ρ i τ) (carrier_le : σ.carrier ⨆ (i : ι), (ρ i).carrier) :
    σ τ
    def IntermediateField.Lifts.IsExtendible {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (σ : Lifts F E K) :

    σ : L →ₐ[F] K is an extendible lift ("extendible pair" in [Isaacs1980]) if for every intermediate field M that is finite-dimensional over L, σ extends to some M →ₐ[F] K. In our definition we only require M to be finitely generated over L, which is equivalent if the ambient field E is algebraic over F (which is the case in our main application). We also allow the domain of the extension to be an intermediate field that properly contains M, since one can always restrict the domain to M.

    Instances For
      noncomputable def IntermediateField.Lifts.union {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (c : Set (Lifts F E K)) (hc : IsChain (fun (x1 x2 : Lifts F E K) => x1 x2) c) :
      Lifts F E K

      The union of a chain of lifts.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.le_union {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (c : Set (Lifts F E K)) (hc : IsChain (fun (x1 x2 : Lifts F E K) => x1 x2) c) σ : Lifts F E K ( : σ c) :
        σ union c hc
        theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.carrier_union {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (c : Set (Lifts F E K)) (hc : IsChain (fun (x1 x2 : Lifts F E K) => x1 x2) c) :
        (union c hc).carrier = ⨆ (i : c), (↑i).carrier
        theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.exists_upper_bound {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (c : Set (Lifts F E K)) (hc : IsChain (fun (x1 x2 : Lifts F E K) => x1 x2) c) :
        ∃ (ub : Lifts F E K), ac, a ub

        A chain of lifts has an upper bound.

        theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.union_isExtendible {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (c : Set (Lifts F E K)) (hc : IsChain (fun (x1 x2 : Lifts F E K) => x1 x2) c) [alg : Algebra.IsAlgebraic F E] [Nonempty c] (hext : σc, σ.IsExtendible) :
        theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.nonempty_algHom_of_exist_lifts_finset {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] [alg : Algebra.IsAlgebraic F E] (h : ∀ (S : Finset E), ∃ (σ : Lifts F E K), S σ.carrier) :
        theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.exists_lift_of_splits' {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (x : Lifts F E K) {s : E} (h1 : IsIntegral (↥x.carrier) s) (h2 : Polynomial.Splits x.emb.toRingHom (minpoly (↥x.carrier) s)) :
        ∃ (y : Lifts F E K), x y s y.carrier

        Given a lift x and an integral element s : E over x.carrier whose conjugates over x.carrier are all in K, we can extend the lift to a lift whose carrier contains s.

        theorem IntermediateField.Lifts.exists_lift_of_splits {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (x : Lifts F E K) {s : E} (h1 : IsIntegral F s) (h2 : Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) :
        ∃ (y : Lifts F E K), x y s y.carrier

        Given an integral element s : E over F whose F-conjugates are all in K, any lift can be extended to one whose carrier contains s.

        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits' {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E} {L : Type u_4} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (f : L →ₐ[F] K) (hK : sS, IsIntegral L s Polynomial.Splits f.toRingHom (minpoly L s)) :
        ∃ (φ : (adjoin L S) →ₐ[F] K), AlgHom.restrictDomain L φ = f
        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits' {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E} {L : Type u_4} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (f : L →ₐ[F] K) (hK : sS, IsIntegral L s Polynomial.Splits f.toRingHom (minpoly L s)) (hS : adjoin L S = ) :
        ∃ (φ : E →ₐ[F] K), AlgHom.restrictDomain L φ = f
        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_of_splits' {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {L : Type u_4} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (f : L →ₐ[F] K) (hK : ∀ (s : E), IsIntegral L s Polynomial.Splits f.toRingHom (minpoly L s)) :
        ∃ (φ : E →ₐ[F] K), AlgHom.restrictDomain L φ = f
        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E} (hK : sS, IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) {L : IntermediateField F E} (f : L →ₐ[F] K) (hL : L adjoin F S) :
        ∃ (φ : (adjoin F S) →ₐ[F] K), φ.comp (inclusion hL) = f
        theorem IntermediateField.nonempty_algHom_adjoin_of_splits {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E} (hK : sS, IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) :
        Nonempty ((adjoin F S) →ₐ[F] K)
        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E} (hK : sS, IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) {L : IntermediateField F E} (f : L →ₐ[F] K) (hS : adjoin F S = ) :
        ∃ (φ : E →ₐ[F] K), φ.comp L.val = f
        theorem IntermediateField.nonempty_algHom_of_adjoin_splits {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E} (hK : sS, IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) (hS : adjoin F S = ) :
        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits_of_aeval {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E} (hK : sS, IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) {x : E} {y : K} (hx : x adjoin F S) (hy : (Polynomial.aeval y) (minpoly F x) = 0) :
        ∃ (φ : (adjoin F S) →ₐ[F] K), φ x, hx = y
        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits_of_aeval {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E} (hK : sS, IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) {x : E} {y : K} (hS : adjoin F S = ) (hy : (Polynomial.aeval y) (minpoly F x) = 0) :
        ∃ (φ : E →ₐ[F] K), φ x = y
        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_of_splits {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (hK' : ∀ (s : E), IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) {L : IntermediateField F E} (f : L →ₐ[F] K) :
        ∃ (φ : E →ₐ[F] K), φ.comp L.val = f
        theorem IntermediateField.nonempty_algHom_of_splits {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (hK' : ∀ (s : E), IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) :
        theorem IntermediateField.exists_algHom_of_splits_of_aeval {F : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] (hK' : ∀ (s : E), IsIntegral F s Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F K) (minpoly F s)) {x : E} {y : K} (hy : (Polynomial.aeval y) (minpoly F x) = 0) :
        ∃ (φ : E →ₐ[F] K), φ x = y
        theorem Algebra.IsAlgebraic.range_eval_eq_rootSet_minpoly_of_splits {F : Type u_1} {K : Type u_2} (L : Type u_3) [Field F] [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra F K] (hA : ∀ (x : K), Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap F L) (minpoly F x)) [Algebra.IsAlgebraic F K] (x : K) :
        (Set.range fun (ψ : K →ₐ[F] L) => ψ x) = (minpoly F x).rootSet L

        Let K/F be an algebraic extension of fields and L a field in which all the minimal polynomial over F of elements of K splits. Then, for x ∈ K, the images of x by the F-algebra morphisms from K to L are exactly the roots in L of the minimal polynomial of x over F.