predicate #
This file contains IsPerfectClosure
which asserts that L
is a perfect closure of K
under a
ring homomorphism i : K →+* L
, as well as its basic properties.
Main definitions #
: given a natural numberp
, thep
-nilradical of a ring is defined to be the nilradical ifp > 1
), and defined to be the zero ideal ifp ≤ 1
). Equivalently, it is the ideal consisting of elementsx
such thatx ^ p ^ n = 0
for somen
: a ring homomorphismi : K →+* L
of characteristicp
rings is calledp
-radical, if or any elementx
there isn : ℕ
such thatx ^ (p ^ n)
is contained inK
, and the kernel ofi
is contained in thep
-nilradical ofK
. A generalization of purely inseparable extension for fields.IsPerfectClosure
: ifi : K →+* L
-radical ring homomorphism, then it makesL
a perfect closure ofK
, ifL
is perfect.Our definition makes it synonymous to
ifPerfectRing L p
is present. A caveat is that you need to write[PerfectRing L p] [IsPerfectClosure i p]
. This is similar toPerfectRing
which hasExpChar
as a prerequisite.PerfectRing.lift
: if ap
-radical ring homomorphismK →+* L
is given,M
is a perfect ring, then any ring homomorphismK →+* M
can be lifted toL →+* M
. This is similar toIsAlgClosed.lift
:K →+* M
is one-to-one correspondence toL →+* M
, given byPerfectRing.lift
. This is a generalization toPerfectClosure.lift
: perfect closures of a ring are isomorphic.
Main results #
: composition ofp
-radical ring homomorphisms is alsop
: the absolute perfect closurePerfectClosure
is ap
-radical extension over the base ring, in particular, it is a perfect closure of the base ring.IsPRadical.isPurelyInseparable
-radical and purely inseparable are equivalent for fields.The (relative) perfect closure
is a perfect closure (inferred fromIsPurelyInseparable.isPRadical
automatically by Lean).
Tags #
perfect ring, perfect closure, purely inseparable
Given a natural number p
, the p
-nilradical of a ring is defined to be the
nilradical if p > 1
), and defined to be the zero ideal if p ≤ 1
). Equivalently, it is the ideal consisting of elements x
such that
x ^ p ^ n = 0
for some n
- pNilradical R p = if 1 < p then nilradical R else ⊥
Instances For
If i : K →+* L
is a ring homomorphism of characteristic p
rings, then it is called
-radical if the following conditions are satisfied:
- For any element
there isn : ℕ
such thatx ^ (p ^ n)
is contained inK
. - The kernel of
is contained in thep
-nilradical ofK
It is a generalization of purely inseparable extension for fields.
Composition of p
-radical ring homomorphisms is also p
If i : K →+* L
is a p
-radical ring homomorphism, then it makes L
a perfect closure
of K
, if L
is perfect.
In this case the kernel of i
is equal to the p
-nilradical of K
(see IsPerfectClosure.ker_eq
Our definition makes it synonymous to IsPRadical
if PerfectRing L p
is present. A caveat is
that you need to write [PerfectRing L p] [IsPerfectClosure i p]
. This is similar to
which has ExpChar
as a prerequisite.
- IsPerfectClosure i p = IsPRadical i p
Instances For
If i : K →+* L
is a ring homomorphism of exponential characteristic p
rings, such that L
is perfect, then the p
-nilradical of K
is contained in the kernel of i
If i : K →+* L
and j : K →+* M
are ring homomorphisms of characteristic p
rings, such that
is p
-radical (in fact only the IsPRadical.pow_mem
is required) and M
is a perfect ring,
then one can define a map L → M
which maps an element x
of L
to y ^ (p ^ -n)
x ^ (p ^ n)
is equal to some element y
of K
- PerfectRing.liftAux i j p x = (iterateFrobeniusEquiv M p (Classical.choose ⋯).1).symm (j (Classical.choose ⋯).2)
Instances For
If i : K →+* L
is p
-radical, then for any ring M
of exponential charactistic p
-nilradical is zero, the map (L →+* M) → (K →+* M)
induced by i
is injective.
If i : K →+* L
is p
-radical, then for any reduced ring M
of exponential charactistic p
the map (L →+* M) → (K →+* M)
induced by i
is injective.
A special case of IsPRadical.injective_comp_of_pNilradical_eq_bot
and a generalization of IsPurelyInseparable.injective_comp_algebraMap
If i : K →+* L
is p
-radical, then for any perfect ring M
of exponential charactistic p
the map (L →+* M) → (K →+* M)
induced by i
is injective.
A special case of IsPRadical.injective_comp_of_pNilradical_eq_bot
If i : K →+* L
and j : K →+* M
are ring homomorphisms of characteristic p
rings, such that
is p
-radical, and M
is a perfect ring, then PerfectRing.liftAux
is well-defined.
If i : K →+* L
and j : K →+* M
are ring homomorphisms of characteristic p
rings, such that
is p
-radical, and M
is a perfect ring, then PerfectRing.liftAux
is a ring homomorphism. This is similar to IsAlgClosed.lift
and IsSepClosed.lift
- PerfectRing.lift i j p = { toFun := PerfectRing.liftAux i j p, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If i : K →+* L
is a homomorphisms of characteristic p
rings, such that
is p
-radical, and M
is a perfect ring of characteristic p
then K →+* M
is one-to-one correspondence to
L →+* M
, given by PerfectRing.lift
. This is a generalization to PerfectClosure.lift
- PerfectRing.liftEquiv M i p = { toFun := fun (j : K →+* M) => PerfectRing.lift i j p, invFun := fun (f : L →+* M) => f.comp i, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If L
and M
are both perfect closures of K
, then there is a ring isomorphism L ≃+* M
This is similar to IsAlgClosure.equiv
and IsSepClosure.equiv
- IsPerfectClosure.equiv i j p = { toFun := (↑↑(PerfectRing.lift i j p)).toFun, invFun := PerfectRing.liftAux j i p, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The absolute perfect closure PerfectClosure
is a p
-radical extension over the base ring.
In particular, it is a perfect closure of the base ring, that is,
IsPerfectClosure (PerfectClosure.of K p) p
If L / K
is a p
-radical field extension, then it is purely inseparable.
If L / K
is a purely inseparable field extension, then it is p
-radical. In particular, if
is perfect, then the (relative) perfect closure perfectClosure K L
is a perfect closure
of K
, that is, IsPerfectClosure (algebraMap K (perfectClosure K L)) p