

Archimedean groups are either discrete or densely ordered #

This file proves a few additional facts about linearly ordered additive groups which satisfy the Archimedean property -- they are either order-isomorphic and additvely isomorphic to the integers, or they are densely ordered.

They are placed here in a separate file (rather than incorporated as a continuation of GroupTheory.Archimedean) because they rely on some imports from pointwise lemmas.

The subgroup generated by an element of a group equals the set of integer powers of the element, such that each power is a unique element. This is the stronger version of Subgroup.mem_closure_singleton.

The additive subgroup generated by an element of an additive group equals the set of integer multiples of the element, such that each multiple is a unique element. This is the stronger version of AddSubgroup.mem_closure_singleton.

noncomputable def LinearOrderedCommGroup.closure_equiv_closure {G : Type u_1} {G' : Type u_2} [LinearOrderedCommGroup G] [LinearOrderedCommGroup G'] (x : G) (y : G') (hxy : x = 1 y = 1) :

In two linearly ordered groups, the closure of an element of one group is isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to the closure of an element in the other group.

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Instances For
    noncomputable def LinearOrderedAddCommGroup.closure_equiv_closure {G : Type u_1} {G' : Type u_2} [LinearOrderedAddCommGroup G] [LinearOrderedAddCommGroup G'] (x : G) (y : G') (hxy : x = 0 y = 0) :

    In two linearly ordered additive groups, the closure of an element of one group is isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to the closure of an element in the other group.

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    Instances For

      If an element of a linearly ordered archimedean additive group is the least positive element, then the whole group is isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to the integers.

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      Instances For

        If an element of a linearly ordered mul-archimedean group is the least element greater than 1, then the whole group is isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to the multiplicative integers.

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        Instances For

          Any linearly ordered archimedean additive group is either isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to the integers, or is densely ordered.

          Any linearly ordered archimedean additive group is either isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to the integers, or is densely ordered, exclusively.

          Any linearly ordered mul-archimedean group is either isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to the multiplicative integers, or is densely ordered.

          Any linearly ordered mul-archimedean group is either isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to the multiplicative integers, or is densely ordered, exclusively.

          Any nontrivial (has other than 0 and 1) linearly ordered mul-archimedean group with zero is either isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to ℤₘ₀, or is densely ordered.

          Any nontrivial (has other than 0 and 1) linearly ordered mul-archimedean group with zero is either isomorphic (and order-isomorphic) to ℤₘ₀, or is densely ordered, exclusively