Congruence relations and homomorphisms #
This file contains elementary definitions involving congruence relations and morphisms.
Main definitions #
: the kernel of a monoid homomorphism as a congruence'
: the map from a monoid to its quotient by a congruence relationCon.lift
: the homomorphism on the quotient given that the congruence is in the
: homomorphism from a smaller to a larger quotient
Tags #
congruence, congruence relation, quotient, quotient by congruence relation, monoid, quotient monoid
The kernel of a monoid homomorphism as a congruence relation.
- Con.ker f = Con.mulKer ⇑f ⋯
Instances For
The kernel of an AddMonoid
homomorphism as an additive congruence relation.
- AddCon.ker f = AddCon.addKer ⇑f ⋯
Instances For
The definition of the congruence relation defined by a monoid homomorphism's kernel.
The definition of the additive congruence relation defined by an
homomorphism's kernel.
The natural homomorphism from a monoid to its quotient by a congruence relation.
-' = { toFun := Con.toQuotient, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The natural homomorphism from an AddMonoid
to its quotient by an additive
congruence relation.
-' = { toFun := AddCon.toQuotient, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The kernel of the natural homomorphism from a monoid to its quotient by a congruence
relation c
equals c
The kernel of the natural homomorphism from an AddMonoid
to its
quotient by an additive congruence relation c
equals c
The natural homomorphism from a monoid to its quotient by a congruence relation is surjective.
The natural homomorphism from an AddMonoid
to its quotient by a congruence
relation is surjective.
Given a monoid homomorphism f : N → M
and a congruence relation c
on M
, the congruence
relation induced on N
by f
equals the kernel of c
's quotient homomorphism composed with
Given an AddMonoid
homomorphism f : N → M
and an additive congruence relation
on M
, the additive congruence relation induced on N
by f
equals the kernel of c
quotient homomorphism composed with f
The homomorphism on the quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation c
induced by a
homomorphism constant on c
's equivalence classes.
- c.lift f H = { toFun := fun (x : c.Quotient) => Con.liftOn x ⇑f ⋯, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The homomorphism on the quotient of an AddMonoid
by an additive congruence
relation c
induced by a homomorphism constant on c
's equivalence classes.
- c.lift f H = { toFun := fun (x : c.Quotient) => AddCon.liftOn x ⇑f ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of monoids commutes.
The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of AddMonoid
The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of monoids commutes.
The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of
s commutes.
The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of monoids commutes.
The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of
s commutes.
Given a homomorphism f
from the quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation, f
equals the
homomorphism on the quotient induced by f
composed with the natural map from the monoid to
the quotient.
Given a homomorphism f
from the quotient of an AddMonoid
by an
additive congruence relation, f
equals the homomorphism on the quotient induced by f
with the natural map from the AddMonoid
to the quotient.
Homomorphisms on the quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation are equal if they are equal on elements that are coercions from the monoid.
Homomorphisms on the quotient of an AddMonoid
by an additive congruence relation
are equal if they are equal on elements that are coercions from the AddMonoid
Surjective monoid homomorphisms constant on a congruence relation c
's equivalence classes
induce a surjective homomorphism on c
's quotient.
Surjective AddMonoid
homomorphisms constant on an additive congruence
relation c
's equivalence classes induce a surjective homomorphism on c
's quotient.
Given a monoid homomorphism f
from M
to P
, the kernel of f
is the unique congruence
relation on M
whose induced map from the quotient of M
to P
is injective.
Given an AddMonoid
homomorphism f
from M
to P
, the kernel of f
is the unique additive congruence relation on M
whose induced map from the quotient of M
to P
is injective.
The homomorphism induced on the quotient of a monoid by the kernel of a monoid homomorphism.
- Con.kerLift f = (Con.ker f).lift f ⋯
Instances For
The homomorphism induced on the quotient of an AddMonoid
by the kernel
of an AddMonoid
- AddCon.kerLift f = (AddCon.ker f).lift f ⋯
Instances For
The diagram described by the universal property for quotients of monoids, when the congruence relation is the kernel of the homomorphism, commutes.
The diagram described by the universal property for quotients
of AddMonoid
s, when the additive congruence relation is the kernel of the homomorphism,
A monoid homomorphism f
induces an injective homomorphism on the quotient by f
's kernel.
An AddMonoid
homomorphism f
induces an injective homomorphism on the quotient
by f
's kernel.
Given congruence relations c, d
on a monoid such that d
contains c
, d
's quotient
map induces a homomorphism from the quotient by c
to the quotient by d
Instances For
Given additive congruence relations c, d
on an AddMonoid
such that d
contains c
, d
's quotient map induces a homomorphism from the quotient by c
to the quotient
by d
Instances For
Given congruence relations c, d
on a monoid such that d
contains c
, the definition of
the homomorphism from the quotient by c
to the quotient by d
induced by d
's quotient
Given additive congruence relations c, d
on an AddMonoid
such that d
contains c
, the definition of the homomorphism from the quotient by c
to the quotient by d
induced by d
's quotient map.