

Goursat's lemma for subgroups #

This file proves Goursat's lemma for subgroups.

If I is a subgroup of G × H which projects fully on both factors, then there exist normal subgroups G' ≤ G and H' ≤ H such that G' × H' ≤ I and the image of I in G ⧸ G' × H ⧸ H' is the graph of an isomorphism G ⧸ G' ≃ H ⧸ H'.

G' and H' can be explicitly constructed as Subgroup.goursatFst I and Subgroup.goursatSnd I respectively.

def Subgroup.goursatFst {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] (I : Subgroup (G × H)) :

For I a subgroup of G × H, I.goursatFst is the kernel of the projection map I → H, considered as a subgroup of G.

This is the first subgroup appearing in Goursat's lemma. See Subgroup.goursat.

Instances For
    def AddSubgroup.goursatFst {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] (I : AddSubgroup (G × H)) :

    For I a subgroup of G × H, I.goursatFst is the kernel of the projection map I → H, considered as a subgroup of G.

    This is the first subgroup appearing in Goursat's lemma. See AddSubgroup.goursat.

    Instances For
      def Subgroup.goursatSnd {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] (I : Subgroup (G × H)) :

      For I a subgroup of G × H, I.goursatSnd is the kernel of the projection map I → G, considered as a subgroup of H.

      This is the second subgroup appearing in Goursat's lemma. See Subgroup.goursat.

      Instances For
        def AddSubgroup.goursatSnd {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] (I : AddSubgroup (G × H)) :

        For I a subgroup of G × H, I.goursatSnd is the kernel of the projection map I → G, considered as a subgroup of H.

        This is the second subgroup appearing in Goursat's lemma. See AddSubgroup.goursat.

        Instances For
          theorem Subgroup.mem_goursatFst {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] {I : Subgroup (G × H)} {g : G} :
          theorem AddSubgroup.mem_goursatFst {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] {I : AddSubgroup (G × H)} {g : G} :
          theorem Subgroup.mem_goursatSnd {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] {I : Subgroup (G × H)} {h : H} :
          theorem AddSubgroup.mem_goursatSnd {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] {I : AddSubgroup (G × H)} {h : H} :
          theorem Subgroup.normal_goursatFst {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] {I : Subgroup (G × H)} (hI₁ : Function.Surjective (Prod.fst I.subtype)) :
          theorem Subgroup.normal_goursatSnd {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] {I : Subgroup (G × H)} (hI₂ : Function.Surjective (Prod.snd I.subtype)) :
          theorem Subgroup.mk_goursatFst_eq_iff_mk_goursatSnd_eq {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] {I : Subgroup (G × H)} (hI₁ : Function.Surjective (Prod.fst I.subtype)) (hI₂ : Function.Surjective (Prod.snd I.subtype)) {x y : G × H} (hx : x I) (hy : y I) :
          x.1 = y.1 x.2 = y.2
          theorem AddSubgroup.mk_goursatFst_eq_iff_mk_goursatSnd_eq {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] {I : AddSubgroup (G × H)} (hI₁ : Function.Surjective (Prod.fst I.subtype)) (hI₂ : Function.Surjective (Prod.snd I.subtype)) {x y : G × H} (hx : x I) (hy : y I) :
          x.1 = y.1 x.2 = y.2
          theorem Subgroup.goursat_surjective {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] {I : Subgroup (G × H)} (hI₁ : Function.Surjective (Prod.fst I.subtype)) (hI₂ : Function.Surjective (Prod.snd I.subtype)) :
          let_fun this := ; let_fun this_1 := ; ∃ (e : G I.goursatFst ≃* H I.goursatSnd), (((' I.goursatFst).prodMap (' I.goursatSnd)).comp I.subtype).range = e.toMonoidHom.graph

          Goursat's lemma for a subgroup of a product with surjective projections.

          If I is a subgroup of G × H which projects fully on both factors, then there exist normal subgroups M ≤ G and N ≤ H such that G' × H' ≤ I and the image of I in G ⧸ M × H ⧸ N is the graph of an isomorphism G ⧸ M ≃ H ⧸ N'.

          G' and H' can be explicitly constructed as I.goursatFst and I.goursatSnd respectively.

          theorem AddSubgroup.goursat_surjective {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] {I : AddSubgroup (G × H)} (hI₁ : Function.Surjective (Prod.fst I.subtype)) (hI₂ : Function.Surjective (Prod.snd I.subtype)) :
          let_fun this := ; let_fun this_1 := ; ∃ (e : G I.goursatFst ≃+ H I.goursatSnd), (((' I.goursatFst).prodMap (' I.goursatSnd)).comp I.subtype).range = e.toAddMonoidHom.graph

          Goursat's lemma for a subgroup of a product with surjective projections.

          If I is a subgroup of G × H which projects fully on both factors, then there exist normal subgroups M ≤ G and N ≤ H such that G' × H' ≤ I and the image of I in G ⧸ M × H ⧸ N is the graph of an isomorphism G ⧸ M ≃ H ⧸ N'.

          G' and H' can be explicitly constructed as I.goursatFst and I.goursatSnd respectively.

          theorem Subgroup.goursat {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [Group G] [Group H] {I : Subgroup (G × H)} :
          ∃ (G' : Subgroup G) (H' : Subgroup H) (M : Subgroup G') (N : Subgroup H') (x : M.Normal) (x_1 : N.Normal) (e : G' M ≃* H' N), I = map (G'.subtype.prodMap H'.subtype) (comap ((' M).prodMap (' N)) e.toMonoidHom.graph)

          Goursat's lemma for an arbitrary subgroup.

          If I is a subgroup of G × H, then there exist subgroups G' ≤ G, H' ≤ H and normal subgroups M ⊴ G' and N ⊴ H' such that M × N ≤ I and the image of I in G' ⧸ M × H' ⧸ N is the graph of an isomorphism G' ⧸ M ≃ H' ⧸ N.

          theorem AddSubgroup.goursat {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] {I : AddSubgroup (G × H)} :
          ∃ (G' : AddSubgroup G) (H' : AddSubgroup H) (M : AddSubgroup G') (N : AddSubgroup H') (x : M.Normal) (x_1 : N.Normal) (e : G' M ≃+ H' N), I = map (G'.subtype.prodMap H'.subtype) (comap ((' M).prodMap (' N)) e.toAddMonoidHom.graph)

          Goursat's lemma for an arbitrary subgroup.

          If I is a subgroup of G × H, then there exist subgroups G' ≤ G, H' ≤ H and normal subgroups M ≤ G' and N ≤ H' such that M × N ≤ I and the image of I in G' ⧸ M × H' ⧸ N is the graph of an isomorphism G ⧸ G' ≃ H ⧸ H'.