Conjugation action of a group on itself #
This file defines the conjugation action of a group on itself. See also MulAut.conj
the definition of conjugation as a homomorphism into the automorphism group.
Main definitions #
A type alias ConjAct G
is introduced for a group G
. The group ConjAct G
acts on G
by conjugation. The group ConjAct G
also acts on any normal subgroup of G
by conjugation.
As a generalization, this also allows:
Implementation Notes #
The scalar action in defined in this file can also be written using MulAut.conj g • h
. This
has the advantage of not using the type alias ConjAct
, but the downside of this approach
is that some theorems about the group actions will not apply when since this
MulAut.conj g • h
describes an action of MulAut G
on G
, and not an action of G
- ConjAct.instGroup = inst✝
- ConjAct.instDivInvMonoid = inst✝
- ConjAct.instFintype = inst✝
- ConjAct.instInhabited = { default := 1 }
Reinterpret g : ConjAct G
as an element of G
- ConjAct.ofConjAct = { toFun := id, invFun := id, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A recursor for ConjAct
, for use as induction x
when x : ConjAct G
- ConjAct.rec h = h
Instances For
- ConjAct.instSMul = { smul := fun (g : ConjAct G) (h : G) => ConjAct.ofConjAct g * h * (ConjAct.ofConjAct g)⁻¹ }
- ConjAct.unitsScalar = { smul := fun (g : ConjAct Mˣ) (h : M) => ↑(ConjAct.ofConjAct g) * h * ↑(ConjAct.ofConjAct g)⁻¹ }
The set of fixed points of the conjugation action of G
on itself is the center of G
As normal subgroups are closed under conjugation, they inherit the conjugation action of the underlying group.
- ConjAct.Subgroup.conjAction = { smul := fun (g : ConjAct G) (h : ↥H) => ⟨g • ↑h, ⋯⟩ }
The stabilizer of Mˣ
acting on itself by conjugation at x : Mˣ
is exactly the
units of the centralizer of x : M
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.