

Primitive actions #

Definitions #

Relation with stabilizers #

Relation with normal subgroups #

Particular results for actions on finite types #

class AddAction.IsPreprimitive (G : Type u_1) (X : Type u_2) [VAdd G X] extends AddAction.IsPretransitive G X :

An additive action is preprimitive if it is pretransitive and the only blocks are the trivial ones

    class MulAction.IsPreprimitive (G : Type u_1) (X : Type u_2) [SMul G X] extends MulAction.IsPretransitive G X :

    An action is preprimitive if it is pretransitive and the only blocks are the trivial ones

    • exists_smul_eq (x y : X) : ∃ (g : G), g x = y
    • isTrivialBlock_of_isBlock {B : Set X} : IsBlock G BIsTrivialBlock B

      An action is preprimitive if it is pretransitive and the only blocks are the trivial ones


      An additive action of an additive group is quasipreprimitive if any normal subgroup that has no fixed point acts pretransitively

        class MulAction.IsQuasiPreprimitive (G : Type u_1) (X : Type u_2) [Group G] [MulAction G X] extends MulAction.IsPretransitive G X :

        An action of a group is quasipreprimitive if any normal subgroup that has no fixed point acts pretransitively

          theorem MulAction.IsBlock.subsingleton_or_eq_univ {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [SMul G X] [IsPreprimitive G X] {B : Set X} (hB : IsBlock G B) :
          theorem AddAction.IsBlock.subsingleton_or_eq_univ {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [VAdd G X] [IsPreprimitive G X] {B : Set X} (hB : IsBlock G B) :
          theorem MulAction.IsPreprimitive.of_isTrivialBlock_base {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [Group G] [MulAction G X] [IsPretransitive G X] (a : X) (H : ∀ {B : Set X}, a BIsBlock G BIsTrivialBlock B) :

          If the action is pretransitive, then the trivial blocks condition implies preprimitivity (based condition)

          theorem AddAction.IsPreprimitive.of_isTrivialBlock_base {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddAction G X] [IsPretransitive G X] (a : X) (H : ∀ {B : Set X}, a BIsBlock G BIsTrivialBlock B) :

          If the action is pretransitive, then the trivial blocks condition implies preprimitivity (based condition)

          theorem MulAction.IsPreprimitive.of_isTrivialBlock_of_not_mem_fixedPoints {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [Group G] [MulAction G X] {a : X} (ha : afixedPoints G X) (H : ∀ ⦃B : Set X⦄, a BIsBlock G BIsTrivialBlock B) :

          If the action is not trivial, then the trivial blocks condition implies preprimitivity (pretransitivity is automatic) (based condition)

          theorem AddAction.IsPreprimitive.of_isTrivialBlock_of_not_mem_fixedPoints {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddAction G X] {a : X} (ha : afixedPoints G X) (H : ∀ ⦃B : Set X⦄, a BIsBlock G BIsTrivialBlock B) :

          If the action is not trivial, then the trivial blocks condition implies preprimitivity (pretransitivity is automatic) (based condition)

          theorem' {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [Group G] [MulAction G X] (Hnt : fixedPoints G X ) (H : ∀ {B : Set X}, IsBlock G BIsTrivialBlock B) :

          If the action is not trivial, then the trivial blocks condition implies preprimitivity (pretransitivity is automatic)

          theorem' {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddAction G X] (Hnt : fixedPoints G X ) (H : ∀ {B : Set X}, IsBlock G BIsTrivialBlock B) :

          If the action is not trivial, then the trivial blocks condition implies preprimitivity (pretransitivity is automatic)

          theorem MulAction.IsPreprimitive.of_surjective {M : Type u_3} [Group M] {α : Type u_4} [MulAction M α] {N : Type u_5} {β : Type u_6} [Group N] [MulAction N β] {φ : M →* N} {f : α →ₑ[φ] β} [IsPreprimitive M α] (hf : Function.Surjective f) :
          theorem AddAction.IsPreprimitive.of_surjective {M : Type u_3} [AddGroup M] {α : Type u_4} [AddAction M α] {N : Type u_5} {β : Type u_6} [AddGroup N] [AddAction N β] {φ : M →+ N} {f : α →ₑ[φ] β} [IsPreprimitive M α] (hf : Function.Surjective f) :
          theorem MulAction.isPreprimitive_congr {M : Type u_3} [Group M] {α : Type u_4} [MulAction M α] {N : Type u_5} {β : Type u_6} [Group N] [MulAction N β] {φ : M →* N} {f : α →ₑ[φ] β} (hφ : Function.Surjective φ) (hf : Function.Bijective f) :
          theorem AddAction.isPreprimitive_congr {M : Type u_3} [AddGroup M] {α : Type u_4} [AddAction M α] {N : Type u_5} {β : Type u_6} [AddGroup N] [AddAction N β] {φ : M →+ N} {f : α →ₑ[φ] β} (hφ : Function.Surjective φ) (hf : Function.Bijective f) :

          A pretransitive action on a nontrivial type is preprimitive iff the set of blocks containing a given element is a simple order


          A pretransitive action on a nontrivial type is preprimitive iff the set of blocks containing a given element is a simple order

          A pretransitive action is preprimitive iff the stabilizer of any point is a maximal subgroup (Wielandt, th. 7.5)

          A pretransitive action is preprimitive iff the stabilizer of any point is a maximal subgroup (Wielandt, th. 7.5)

          In a preprimitive action, stabilizers are maximal subgroups

          In a preprimitive action, stabilizers are maximal subgroups.

          @[instance 100]

          In a preprimitive action, any normal subgroup that acts nontrivially is pretransitive (Wielandt, th. 7.1).

          @[instance 100]

          In a preprimitive additive action, any normal subgroup that acts nontrivially is pretransitive (Wielandt, th. 7.1).

          theorem MulAction.IsPreprimitive.of_prime_card {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [Group G] [MulAction G X] [hGX : IsPretransitive G X] (hp : Nat.Prime (Nat.card X)) :

          A pretransitive action on a set of prime order is preprimitive

          theorem AddAction.IsPreprimitive.of_prime_card {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddAction G X] [hGX : IsPretransitive G X] (hp : Nat.Prime (Nat.card X)) :

          A pretransitive action on a set of prime order is preprimitive

          theorem MulAction.IsPreprimitive.of_card_lt {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [Group G] [MulAction G X] {H : Type u_3} {Y : Type u_4} [Group H] [MulAction H Y] {φ : GH} {f : X →ₑ[φ] Y} [Finite Y] [IsPretransitive H Y] [IsPreprimitive G X] (hf' : Nat.card Y < 2 * (Set.range f).ncard) :

          The codomain of an equivariant map of large image is preprimitive if the domain is

          theorem AddAction.IsPreprimitive.of_card_lt {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddAction G X] {H : Type u_3} {Y : Type u_4} [AddGroup H] [AddAction H Y] {φ : GH} {f : X →ₑ[φ] Y} [Finite Y] [IsPretransitive H Y] [IsPreprimitive G X] (hf' : Nat.card Y < 2 * (Set.range f).ncard) :

          The codomain of an equivariant map of large image is preprimitive if the domain is

          theorem MulAction.IsPreprimitive.exists_mem_smul_and_not_mem_smul {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [Group G] [MulAction G X] [IsPreprimitive G X] {A : Set X} (hfA : A.Finite) (hA : A.Nonempty) (hA' : A Set.univ) {a b : X} (h : a b) :
          ∃ (g : G), a g A bg A

          Theorem of Rudio (Wielandt, 1964, Th. 8.1)

          For a preprimitive action, a subset which is neither empty nor full has a translate which contains a given point and avoids another one.

          theorem AddAction.IsPreprimitive.exists_mem_vadd_and_not_mem_vadd {G : Type u_1} {X : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddAction G X] [IsPreprimitive G X] {A : Set X} (hfA : A.Finite) (hA : A.Nonempty) (hA' : A Set.univ) {a b : X} (h : a b) :
          ∃ (g : G), a g +ᵥ A bg +ᵥ A

          Theorem of Rudio (Wielandt, 1964, Th. 8.1)

          For a preprimitive additive action, a subset which is neither empty nor full has a translate which contains a given point and avoids another one.