

Localization over left Ore sets. #

This file defines the localization of a monoid over a left Ore set and proves its universal mapping property.

Notations #

Introduces the notation R[S⁻¹] for the Ore localization of a monoid R at a right Ore subset S. Also defines a new heterogeneous division notation r /ₒ s for a numerator r : R and a denominator s : S.

References #

Tags #

localization, Ore, non-commutative

def OreLocalization.oreEqv {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] (S : Submonoid R) [OreSet S] (X : Type u_2) [MulAction R X] :
Setoid (X × S)

The setoid on R × S used for the Ore localization.

Instances For
    def AddOreLocalization.oreEqv {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] (S : AddSubmonoid R) [AddOreSet S] (X : Type u_2) [AddAction R X] :
    Setoid (X × S)

    The setoid on R × S used for the Ore localization.

    Instances For
      def OreLocalization {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] (S : Submonoid R) [OreLocalization.OreSet S] (X : Type u_2) [MulAction R X] :
      Type (max u_1 u_2)

      The Ore localization of a monoid and a submonoid fulfilling the Ore condition.

      Instances For
        def AddOreLocalization {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] (S : AddSubmonoid R) [AddOreLocalization.AddOreSet S] (X : Type u_2) [AddAction R X] :
        Type (max u_1 u_2)

        The Ore localization of an additive monoid and a submonoid fulfilling the Ore condition.

        Instances For

          The Ore localization of a monoid and a submonoid fulfilling the Ore condition.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            def OreLocalization.oreDiv {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] (r : X) (s : S) :

            The division in the Ore localization X[S⁻¹], as a fraction of an element of X and S.

            Instances For
              def AddOreLocalization.oreSub {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] (r : X) (s : S) :

              The subtraction in the Ore localization, as a difference of an element of X and S.

              Instances For

                The division in the Ore localization X[S⁻¹], as a fraction of an element of X and S.

                Instances For

                  The subtraction in the Ore localization, as a difference of an element of X and S.

                  Instances For
                    theorem OreLocalization.ind {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] {β : OreLocalization S XProp} (c : ∀ (r : X) (s : S), β (r /ₒ s)) (q : OreLocalization S X) :
                    β q
                    theorem AddOreLocalization.ind {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] {β : AddOreLocalization S XProp} (c : ∀ (r : X) (s : S), β (r -ₒ s)) (q : AddOreLocalization S X) :
                    β q
                    theorem OreLocalization.oreDiv_eq_iff {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] {r₁ r₂ : X} {s₁ s₂ : S} :
                    r₁ /ₒ s₁ = r₂ /ₒ s₂ ∃ (u : S) (v : R), u r₂ = v r₁ u * s₂ = v * s₁
                    theorem AddOreLocalization.oreSub_eq_iff {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] {r₁ r₂ : X} {s₁ s₂ : S} :
                    r₁ -ₒ s₁ = r₂ -ₒ s₂ ∃ (u : S) (v : R), u +ᵥ r₂ = v +ᵥ r₁ u + s₂ = v + s₁
                    theorem OreLocalization.expand {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] (r : X) (s : S) (t : R) (hst : t * s S) :
                    r /ₒ s = t r /ₒ t * s, hst

                    A fraction r /ₒ s is equal to its expansion by an arbitrary factor t if t * s ∈ S.

                    theorem AddOreLocalization.expand {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] (r : X) (s : S) (t : R) (hst : t + s S) :
                    r -ₒ s = (t +ᵥ r) -ₒ t + s, hst

                    A difference r -ₒ s is equal to its expansion by an arbitrary translation t if t + s ∈ S.

                    theorem OreLocalization.expand' {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] (r : X) (s s' : S) :
                    r /ₒ s = s' r /ₒ (s' * s)

                    A fraction is equal to its expansion by a factor from S.

                    theorem AddOreLocalization.expand' {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] (r : X) (s s' : S) :
                    r -ₒ s = (s' +ᵥ r) -ₒ (s' + s)

                    A difference is equal to its expansion by a summand from S.

                    theorem OreLocalization.eq_of_num_factor_eq {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {r r' r₁ r₂ : R} {s t : S} (h : t * r = t * r') :
                    r₁ * r * r₂ /ₒ s = r₁ * r' * r₂ /ₒ s

                    Fractions which differ by a factor of the numerator can be proven equal if those factors expand to equal elements of R.

                    theorem AddOreLocalization.eq_of_num_factor_eq {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {r r' r₁ r₂ : R} {s t : S} (h : t + r = t + r') :
                    r₁ + r + r₂ -ₒ s = r₁ + r' + r₂ -ₒ s

                    Differences whose minuends differ by a common summand can be proven equal if those summands expand to equal elements of R.

                    def OreLocalization.liftExpand {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_3} [MulAction R X] {C : Sort u_2} (P : XSC) (hP : ∀ (r : X) (t : R) (s : S) (ht : t * s S), P r s = P (t r) t * s, ht) :
                    OreLocalization S XC

                    A function or predicate over X and S can be lifted to X[S⁻¹] if it is invariant under expansion on the left.

                    Instances For
                      def AddOreLocalization.liftExpand {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_3} [AddAction R X] {C : Sort u_2} (P : XSC) (hP : ∀ (r : X) (t : R) (s : S) (ht : t + s S), P r s = P (t +ᵥ r) t + s, ht) :

                      A function or predicate over X and S can be lifted to the localizaton if it is invariant under expansion on the left.

                      Instances For
                        theorem OreLocalization.liftExpand_of {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_3} [MulAction R X] {C : Sort u_2} {P : XSC} {hP : ∀ (r : X) (t : R) (s : S) (ht : t * s S), P r s = P (t r) t * s, ht} (r : X) (s : S) :
                        liftExpand P hP (r /ₒ s) = P r s
                        theorem AddOreLocalization.liftExpand_of {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_3} [AddAction R X] {C : Sort u_2} {P : XSC} {hP : ∀ (r : X) (t : R) (s : S) (ht : t + s S), P r s = P (t +ᵥ r) t + s, ht} (r : X) (s : S) :
                        liftExpand P hP (r -ₒ s) = P r s
                        def OreLocalization.lift₂Expand {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_3} [MulAction R X] {C : Sort u_2} (P : XSXSC) (hP : ∀ (r₁ : X) (t₁ : R) (s₁ : S) (ht₁ : t₁ * s₁ S) (r₂ : X) (t₂ : R) (s₂ : S) (ht₂ : t₂ * s₂ S), P r₁ s₁ r₂ s₂ = P (t₁ r₁) t₁ * s₁, ht₁ (t₂ r₂) t₂ * s₂, ht₂) :

                        A version of liftExpand used to simultaneously lift functions with two arguments in X[S⁻¹].

                        Instances For
                          def AddOreLocalization.lift₂Expand {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_3} [AddAction R X] {C : Sort u_2} (P : XSXSC) (hP : ∀ (r₁ : X) (t₁ : R) (s₁ : S) (ht₁ : t₁ + s₁ S) (r₂ : X) (t₂ : R) (s₂ : S) (ht₂ : t₂ + s₂ S), P r₁ s₁ r₂ s₂ = P (t₁ +ᵥ r₁) t₁ + s₁, ht₁ (t₂ +ᵥ r₂) t₂ + s₂, ht₂) :

                          A version of liftExpand used to simultaneously lift functions with two arguments

                          Instances For
                            theorem OreLocalization.lift₂Expand_of {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_3} [MulAction R X] {C : Sort u_2} {P : XSXSC} {hP : ∀ (r₁ : X) (t₁ : R) (s₁ : S) (ht₁ : t₁ * s₁ S) (r₂ : X) (t₂ : R) (s₂ : S) (ht₂ : t₂ * s₂ S), P r₁ s₁ r₂ s₂ = P (t₁ r₁) t₁ * s₁, ht₁ (t₂ r₂) t₂ * s₂, ht₂} (r₁ : X) (s₁ : S) (r₂ : X) (s₂ : S) :
                            lift₂Expand P hP (r₁ /ₒ s₁) (r₂ /ₒ s₂) = P r₁ s₁ r₂ s₂
                            theorem AddOreLocalization.lift₂Expand_of {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_3} [AddAction R X] {C : Sort u_2} {P : XSXSC} {hP : ∀ (r₁ : X) (t₁ : R) (s₁ : S) (ht₁ : t₁ + s₁ S) (r₂ : X) (t₂ : R) (s₂ : S) (ht₂ : t₂ + s₂ S), P r₁ s₁ r₂ s₂ = P (t₁ +ᵥ r₁) t₁ + s₁, ht₁ (t₂ +ᵥ r₂) t₂ + s₂, ht₂} (r₁ : X) (s₁ : S) (r₂ : X) (s₂ : S) :
                            lift₂Expand P hP (r₁ -ₒ s₁) (r₂ -ₒ s₂) = P r₁ s₁ r₂ s₂
                            def OreLocalization.smul {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] :

                            The scalar multiplication on the Ore localization of monoids.

                            Instances For

                              the vector addition on the Ore localization of additive monoids.

                              Instances For
                                theorem OreLocalization.oreDiv_smul_oreDiv {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] {r₁ : R} {r₂ : X} {s₁ s₂ : S} :
                                (r₁ /ₒ s₁) (r₂ /ₒ s₂) = oreNum r₁ s₂ r₂ /ₒ (oreDenom r₁ s₂ * s₁)
                                theorem AddOreLocalization.oreSub_vadd_oreSub {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] {r₁ : R} {r₂ : X} {s₁ s₂ : S} :
                                (r₁ -ₒ s₁) +ᵥ r₂ -ₒ s₂ = (oreMin r₁ s₂ +ᵥ r₂) -ₒ (oreSubtra r₁ s₂ + s₁)
                                theorem OreLocalization.oreDiv_mul_oreDiv {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {r₁ r₂ : R} {s₁ s₂ : S} :
                                r₁ /ₒ s₁ * (r₂ /ₒ s₂) = oreNum r₁ s₂ * r₂ /ₒ (oreDenom r₁ s₂ * s₁)
                                theorem AddOreLocalization.oreSub_add_oreSub {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {r₁ r₂ : R} {s₁ s₂ : S} :
                                r₁ -ₒ s₁ + (r₂ -ₒ s₂) = oreMin r₁ s₂ + r₂ -ₒ (oreSubtra r₁ s₂ + s₁)
                                theorem OreLocalization.oreDiv_smul_char {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] (r₁ : R) (r₂ : X) (s₁ s₂ : S) (r' : R) (s' : S) (huv : s' * r₁ = r' * s₂) :
                                (r₁ /ₒ s₁) (r₂ /ₒ s₂) = r' r₂ /ₒ (s' * s₁)

                                A characterization lemma for the scalar multiplication on the Ore localization, allowing for a choice of Ore numerator and Ore denominator.

                                theorem AddOreLocalization.oreSub_vadd_char {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] (r₁ : R) (r₂ : X) (s₁ s₂ : S) (r' : R) (s' : S) (huv : s' + r₁ = r' + s₂) :
                                (r₁ -ₒ s₁) +ᵥ r₂ -ₒ s₂ = (r' +ᵥ r₂) -ₒ (s' + s₁)

                                A characterization lemma for the vector addition on the Ore localization, allowing for a choice of Ore minuend and Ore subtrahend.

                                theorem OreLocalization.oreDiv_mul_char {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] (r₁ r₂ : R) (s₁ s₂ : S) (r' : R) (s' : S) (huv : s' * r₁ = r' * s₂) :
                                r₁ /ₒ s₁ * (r₂ /ₒ s₂) = r' * r₂ /ₒ (s' * s₁)

                                A characterization lemma for the multiplication on the Ore localization, allowing for a choice of Ore numerator and Ore denominator.

                                theorem AddOreLocalization.oreSub_add_char {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] (r₁ r₂ : R) (s₁ s₂ : S) (r' : R) (s' : S) (huv : s' + r₁ = r' + s₂) :
                                r₁ -ₒ s₁ + (r₂ -ₒ s₂) = r' + r₂ -ₒ (s' + s₁)

                                A characterization lemma for the addition on the Ore localization, allowing for a choice of Ore minuend and Ore subtrahend.

                                def OreLocalization.oreDivSMulChar' {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] (r₁ : R) (r₂ : X) (s₁ s₂ : S) :
                                (r' : R) ×' (s' : S) ×' s' * r₁ = r' * s₂ (r₁ /ₒ s₁) (r₂ /ₒ s₂) = r' r₂ /ₒ (s' * s₁)

                                Another characterization lemma for the scalar multiplication on the Ore localizaion delivering Ore witnesses and conditions bundled in a sigma type.

                                Instances For
                                  def AddOreLocalization.oreSubVAddChar' {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] (r₁ : R) (r₂ : X) (s₁ s₂ : S) :
                                  (r' : R) ×' (s' : S) ×' s' + r₁ = r' + s₂ (r₁ -ₒ s₁) +ᵥ r₂ -ₒ s₂ = (r' +ᵥ r₂) -ₒ (s' + s₁)

                                  Another characterization lemma for the vector addition on the Ore localizaion delivering Ore witnesses and conditions bundled in a sigma type.

                                  Instances For
                                    def OreLocalization.oreDivMulChar' {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] (r₁ r₂ : R) (s₁ s₂ : S) :
                                    (r' : R) ×' (s' : S) ×' s' * r₁ = r' * s₂ r₁ /ₒ s₁ * (r₂ /ₒ s₂) = r' * r₂ /ₒ (s' * s₁)

                                    Another characterization lemma for the multiplication on the Ore localizaion delivering Ore witnesses and conditions bundled in a sigma type.

                                    Instances For
                                      def AddOreLocalization.oreSubAddChar' {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] (r₁ r₂ : R) (s₁ s₂ : S) :
                                      (r' : R) ×' (s' : S) ×' s' + r₁ = r' + s₂ r₁ -ₒ s₁ + (r₂ -ₒ s₂) = r' + r₂ -ₒ (s' + s₁)

                                      Another characterization lemma for the addition on the Ore localizaion delivering Ore witnesses and conditions bundled in a sigma type.

                                      Instances For
                                        def {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] :

                                        1 in the localization, defined as 1 /ₒ 1.

                                        Instances For

                                          0 in the additive localization, defined as 0 -ₒ 0.

                                          Instances For
                                            theorem OreLocalization.one_def {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] :
                                            1 = 1 /ₒ 1
                                            theorem OreLocalization.div_eq_one' {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {r : R} (hr : r S) :
                                            r /ₒ r, hr = 1
                                            theorem AddOreLocalization.sub_eq_zero' {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {r : R} (hr : r S) :
                                            r -ₒ r, hr = 0
                                            theorem OreLocalization.div_eq_one {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {s : S} :
                                            s /ₒ s = 1
                                            theorem AddOreLocalization.sub_eq_zero {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {s : S} :
                                            s -ₒ s = 0
                                            theorem OreLocalization.one_smul {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] (x : OreLocalization S X) :
                                            1 x = x
                                            theorem AddOreLocalization.zero_vadd {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] (x : AddOreLocalization S X) :
                                            0 +ᵥ x = x
                                            theorem OreLocalization.one_mul {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] (x : OreLocalization S R) :
                                            1 * x = x
                                            theorem AddOreLocalization.zero_add {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] (x : AddOreLocalization S R) :
                                            0 + x = x
                                            theorem OreLocalization.mul_one {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] (x : OreLocalization S R) :
                                            x * 1 = x
                                            theorem AddOreLocalization.add_zero {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] (x : AddOreLocalization S R) :
                                            x + 0 = x
                                            theorem OreLocalization.mul_smul {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] (x y : OreLocalization S R) (z : OreLocalization S X) :
                                            (x * y) z = x y z
                                            theorem AddOreLocalization.add_vadd {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] (x y : AddOreLocalization S R) (z : AddOreLocalization S X) :
                                            (x + y) +ᵥ z = x +ᵥ y +ᵥ z
                                            theorem OreLocalization.mul_assoc {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] (x y z : OreLocalization S R) :
                                            x * y * z = x * (y * z)
                                            theorem AddOreLocalization.add_assoc {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] (x y z : AddOreLocalization S R) :
                                            x + y + z = x + (y + z)
                                            def OreLocalization.npow {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] :

                                            npow of OreLocalization

                                            Instances For
                                              theorem OreLocalization.mul_inv {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] (s s' : S) :
                                              s /ₒ s' * (s' /ₒ s) = 1
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.add_neg {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] (s s' : S) :
                                              s -ₒ s' + (s' -ₒ s) = 0
                                              theorem OreLocalization.one_div_smul {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] {r : X} {s t : S} :
                                              (1 /ₒ t) (r /ₒ s) = r /ₒ (s * t)
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.zero_sub_vadd {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] {r : X} {s t : S} :
                                              (0 -ₒ t) +ᵥ r -ₒ s = r -ₒ (s + t)
                                              theorem OreLocalization.one_div_mul {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {r : R} {s t : S} :
                                              1 /ₒ t * (r /ₒ s) = r /ₒ (s * t)
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.zero_sub_add {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {r : R} {s t : S} :
                                              0 -ₒ t + (r -ₒ s) = r -ₒ (s + t)
                                              theorem OreLocalization.smul_cancel {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] {r : X} {s t : S} :
                                              (s /ₒ t) (r /ₒ s) = r /ₒ t
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.vadd_cancel {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] {r : X} {s t : S} :
                                              (s -ₒ t) +ᵥ r -ₒ s = r -ₒ t
                                              theorem OreLocalization.mul_cancel {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {r : R} {s t : S} :
                                              s /ₒ t * (r /ₒ s) = r /ₒ t
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.add_cancel {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {r : R} {s t : S} :
                                              s -ₒ t + (r -ₒ s) = r -ₒ t
                                              theorem OreLocalization.smul_cancel' {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] {r₁ : R} {r₂ : X} {s t : S} :
                                              (r₁ * s /ₒ t) (r₂ /ₒ s) = r₁ r₂ /ₒ t
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.vadd_cancel' {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] {r₁ : R} {r₂ : X} {s t : S} :
                                              (r₁ + s -ₒ t) +ᵥ r₂ -ₒ s = (r₁ +ᵥ r₂) -ₒ t
                                              theorem OreLocalization.mul_cancel' {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {r₁ r₂ : R} {s t : S} :
                                              r₁ * s /ₒ t * (r₂ /ₒ s) = r₁ * r₂ /ₒ t
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.add_cancel' {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {r₁ r₂ : R} {s t : S} :
                                              r₁ + s -ₒ t + (r₂ -ₒ s) = r₁ + r₂ -ₒ t
                                              theorem OreLocalization.smul_div_one {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [MulAction R X] {p : R} {r : X} {s : S} :
                                              (p /ₒ s) (r /ₒ 1) = p r /ₒ s
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.vadd_sub_zero {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [AddAction R X] {p : R} {r : X} {s : S} :
                                              (p -ₒ s) +ᵥ r -ₒ 0 = (p +ᵥ r) -ₒ s
                                              theorem OreLocalization.mul_div_one {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {p r : R} {s : S} :
                                              p /ₒ s * (r /ₒ 1) = p * r /ₒ s
                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.add_sub_zero {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {p r : R} {s : S} :
                                              p -ₒ s + (r -ₒ 0) = p + r -ₒ s
                                              def OreLocalization.numeratorUnit {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] (s : S) :

                                              The fraction s /ₒ 1 as a unit in R[S⁻¹], where s : S.

                                              Instances For

                                                The difference s -ₒ 0 as a an additive unit.

                                                Instances For

                                                  The multiplicative homomorphism from R to R[S⁻¹], mapping r : R to the fraction r /ₒ 1.

                                                  Instances For

                                                    The additive homomorphism from R to AddOreLocalization R S, mapping r : R to the difference r -ₒ 0.

                                                    Instances For
                                                      theorem OreLocalization.numeratorHom_apply {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {r : R} :
                                                      theorem OreLocalization.numerator_isUnit {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] (s : S) :
                                                      def OreLocalization.universalMulHom {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {T : Type u_2} [Monoid T] (f : R →* T) (fS : S →* Tˣ) (hf : ∀ (s : S), f s = (fS s)) :

                                                      The universal lift from a morphism R →* T, which maps elements of S to units of T, to a morphism R[S⁻¹] →* T.

                                                      Instances For
                                                        def AddOreLocalization.universalAddHom {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {T : Type u_2} [AddMonoid T] (f : R →+ T) (fS : S →+ AddUnits T) (hf : ∀ (s : S), f s = (fS s)) :

                                                        The universal lift from a morphism R →+ T, which maps elements of S to additive-units of T, to a morphism AddOreLocalization R S →+ T.

                                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                        Instances For
                                                          theorem OreLocalization.universalMulHom_apply {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {T : Type u_2} [Monoid T] (f : R →* T) (fS : S →* Tˣ) (hf : ∀ (s : S), f s = (fS s)) {r : R} {s : S} :
                                                          (universalMulHom f fS hf) (r /ₒ s) = (fS s)⁻¹ * f r
                                                          theorem AddOreLocalization.universalAddHom_apply {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {T : Type u_2} [AddMonoid T] (f : R →+ T) (fS : S →+ AddUnits T) (hf : ∀ (s : S), f s = (fS s)) {r : R} {s : S} :
                                                          (universalAddHom f fS hf) (r -ₒ s) = ↑(-fS s) + f r
                                                          theorem OreLocalization.universalMulHom_commutes {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {T : Type u_2} [Monoid T] (f : R →* T) (fS : S →* Tˣ) (hf : ∀ (s : S), f s = (fS s)) {r : R} :
                                                          (universalMulHom f fS hf) (numeratorHom r) = f r
                                                          theorem AddOreLocalization.universalAddHom_commutes {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {T : Type u_2} [AddMonoid T] (f : R →+ T) (fS : S →+ AddUnits T) (hf : ∀ (s : S), f s = (fS s)) {r : R} :
                                                          (universalAddHom f fS hf) (numeratorHom r) = f r
                                                          theorem OreLocalization.universalMulHom_unique {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {T : Type u_2} [Monoid T] (f : R →* T) (fS : S →* Tˣ) (hf : ∀ (s : S), f s = (fS s)) (φ : OreLocalization S R →* T) (huniv : ∀ (r : R), φ (numeratorHom r) = f r) :
                                                          φ = universalMulHom f fS hf

                                                          The universal morphism universalMulHom is unique.

                                                          theorem AddOreLocalization.universalAddHom_unique {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {T : Type u_2} [AddMonoid T] (f : R →+ T) (fS : S →+ AddUnits T) (hf : ∀ (s : S), f s = (fS s)) (φ : AddOreLocalization S R →+ T) (huniv : ∀ (r : R), φ (numeratorHom r) = f r) :
                                                          φ = universalAddHom f fS hf

                                                          The universal morphism universalAddHom is unique.

                                                          def OreLocalization.hsmul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R M] (c : R) :

                                                          Scalar multiplication in a monoid localization.

                                                          Instances For
                                                            def AddOreLocalization.hvadd {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [AddMonoid M] {S : AddSubmonoid M} [AddOreSet S] [AddAction M X] [VAdd R M] (c : R) :

                                                            Vector addition in an additive monoid localization.

                                                            Instances For
                                                              instance OreLocalization.instSMulOfIsScalarTower {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M X] [IsScalarTower R M M] :
                                                              theorem OreLocalization.smul_oreDiv {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M M] [IsScalarTower R M X] (r : R) (x : X) (s : S) :
                                                              r (x /ₒ s) = oreNum (r 1) s x /ₒ oreDenom (r 1) s
                                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.vadd_oreSub {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [AddMonoid M] {S : AddSubmonoid M} [AddOreSet S] [AddAction M X] [VAdd R X] [VAdd R M] [VAddAssocClass R M M] [VAddAssocClass R M X] (r : R) (x : X) (s : S) :
                                                              r +ᵥ x -ₒ s = (oreMin (r +ᵥ 0) s +ᵥ x) -ₒ oreSubtra (r +ᵥ 0) s
                                                              theorem OreLocalization.oreDiv_one_smul {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] (r : M) (x : OreLocalization S X) :
                                                              (r /ₒ 1) x = r x
                                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.oreSub_zero_vadd {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [AddMonoid M] {S : AddSubmonoid M} [AddOreSet S] [AddAction M X] (r : M) (x : AddOreLocalization S X) :
                                                              (r -ₒ 0) +ᵥ x = r +ᵥ x
                                                              theorem OreLocalization.smul_one_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M M] [IsScalarTower R M X] (r : R) (x : OreLocalization S X) :
                                                              (r 1) x = r x
                                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.vadd_zero_vadd {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [AddMonoid M] {S : AddSubmonoid M} [AddOreSet S] [AddAction M X] [VAdd R X] [VAdd R M] [VAddAssocClass R M M] [VAddAssocClass R M X] (r : R) (x : AddOreLocalization S X) :
                                                              (r +ᵥ 0) +ᵥ x = r +ᵥ x
                                                              theorem OreLocalization.smul_one_oreDiv_one_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M M] [IsScalarTower R M X] (r : R) (x : OreLocalization S X) :
                                                              (r 1 /ₒ 1) x = r x
                                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.vadd_zero_oreSub_zero_vadd {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [AddMonoid M] {S : AddSubmonoid M} [AddOreSet S] [AddAction M X] [VAdd R X] [VAdd R M] [VAddAssocClass R M M] [VAddAssocClass R M X] (r : R) (x : AddOreLocalization S X) :
                                                              ((r +ᵥ 0) -ₒ 0) +ᵥ x = r +ᵥ x
                                                              instance OreLocalization.instIsScalarTower {R : Type u_1} {R' : Type u_2} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M M] [IsScalarTower R M X] [SMul R' X] [SMul R' M] [IsScalarTower R' M M] [IsScalarTower R' M X] [SMul R R'] [IsScalarTower R R' M] :
                                                              instance AddOreLocalization.instIsScalarTower {R : Type u_1} {R' : Type u_2} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [AddMonoid M] {S : AddSubmonoid M} [AddOreSet S] [AddAction M X] [VAdd R X] [VAdd R M] [VAddAssocClass R M M] [VAddAssocClass R M X] [VAdd R' X] [VAdd R' M] [VAddAssocClass R' M M] [VAddAssocClass R' M X] [VAdd R R'] [VAddAssocClass R R' M] :
                                                              instance OreLocalization.instSMulCommClass {R : Type u_1} {R' : Type u_2} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M M] [IsScalarTower R M X] [SMul R' X] [SMul R' M] [IsScalarTower R' M M] [IsScalarTower R' M X] [SMulCommClass R R' M] :
                                                              instance AddOreLocalization.instVAddCommClass {R : Type u_1} {R' : Type u_2} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [AddMonoid M] {S : AddSubmonoid M} [AddOreSet S] [AddAction M X] [VAdd R X] [VAdd R M] [VAddAssocClass R M M] [VAddAssocClass R M X] [VAdd R' X] [VAdd R' M] [VAddAssocClass R' M M] [VAddAssocClass R' M X] [VAddCommClass R R' M] :
                                                              instance OreLocalization.instIsScalarTower_1 {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M M] [IsScalarTower R M X] :
                                                              instance OreLocalization.instSMulCommClass_1 {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M M] [IsScalarTower R M X] [SMulCommClass R M M] :
                                                              theorem OreLocalization.smul_oreDiv_one {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [Monoid M] {S : Submonoid M} [OreSet S] [MulAction M X] [SMul R X] [SMul R M] [IsScalarTower R M M] [IsScalarTower R M X] (r : R) (x : X) :
                                                              r (x /ₒ 1) = r x /ₒ 1
                                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.vadd_oreSub_zero {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_3} {X : Type u_4} [AddMonoid M] {S : AddSubmonoid M} [AddOreSet S] [AddAction M X] [VAdd R X] [VAdd R M] [VAddAssocClass R M M] [VAddAssocClass R M X] (r : R) (x : X) :
                                                              r +ᵥ x -ₒ 0 = (r +ᵥ x) -ₒ 0
                                                              theorem OreLocalization.oreDiv_mul_oreDiv_comm {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {r₁ r₂ : R} {s₁ s₂ : S} :
                                                              r₁ /ₒ s₁ * (r₂ /ₒ s₂) = r₁ * r₂ /ₒ (s₁ * s₂)
                                                              theorem AddOreLocalization.oreSub_add_oreSub_comm {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] {S : AddSubmonoid R} [AddOreSet S] {r₁ r₂ : R} {s₁ s₂ : S} :
                                                              r₁ -ₒ s₁ + (r₂ -ₒ s₂) = r₁ + r₂ -ₒ (s₁ + s₂)
                                                              def {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [Zero X] [MulAction R X] :

                                                              0 in the localization, defined as 0 /ₒ 1.

                                                              Instances For
                                                                instance OreLocalization.instZero {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [Zero X] [MulAction R X] :
                                                                theorem OreLocalization.zero_def {R : Type u_1} [Monoid R] {S : Submonoid R} [OreSet S] {X : Type u_2} [Zero X] [MulAction R X] :
                                                                0 = 0 /ₒ 1