

Continuous Functional Calculus for Hermitian Matrices #

This file defines an instance of the continuous functional calculus for Hermitian matrices over an RCLike field 𝕜.

Main Results #

Tags #

spectral theorem, diagonalization theorem, continuous functional calculus

theorem Matrix.finite_real_spectrum {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜} :
instance Matrix.instFiniteElemRealSpectrum {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜} :
theorem Matrix.IsHermitian.eigenvalues_eq_spectrum_real {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {a : Matrix n n 𝕜} (ha : a.IsHermitian) :

The -spectrum of a Hermitian matrix over RCLike field is the range of the eigenvalue function

noncomputable def Matrix.IsHermitian.cfcAux {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hA : A.IsHermitian) :

The star algebra homomorphism underlying the instance of the continuous functional calculus of a Hermitian matrix. This is an auxiliary definition and is not intended for use outside of this file.

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Instances For
    theorem Matrix.IsHermitian.cfcAux_apply {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hA : A.IsHermitian) (g : C((spectrum A), )) :
    hA.cfcAux g = hA.eigenvectorUnitary * diagonal (RCLike.ofReal g fun (i : n) => hA.eigenvalues i, ) * star hA.eigenvectorUnitary
    @[deprecated Matrix.IsHermitian.isClosedEmbedding_cfcAux (since := "2024-10-20")]
    theorem Matrix.IsHermitian.closedEmbedding_cfcAux {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hA : A.IsHermitian) :

    Alias of Matrix.IsHermitian.isClosedEmbedding_cfcAux.

    theorem Matrix.IsHermitian.cfcAux_id {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hA : A.IsHermitian) :

    Instance of the continuous functional calculus for a Hermitian matrix over 𝕜 with RCLike 𝕜.

    noncomputable def Matrix.IsHermitian.cfc {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hA : A.IsHermitian) (f : ) :
    Matrix n n 𝕜

    The continuous functional calculus of a Hermitian matrix as a triple product using the spectral theorem. Note that this actually operates on bare functions since every function is continuous on the spectrum of a matrix, since the spectrum is finite. This is shown to be equal to the generic continuous functional calculus API in Matrix.IsHermitian.cfc_eq. In general, users should prefer the generic API, especially because it will make rewriting easier.

    Instances For
      theorem Matrix.IsHermitian.cfc_eq {n : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} [RCLike 𝕜] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] {A : Matrix n n 𝕜} (hA : A.IsHermitian) (f : ) :
      cfc f A = hA.cfc f