Currying of multilinear maps #
We register isomorphisms corresponding to currying or uncurrying variables, transforming a
multilinear function f
on n+1
variables into a linear function taking values in multilinear
functions in n
variables, and into a multilinear function in n
variables taking values in linear
functions. These operations are called f.curryLeft
and f.curryRight
(with inverses f.uncurryLeft
and f.uncurryRight
). These operations induce linear equivalences
between spaces of multilinear functions in n+1
variables and spaces of linear functions into
multilinear functions in n
variables (resp. multilinear functions in n
variables taking values
in linear functions), called respectively multilinearCurryLeftEquiv
Currying #
We associate to a multilinear map in n+1
variables (i.e., based on Fin n.succ
) two
curried functions, named f.curryLeft
(which is a linear map on E 0
taking values
in multilinear maps in n
variables) and f.curryRight
(which is a multilinear map in n
variables taking values in linear maps on E 0
). In both constructions, the variable that is
singled out is 0
, to take advantage of the operations cons
and tail
on Fin n
The inverse operations are called uncurryLeft
and uncurryRight
We also register linear equiv versions of these correspondences, in
and multilinearCurryRightEquiv
Left currying #
Given a linear map f
from M 0
to multilinear maps on n
construct the corresponding multilinear map on n+1
variables obtained by concatenating
the variables, given by m ↦ f (m 0) (tail m)
- f.uncurryLeft = { toFun := fun (m : (i : Fin n.succ) → M i) => (f (m 0)) (Fin.tail m), map_update_add' := ⋯, map_update_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a multilinear map f
in n+1
variables, split the first variable to obtain
a linear map into multilinear maps in n
variables, given by x ↦ (m ↦ f (cons x m))
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The space of multilinear maps on Π (i : Fin (n+1)), M i
is canonically isomorphic to
the space of linear maps from M 0
to the space of multilinear maps on
Π (i : Fin n), M i.succ
, by separating the first variable. We register this isomorphism as a
linear isomorphism in multilinearCurryLeftEquiv R M M₂
The direct and inverse maps are given by f.curryLeft
and f.uncurryLeft
. Use these
unless you need the full framework of linear equivs.
- multilinearCurryLeftEquiv R M M₂ = { toFun := MultilinearMap.curryLeft, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, invFun := LinearMap.uncurryLeft, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
Right currying #
Given a multilinear map f
in n
variables to the space of linear maps from M (last n)
, construct the corresponding multilinear map on n+1
variables obtained by concatenating
the variables, given by m ↦ f (init m) (m (last n))
Instances For
Given a multilinear map f
in n+1
variables, split the last variable to obtain
a multilinear map in n
variables taking values in linear maps from M (last n)
to M₂
, given by
m ↦ (x ↦ f (snoc m x))
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The space of multilinear maps on Π (i : Fin (n+1)), M i
is canonically isomorphic to
the space of linear maps from the space of multilinear maps on Π (i : Fin n), M (castSucc i)
the space of linear maps on M (last n)
, by separating the last variable. We register this
isomorphism as a linear isomorphism in multilinearCurryRightEquiv R M M₂
The direct and inverse maps are given by f.curryRight
and f.uncurryRight
. Use these
unless you need the full framework of linear equivs.
- multilinearCurryRightEquiv R M M₂ = { toFun := MultilinearMap.curryRight, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, invFun := MultilinearMap.uncurryRight, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
A multilinear map on ∀ i : ι ⊕ ι', M'
defines a multilinear map on ∀ i : ι, M'
taking values in the space of multilinear maps on ∀ i : ι', M'
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A multilinear map on ∀ i : ι, M'
taking values in the space of multilinear maps
on ∀ i : ι', M'
defines a multilinear map on ∀ i : ι ⊕ ι', M'
Instances For
Linear equivalence between the space of multilinear maps on ∀ i : ι ⊕ ι', M'
and the space
of multilinear maps on ∀ i : ι, M'
taking values in the space of multilinear maps
on ∀ i : ι', M'
- MultilinearMap.currySumEquiv R ι M₂ M' ι' = { toFun := MultilinearMap.currySum, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, invFun := MultilinearMap.uncurrySum, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
If s : Finset (Fin n)
is a finite set of cardinality k
and its complement has cardinality
, then the space of multilinear maps on fun i : Fin n => M'
is isomorphic to the space of
multilinear maps on fun i : Fin k => M'
taking values in the space of multilinear maps
on fun i : Fin l => M'
- MultilinearMap.curryFinFinset R M₂ M' hk hl = (MultilinearMap.domDomCongrLinearEquiv R R M' M₂ (finSumEquivOfFinset hk hl).symm).trans (MultilinearMap.currySumEquiv R (Fin k) M₂ M' (Fin l))