The canonical bilinear form on a finite root pairing #
Given a finite root pairing, we define a canonical map from weight space to coweight space, and the corresponding bilinear form. This form is symmetric and Weyl-invariant, and if the base ring is linearly ordered, then the form is root-positive, positive-semidefinite on the weight space, and positive-definite on the span of roots. From these facts, it is easy to show that Coxeter weights in a finite root pairing are bounded above by 4. Thus, the pairings of roots and coroots in a crystallographic root pairing are restricted to a small finite set of possibilities. Another application is to the faithfulness of the Weyl group action on roots, and finiteness of the Weyl group.
Main definitions: #
: A distinguished linear map from the weight space to the coweight space.RootPairing.RootForm
: The bilinear form on weight space corresponding toPolarization
Main results: #
: The inner product of any weight vector is a sum of squares.RootPairing.rootForm_reflection_reflection_apply
is invariant with respect to reflections.RootPairing.rootForm_self_smul_coroot
: The inner product of a root with itself times the corresponding coroot is equal to two times Polarization applied to the root.RootPairing.exists_ge_zero_eq_rootForm
is positive semidefinite.
References: #
- [N. Bourbaki, Lie groups and Lie algebras. Chapters 4--6][bourbaki1968]
- [M. Demazure, SGA III, Exposé XXI, Données Radicielles][demazure1970]
TODO (possibly in other files) #
- Weyl-invariance
- Faithfulness of Weyl group action, and finiteness of Weyl group, for finite root systems.
An invariant linear map from weight space to coweight space.
- P.Polarization = ∑ i : ι, LinearMap.toSpanSingleton R N (P.coroot i) ∘ₗ P.coroot' i
Instances For
An invariant linear map from coweight space to weight space.
- P.CoPolarization = ∑ i : ι, LinearMap.toSpanSingleton R M (P.root i) ∘ₗ P.root' i
Instances For
An invariant inner product on the weight space.
- P.RootForm = ∑ i : ι, LinearMap.smulRight (P.coroot' i) (P.coroot' i)
Instances For
An invariant inner product on the coweight space.
- P.CorootForm = ∑ i : ι, LinearMap.smulRight (P.root' i) (P.root' i)
Instances For
This is SGA3 XXI Lemma 1.2.1 (10), key for proving nondegeneracy and positivity.
The bilinear form of a finite root pairing taking values in a linearly-ordered ring, as a root-positive form.
- P.posRootForm S = { form := P.RootForm, symm := ⋯, isOrthogonal_reflection := ⋯, exists_eq := ⋯, exists_pos_eq := ⋯ }