Strongly measurable and finitely strongly measurable functions #
A function f
is said to be almost everywhere strongly measurable if f
is almost everywhere
equal to a strongly measurable function, i.e. the sequential limit of simple functions.
It is said to be almost everywhere finitely strongly measurable with respect to a measure μ
if the supports of those simple functions have finite measure.
Almost everywhere strongly measurable functions form the largest class of functions that can be integrated using the Bochner integral.
Main definitions #
AEStronglyMeasurable f μ
is almost everywhere equal to aStronglyMeasurable
function.AEFinStronglyMeasurable f μ
is almost everywhere equal to aFinStronglyMeasurable
: a measurable sett
such thatf =ᵐ[μ.restrict tᶜ] 0
andμ.restrict t
is sigma-finite.
Main statements #
: there exists a measurable sett
such thatf =ᵐ[μ.restrict tᶜ] 0
andμ.restrict t
is sigma-finite.
We provide a solid API for almost everywhere strongly measurable functions, as a basis for the Bochner integral.
References #
- [Hytönen, Tuomas, Jan Van Neerven, Mark Veraar, and Lutz Weis. Analysis in Banach spaces. Springer, 2016.][Hytönen_VanNeerven_Veraar_Wies_2016]
A function is AEStronglyMeasurable
with respect to a measure μ
if it is almost everywhere
equal to the limit of a sequence of simple functions.
One can specify the sigma-algebra according to which simple functions are taken using the
notation in the MeasureTheory
- MeasureTheory.AEStronglyMeasurable f μ = ∃ (g : α → β), MeasureTheory.StronglyMeasurable g ∧ f =ᵐ[μ] g
Instances For
A function is m
with respect to a measure μ
if it is almost
everywhere equal to the limit of a sequence of m
-simple functions.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A function is AEFinStronglyMeasurable
with respect to a measure if it is almost everywhere
equal to the limit of a sequence of simple functions with support with finite measure.
- MeasureTheory.AEFinStronglyMeasurable f μ = ∃ (g : α → β), MeasureTheory.FinStronglyMeasurable g μ ∧ f =ᵐ[μ] g
Instances For
Almost everywhere strongly measurable functions #
A StronglyMeasurable
function such that f =ᵐ[μ] f
. See lemmas
and ae_eq_mk
Instances For
The composition of a continuous function and an ae strongly measurable function is ae strongly measurable.
A continuous function from α
to β
is ae strongly measurable when one of the two spaces is
second countable.
The composition of a continuous function of two variables and two ae strongly measurable functions is ae strongly measurable.
In a space with second countable topology, measurable implies ae strongly measurable.
If the restriction to a set s
of a σ-algebra m
is included in the restriction to s
another σ-algebra m₂
(hypothesis hs
), the set s
is m
measurable and a function f
everywhere supported on s
is m
-ae-strongly-measurable, then f
is also
Big operators: ∏
and ∑
In a space with second countable topology, measurable implies strongly measurable.
In a space with second countable topology, strongly measurable and measurable are equivalent.
The enorm
of a strongly a.e. measurable function is a.e. measurable.
Note that unlike AEStrongMeasurable.norm
and AEStronglyMeasurable.nnnorm
, this lemma proves
a.e. measurability, not a.e. strong measurability. This is an intentional decision:
for functions taking values in ℝ≥0∞, a.e. measurability is much more useful than
a.e. strong measurability.
Alias of MeasureTheory.AEStronglyMeasurable.enorm
The enorm
of a strongly a.e. measurable function is a.e. measurable.
Note that unlike AEStrongMeasurable.norm
and AEStronglyMeasurable.nnnorm
, this lemma proves
a.e. measurability, not a.e. strong measurability. This is an intentional decision:
for functions taking values in ℝ≥0∞, a.e. measurability is much more useful than
a.e. strong measurability.
Given a.e. strongly measurable functions f
and g
, edist f g
is measurable.
Note that this lemma proves a.e. measurability, not a.e. strong measurability. This is an intentional decision: for functions taking values in ℝ≥0∞, a.e. measurability is much more useful than a.e. strong measurability.
A function is almost everywhere strongly measurable if and only if it is almost everywhere measurable, and up to a zero measure set its range is contained in a separable set.
Alias of Topology.IsEmbedding.aestronglyMeasurable_comp_iff
An almost everywhere sequential limit of almost everywhere strongly measurable functions is almost everywhere strongly measurable.
If a sequence of almost everywhere strongly measurable functions converges almost everywhere, one can select a strongly measurable function as the almost everywhere limit.
Almost everywhere finitely strongly measurable functions #
A fin_strongly_measurable
function such that f =ᵐ[μ] f
. See lemmas
and ae_eq_mk
Instances For
A measurable set t
such that f =ᵐ[μ.restrict tᶜ] 0
and sigma_finite (μ.restrict t)
- hf.sigmaFiniteSet = ⋯.choose
Instances For
In a space with second countable topology and a sigma-finite measure,
and AEMeasurable
are equivalent.
In a space with second countable topology and a sigma-finite measure,
an AEMeasurable
function is AEFinStronglyMeasurable