Additive Contents #
An additive content m
on a set of sets C
is a set function with value 0 at the empty set which
is finitely additive on C
. That means that for any finset I
of pairwise disjoint sets in C
such that ⋃₀ I ∈ C
, m (⋃₀ I) = ∑ s ∈ I, m s
Mathlib also has a definition of contents over compact sets: see MeasureTheory.Content
A Content
is in particular an AddContent
on the set of compact sets.
Main definitions #
MeasureTheory.AddContent C
: additive contents over the set of setsC
: anAddContent
is σ-subadditive ifm (⋃ i, f i) ≤ ∑' i, m (f i)
for any sequence of setsf
such that⋃ i, f i ∈ C
Main statements #
Let m
be an AddContent C
. If C
is a set semi-ring (IsSetSemiring C
) we have the properties
: ifI
is a finset of pairwise disjoint sets inC
and⋃₀ I ⊆ t
fort ∈ C
, then∑ s ∈ I, m s ≤ m t
: ifs ⊆ t
for two sets inC
, thenm s ≤ m t
: anAddContent C
on aSetSemiring C
is sub-additive.MeasureTheory.addContent_iUnion_eq_tsum_of_disjoint_of_addContent_iUnion_le
: if anAddContent
is σ-subadditive on a semi-ring of sets, then it is σ-additive.MeasureTheory.addContent_union'
: ifs, t ∈ C
are disjoint ands ∪ t ∈ C
, thenm (s ∪ t) = m s + m t
. IfC
is a set ring (IsSetRing
), thenaddContent_union
gives the same conclusion without the hypothesiss ∪ t ∈ C
(since it is a consequence ofIsSetRing C
If C
is a set ring (MeasureTheory.IsSetRing C
), we have
: fors, t ∈ C
,m (s ∪ t) ≤ m s + m t
: fors, t ∈ C
,m s - m t ≤ m (s \ t)
: a function on a ring of sets which is additive on pairs of disjoint sets defines an additive contentaddContent_iUnion_eq_sum_of_tendsto_zero
: if an additive content is continuous at∅
, then its value on a countable disjoint union is the sum of the valuesMeasureTheory.isSigmaSubadditive_of_addContent_iUnion_eq_tsum
: if anAddContent
is σ-additive on a set ring, then it is σ-subadditive.
An additive content is a set function with value 0 at the empty set which is finitely additive on a given set of sets.
The value of the content on a set.
Instances For
- MeasureTheory.instInhabitedAddContent = { default := { toFun := fun (x : Set α) => 0, empty' := MeasureTheory.instInhabitedAddContent.proof_1, sUnion' := ⋯ } }
- MeasureTheory.instDFunLikeAddContentSetENNReal = { coe := fun (m : MeasureTheory.AddContent C) (s : Set α) => m.toFun s, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
An additive content is said to be sigma-sub-additive if for any sequence of sets f
in C
that ⋃ i, f i ∈ C
, we have m (⋃ i, f i) ≤ ∑' i, m (f i)
Instances For
For an m : addContent C
on a SetSemiring C
, if I
is a Finset
of pairwise disjoint
sets in C
and ⋃₀ I ⊆ t
for t ∈ C
, then ∑ s ∈ I, m s ≤ m t
An addContent C
on a SetSemiring C
is monotone.
For an m : addContent C
on a SetSemiring C
and s t : Set α
with s ⊆ t
, we can write
m t = m s + ∑ i in hC.disjointOfDiff ht hs, m i
An addContent C
on a SetSemiring C
is sub-additive.
If an AddContent
is σ-subadditive on a semi-ring of sets, then it is σ-additive.
If an AddContent
is σ-subadditive on a semi-ring of sets, then it is σ-additive.
An additive content obtained from another one on the same semiring of sets by setting the value
of each set not in the semiring at ∞
- MeasureTheory.AddContent.extend hC m = { toFun := MeasureTheory.extend fun (x : Set α) (x_1 : x ∈ C) => m x, empty' := ⋯, sUnion' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A function which is additive on disjoint elements in a ring of sets C
defines an
additive content on C
- MeasureTheory.IsSetRing.addContent_of_union m hC m_empty m_add = { toFun := m, empty' := m_empty, sUnion' := ⋯ }
Instances For
In a ring of sets, continuity of an additive content at ∅
implies σ-additivity.
This is not true in general in semirings, or without the hypothesis that m
is finite. See the
examples 7 and 8 in Halmos' book Measure Theory (1974), page 40.
If an additive content is σ-additive on a set ring, then the content of a monotone sequence of sets tends to the content of the union.
If an additive content is σ-additive on a set ring, then it is σ-subadditive.