Dirac deltas as probability measures and embedding of a space into probability measures on it #
Main definitions #
: The Dirac delta mass at a point as a probability measure.
Main results #
: IfX
is a completely regular T0 space with its Borel sigma algebra, then the mapping that takes a pointx : X
to the delta-measurediracProba x
is an embeddingX ↪ ProbabilityMeasure X
Tags #
probability measure, Dirac delta, embedding
The Dirac delta mass at a point x : X
as a ProbabilityMeasure
Instances For
The assignment x ↦ diracProba x
is injective if all singletons are measurable.
The assignment x ↦ diracProba x
is continuous X → ProbabilityMeasure X
In a T0 topological space equipped with a sigma algebra which contains all open sets,
the assignment x ↦ diracProba x
is injective.
An inverse function to diracProba
(only really an inverse under hypotheses that
guarantee injectivity of diracProba
Instances For
In a T0 topological space X
, the assignment x ↦ diracProba x
is a bijection to its
range in ProbabilityMeasure X
- MeasureTheory.diracProbaEquiv = { toFun := fun (x : X) => ⟨MeasureTheory.diracProba x, ⋯⟩, invFun := MeasureTheory.diracProbaInverse, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of diracProbaEquiv.symm
and diracProba
is the subtype inclusion.
In a T0 topological space, diracProbaEquiv
is continuous.
In a completely regular T0 topological space, the inverse of diracProbaEquiv
is continuous.
In a completely regular T0 topological space X
, diracProbaEquiv
is a homeomorphism to
its image in ProbabilityMeasure X
- MeasureTheory.diracProbaHomeomorph = { toEquiv := MeasureTheory.diracProbaEquiv, continuous_toFun := ⋯, continuous_invFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
If X
is a completely regular T0 space with its Borel sigma algebra, then the mapping
that takes a point x : X
to the delta-measure diracProba x
is an embedding
X → ProbabilityMeasure X
Alias of MeasureTheory.isEmbedding_diracProba
If X
is a completely regular T0 space with its Borel sigma algebra, then the mapping
that takes a point x : X
to the delta-measure diracProba x
is an embedding
X → ProbabilityMeasure X