

Dirac deltas as probability measures and embedding of a space into probability measures on it #

Main definitions #

Main results #

Tags #

probability measure, Dirac delta, embedding

theorem CompletelyRegularSpace.exists_BCNN {X : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace X] [CompletelyRegularSpace X] {K : Set X} (K_closed : IsClosed K) {x : X} (x_notin_K : xK) :
∃ (f : BoundedContinuousFunction X NNReal), f x = 1 yK, f y = 0
noncomputable def MeasureTheory.diracProba {X : Type u_1} [MeasurableSpace X] (x : X) :

The Dirac delta mass at a point x : X as a ProbabilityMeasure.

Instances For

    The assignment x ↦ diracProba x is injective if all singletons are measurable.

    theorem MeasureTheory.diracProba_toMeasure_apply' {X : Type u_1} [MeasurableSpace X] (x : X) {A : Set X} (A_mble : MeasurableSet A) :
    (diracProba x) A = A.indicator 1 x
    theorem MeasureTheory.diracProba_toMeasure_apply_of_mem {X : Type u_1} [MeasurableSpace X] {x : X} {A : Set X} (x_in_A : x A) :
    (diracProba x) A = 1

    The assignment x ↦ diracProba x is continuous X → ProbabilityMeasure X.

    In a T0 topological space equipped with a sigma algebra which contains all open sets, the assignment x ↦ diracProba x is injective.

    noncomputable def MeasureTheory.diracProbaInverse {X : Type u_1} [MeasurableSpace X] :

    An inverse function to diracProba (only really an inverse under hypotheses that guarantee injectivity of diracProba).

    Instances For

      In a T0 topological space X, the assignment x ↦ diracProba x is a bijection to its range in ProbabilityMeasure X.

      Instances For

        The composition of diracProbaEquiv.symm and diracProba is the subtype inclusion.

        In a completely regular T0 topological space, the inverse of diracProbaEquiv is continuous.

        In a completely regular T0 topological space X, diracProbaEquiv is a homeomorphism to its image in ProbabilityMeasure X.

        Instances For

          If X is a completely regular T0 space with its Borel sigma algebra, then the mapping that takes a point x : X to the delta-measure diracProba x is an embedding X → ProbabilityMeasure X.

          @[deprecated MeasureTheory.isEmbedding_diracProba (since := "2024-10-26")]

          Alias of MeasureTheory.isEmbedding_diracProba.

          If X is a completely regular T0 space with its Borel sigma algebra, then the mapping that takes a point x : X to the delta-measure diracProba x is an embedding X → ProbabilityMeasure X.