Basics on First-Order Structures #
This file defines first-order languages and structures in the style of the Flypitch project, as well as several important maps between structures.
Main Definitions #
- A
defines a language as a pair of functions from the natural numbers toType l
. One sendsn
to the type ofn
-ary functions, and the other sendsn
to the type ofn
-ary relations. - A
interprets the symbols of a givenFirstOrder.Language
in the context of a given type. - A
, denotedM →[L] N
, is a map from theL
to theL
that commutes with the interpretations of functions, and which preserves the interpretations of relations (although only in the forward direction). - A
, denotedM ↪[L] N
, is an embedding from theL
to theL
that commutes with the interpretations of functions, and which preserves the interpretations of relations in both directions. - A
, denotedM ≃[L] N
, is an equivalence from theL
to theL
that commutes with the interpretations of functions, and which preserves the interpretations of relations in both directions.
References #
For the Flypitch project:
- [J. Han, F. van Doorn, A formal proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis] [flypitch_cpp]
- [J. Han, F. van Doorn, A formalization of forcing and the unprovability of the continuum hypothesis][flypitch_itp]
Languages and Structures #
A first-order language consists of a type of functions of every natural-number arity and a type of relations of every natural-number arity.
For every arity, a
of functions of that arityFor every arity, a
of relations of that arity
Instances For
A language is relational when it has no function symbols.
- L.IsRelational = ∀ (n : ℕ), IsEmpty (L.Functions n)
Instances For
A language is algebraic when it has no relation symbols.
- L.IsAlgebraic = ∀ (n : ℕ), IsEmpty (L.Relations n)
Instances For
The empty language has no symbols.
Instances For
- FirstOrder.Language.instInhabited = { default := FirstOrder.Language.empty }
The sum of two languages consists of the disjoint union of their symbols.
Instances For
The cardinality of a language is the cardinality of its type of symbols.
- L.card = L.Symbols
Instances For
Alias of FirstOrder.Language.card_empty
Passes a DecidableEq
instance on a type of function symbols through the Language
constructor. Despite the fact that this is proven by inferInstance
, it is still needed -
see the example
s in ModelTheory/Ring/Basic
Passes a DecidableEq
instance on a type of relation symbols through the Language
constructor. Despite the fact that this is proven by inferInstance
, it is still needed -
see the example
s in ModelTheory/Ring/Basic
A first-order structure on a type M
consists of interpretations of all the symbols in a given
language. Each function of arity n
is interpreted as a function sending tuples of length n
(modeled as (Fin n → M)
) to M
, and a relation of arity n
is a function from tuples of length
to Prop
Interpretation of the function symbols
Interpretation of the relation symbols
Used for defining FirstOrder.Language.Theory.ModelType.instInhabited
Instances For
Maps #
A homomorphism between first-order structures is a function that commutes with the interpretations of functions and maps tuples in one structure where a given relation is true to tuples in the second structure where that relation is still true.
- toFun : M → N
The underlying function of a homomorphism of structures
- map_fun' {n : ℕ} (f : L.Functions n) (x : Fin n → M) : self.toFun (Structure.funMap f x) = Structure.funMap f (self.toFun ∘ x)
The homomorphism commutes with the interpretations of the function symbols
- map_rel' {n : ℕ} (r : L.Relations n) (x : Fin n → M) : Structure.RelMap r x → Structure.RelMap r (self.toFun ∘ x)
The homomorphism sends related elements to related elements
Instances For
A homomorphism between first-order structures is a function that commutes with the interpretations of functions and maps tuples in one structure where a given relation is true to tuples in the second structure where that relation is still true.
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Instances For
An embedding of first-order structures is an embedding that commutes with the interpretations of functions and relations.
- toFun : M → N
- map_fun' {n : ℕ} (f : L.Functions n) (x : Fin n → M) : self.toFun (Structure.funMap f x) = Structure.funMap f (self.toFun ∘ x)
The homomorphism commutes with the interpretations of the function symbols
- map_rel' {n : ℕ} (r : L.Relations n) (x : Fin n → M) : Structure.RelMap r (self.toFun ∘ x) ↔ Structure.RelMap r x
The homomorphism sends related elements to related elements
Instances For
An embedding of first-order structures is an embedding that commutes with the interpretations of functions and relations.
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Instances For
An equivalence of first-order structures is an equivalence that commutes with the interpretations of functions and relations.
- toFun : M → N
- invFun : N → M
- left_inv : Function.LeftInverse self.invFun self.toFun
- right_inv : Function.RightInverse self.invFun self.toFun
- map_fun' {n : ℕ} (f : L.Functions n) (x : Fin n → M) : self.toFun (Structure.funMap f x) = Structure.funMap f (self.toFun ∘ x)
The homomorphism commutes with the interpretations of the function symbols
- map_rel' {n : ℕ} (r : L.Relations n) (x : Fin n → M) : Structure.RelMap r (self.toFun ∘ x) ↔ Structure.RelMap r x
The homomorphism sends related elements to related elements
Instances For
An equivalence of first-order structures is an equivalence that commutes with the interpretations of functions and relations.
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Instances For
Interpretation of a constant symbol
Instances For
HomClass L F M N
states that F
is a type of L
-homomorphisms. You should extend this
typeclass when you extend FirstOrder.Language.Hom
- map_fun (φ : F) {n : ℕ} (f : L.Functions n) (x : Fin n → M) : φ (Structure.funMap f x) = Structure.funMap f (⇑φ ∘ x)
The homomorphism commutes with the interpretations of the function symbols
- map_rel (φ : F) {n : ℕ} (r : L.Relations n) (x : Fin n → M) : Structure.RelMap r x → Structure.RelMap r (⇑φ ∘ x)
The homomorphism sends related elements to related elements
StrongHomClass L F M N
states that F
is a type of L
-homomorphisms which preserve
relations in both directions.
- map_fun (φ : F) {n : ℕ} (f : L.Functions n) (x : Fin n → M) : φ (Structure.funMap f x) = Structure.funMap f (⇑φ ∘ x)
The homomorphism commutes with the interpretations of the function symbols
- map_rel (φ : F) {n : ℕ} (r : L.Relations n) (x : Fin n → M) : Structure.RelMap r (⇑φ ∘ x) ↔ Structure.RelMap r x
The homomorphism sends related elements to related elements
Not an instance to avoid a loop.
- FirstOrder.Language.Hom.instFunLike = { coe := FirstOrder.Language.Hom.toFun, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
The identity map from a structure to itself.
- L M = { toFun := fun (m : M) => m, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- FirstOrder.Language.Hom.instInhabited = { default := L M }
Any element of a HomClass
can be realized as a first_order homomorphism.
- FirstOrder.Language.HomClass.toHom φ = { toFun := ⇑φ, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
In an algebraic language, any injective homomorphism is an embedding.
- FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.ofInjective hf = { toFun := f.toFun, inj' := hf, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The identity embedding from a structure to itself.
- FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.refl L M = { toEmbedding := Function.Embedding.refl M, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.instInhabited = { default := FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.refl L M }
Composition of first-order embeddings is associative.
Any element of an injective StrongHomClass
can be realized as a first_order embedding.
- FirstOrder.Language.StrongHomClass.toEmbedding φ = { toFun := ⇑φ, inj' := ⋯, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The identity equivalence from a structure to itself.
- FirstOrder.Language.Equiv.refl L M = { toEquiv := Equiv.refl M, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- FirstOrder.Language.Equiv.instInhabited = { default := FirstOrder.Language.Equiv.refl L M }
Any element of a bijective StrongHomClass
can be realized as a first_order isomorphism.
- FirstOrder.Language.StrongHomClass.toEquiv φ = { toFun := ⇑φ, invFun := EquivLike.inv φ, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Alias of FirstOrder.Language.funMap_sumInl
Alias of FirstOrder.Language.funMap_sumInr
Alias of FirstOrder.Language.relMap_sumInl
Alias of FirstOrder.Language.relMap_sumInr
Any type can be made uniquely into a structure over the empty language.
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Instances For
- FirstOrder.Language.instUniqueStructureEmpty = { default := FirstOrder.Language.emptyStructure, uniq := ⋯ }
Makes a Language.empty.Hom
out of any function.
This is only needed because there is no instance of FunLike (M → N) M N
, and thus no instance of
Language.empty.HomClass M N
- Function.emptyHom f = { toFun := f, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A structure induced by a bijection.
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Instances For
A bijection as a first-order isomorphism with the induced structure on the codomain.
- e.inducedStructureEquiv = { toEquiv := e, map_fun' := ⋯, map_rel' := ⋯ }