

SetLike instance for elements of CompleteSublattice (Set X) #

This file provides lemmas for the SetLike instance for elements of CompleteSublattice (Set X)

theorem Sublattice.ext_mem {X : Type u_1} {L : Sublattice (Set X)} {S T : L} (h : ∀ (x : X), x S x T) :
S = T
theorem Sublattice.mem_subtype {X : Type u_1} {L : Sublattice (Set X)} {T : L} {x : X} :
x L.subtype T x T
theorem Sublattice.setLike_mem_inf {X : Type u_1} {L : Sublattice (Set X)} {S T : L} {x : X} :
x S T x S x T
theorem Sublattice.setLike_mem_sup {X : Type u_1} {L : Sublattice (Set X)} {S T : L} {x : X} :
x S T x S x T
theorem Sublattice.setLike_mem_coe {X : Type u_1} {L : Sublattice (Set X)} {T : L} {x : X} :
x T x T
theorem Sublattice.setLike_mem_mk {X : Type u_1} {L : Sublattice (Set X)} {x : X} (U : Set X) (h : U L) :
x U, h x U
theorem CompleteSublattice.ext {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {S T : L} (h : ∀ (x : X), x S x T) :
S = T
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_subtype {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {T : L} {x : X} :
x L.subtype T x T
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_inf {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {S T : L} {x : X} :
x S T x S x T
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_sInf {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {𝒮 : Set L} {x : X} :
x sInf 𝒮 T𝒮, x T
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_iInf {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {I : Sort u_2} {f : IL} {x : X} :
x ⨅ (i : I), f i ∀ (i : I), x f i
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_top {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {x : X} :
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_sup {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {S T : L} {x : X} :
x S T x S x T
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_sSup {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {𝒮 : Set L} {x : X} :
x sSup 𝒮 T𝒮, x T
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_iSup {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {I : Sort u_2} {f : IL} {x : X} :
x ⨆ (i : I), f i ∃ (i : I), x f i
theorem CompleteSublattice.not_mem_bot {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {x : X} :
theorem CompleteSublattice.mem_mk {X : Type u_1} {L : CompleteSublattice (Set X)} {x : X} (U : Set X) (h : U L) :
x U, h x U