Theory of filters on sets #
A filter on a type α
is a collection of sets of α
which contains the whole α
is upwards-closed, and is stable under intersection. They are mostly used to
abstract two related kinds of ideas:
- limits, including finite or infinite limits of sequences, finite or infinite limits of functions at a point or at infinity, etc...
- things happening eventually, including things happening for large enough
n : ℕ
, or near enough a pointx
, or for close enough pairs of points, or things happening almost everywhere in the sense of measure theory. Dually, filters can also express the idea of things happening often: for arbitrarily largen
, or at a point in any neighborhood of given a point etc...
Main definitions #
In this file, we endow Filter α
it with a complete lattice structure.
This structure is lifted from the lattice structure on Set (Set X)
using the Galois
insertion which maps a filter to its elements in one direction, and an arbitrary set of sets to
the smallest filter containing it in the other direction.
We also prove Filter
is a monadic functor, with a push-forward operation
and a pull-back operation Filter.comap
that form a Galois connections for the
order on filters.
The examples of filters appearing in the description of the two motivating ideas are:
(Filter.atTop : Filter ℕ)
: made of sets ofℕ
containing{n | n ≥ N}
for someN
𝓝 x
: made of neighborhoods ofx
in a topological space (defined in topology.basic)𝓤 X
: made of entourages of a uniform space (those space are generalizations of metric spaces defined inMathlib/Topology/UniformSpace/Basic.lean
: made of sets whose complement has zero measure with respect toμ
(defined inMathlib/MeasureTheory/OuterMeasure/AE
The predicate "happening eventually" is Filter.Eventually
, and "happening often" is
, whose definitions are immediate after Filter
is defined (but they come
rather late in this file in order to immediately relate them to the lattice structure).
Notations #
∀ᶠ x in f, p x
:f.Eventually p
;∃ᶠ x in f, p x
:f.Frequently p
;f =ᶠ[l] g
:∀ᶠ x in l, f x = g x
;f ≤ᶠ[l] g
:∀ᶠ x in l, f x ≤ g x
;𝓟 s
:Filter.Principal s
, localized inFilter
References #
- [N. Bourbaki, General Topology][bourbaki1966]
Important note: Bourbaki requires that a filter on X
cannot contain all sets of X
, which
we do not require. This gives Filter X
better formal properties, in particular a bottom element
for its lattice structure, at the cost of including the assumption
[NeBot f]
in a number of lemmas and definitions.
An extensionality lemma that is useful for filters with good lemmas about sᶜ ∈ f
, Filter.coprod
, Filter.Coprod
, Filter.cofinite
- Filter.instTransSetMemSubset = { trans := ⋯ }
Weaker version of Filter.biInter_mem
that assumes Subsingleton β
rather than Finite β
Weaker version of Filter.iInter_mem
that assumes Subsingleton β
rather than Finite β
GenerateSets g s
: s
is in the filter closure of g
- basic {α : Type u} {g : Set (Set α)} {s : Set α} : s ∈ g → GenerateSets g s
- univ {α : Type u} {g : Set (Set α)} : GenerateSets g Set.univ
- superset {α : Type u} {g : Set (Set α)} {s t : Set α} : GenerateSets g s → s ⊆ t → GenerateSets g t
- inter {α : Type u} {g : Set (Set α)} {s t : Set α} : GenerateSets g s → GenerateSets g t → GenerateSets g (s ∩ t)
Instances For
generate g
is the largest filter containing the sets g
- Filter.generate g = { sets := {s : Set α | Filter.GenerateSets g s}, univ_sets := ⋯, sets_of_superset := ⋯, inter_sets := ⋯ }
Instances For
mkOfClosure s hs
constructs a filter on α
whose elements set is exactly
s : Set (Set α)
, provided one gives the assumption hs : (generate s).sets = s
- Filter.mkOfClosure s hs = { sets := s, univ_sets := ⋯, sets_of_superset := ⋯, inter_sets := ⋯ }
Instances For
Galois insertion from sets of sets into filters.
- Filter.giGenerate α = { choice := fun (s : Set (Set α)) (hs : (Filter.generate s).sets ≤ s) => Filter.mkOfClosure s ⋯, gc := ⋯, le_l_u := ⋯, choice_eq := ⋯ }
Instances For
Complete lattice structure on Filter α
- Filter.instCompleteLatticeFilter = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
- Filter.instInhabited = { default := ⊥ }
Either f = ⊥
or Filter.NeBot f
. This is a version of eq_or_ne
that uses Filter.NeBot
as the second alternative, to be used as an instance.
Alias of the reverse direction of Filter.principal_mono
Lattice equations #
There is exactly one filter on an empty type.
- Filter.unique = { default := ⊥, uniq := ⋯ }
There are only two filters on a Subsingleton
: ⊥
and ⊤
. If the type is empty, then they are
If f : ι → Filter α
is directed, ι
is not empty, and ∀ i, f i ≠ ⊥
, then iInf f ≠ ⊥
See also iInf_neBot_of_directed
for a version assuming Nonempty α
instead of Nonempty ι
If f : ι → Filter α
is directed, α
is not empty, and ∀ i, f i ≠ ⊥
, then iInf f ≠ ⊥
See also iInf_neBot_of_directed'
for a version assuming Nonempty ι
instead of Nonempty α
equations #
Alias of the reverse direction of Filter.principal_neBot_iff
Eventually #
Frequently #
Relation “eventually equal” #
Alias of Filter.EventuallyEq.of_eq
- Filter.instTransForallEventuallyEqEventuallyLE = { trans := ⋯ }
- Filter.instTransForallEventuallyLEEventuallyEq = { trans := ⋯ }