Pointwise operations on filters #
This file defines pointwise operations on filters. This is useful because usual algebraic operations distribute over pointwise operations. For example,
(f₁ * f₂).map m = f₁.map m * f₂.map m
𝓝 (x * y) = 𝓝 x * 𝓝 y
Main declarations #
): Pure filter at0 : α
, or alternatively principal filter at0 : Set α
): Pure filter at1 : α
, or alternatively principal filter at1 : Set α
.f + g
): Addition, filter generated by alls + t
wheres ∈ f
andt ∈ g
.f * g
): Multiplication, filter generated by alls * t
wheres ∈ f
andt ∈ g
): Negation, filter of all-s
wheres ∈ f
): Inversion, filter of alls⁻¹
wheres ∈ f
.f - g
): Subtraction, filter generated by alls - t
wheres ∈ f
andt ∈ g
.f / g
): Division, filter generated by alls / t
wheres ∈ f
andt ∈ g
.f +ᵥ g
): Scalar addition, filter generated by alls +ᵥ t
wheres ∈ f
andt ∈ g
.f -ᵥ g
): Scalar subtraction, filter generated by alls -ᵥ t
wheres ∈ f
andt ∈ g
.f • g
): Scalar multiplication, filter generated by alls • t
wheres ∈ f
andt ∈ g
.a +ᵥ f
): Translation, filter of alla +ᵥ s
wheres ∈ f
.a • f
): Scaling, filter of alla • s
wheres ∈ f
For α
a semigroup/monoid, Filter α
is a semigroup/monoid.
As an unfortunate side effect, this means that n • f
, where n : ℕ
, is ambiguous between
pointwise scaling and repeated pointwise addition. See note [pointwise nat action].
Implementation notes #
We put all instances in the locale Pointwise
, so that these instances are not available by
default. Note that we do not mark them as reducible (as argued by note [reducible non-instances])
since we expect the locale to be open whenever the instances are actually used (and making the
instances reducible changes the behavior of simp
Tags #
filter multiplication, filter addition, pointwise addition, pointwise multiplication,
as filters #
1 : Filter α
is defined as the filter of sets containing 1 : α
in locale Pointwise
- Filter.instOne = { one := pure 1 }
Instances For
0 : Filter α
is defined as the filter of sets containing 0 : α
in locale Pointwise
- Filter.instZero = { zero := pure 0 }
Instances For
Filter negation/inversion #
The inverse of a filter is the pointwise preimage under ⁻¹
of its sets.
- Filter.instInv = { inv := Filter.map Inv.inv }
The negation of a filter is the pointwise preimage under -
of its sets.
- Filter.instNeg = { neg := Filter.map Neg.neg }
Filter addition/multiplication #
operation as a MulHom
- Filter.pureMulHom = { toFun := pure, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The singleton operation as an AddHom
- Filter.pureAddHom = { toFun := pure, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Filter subtraction/division #
Repeated pointwise multiplication/division (not the same as pointwise repeated
multiplication/division!) of a Filter
. See Note [pointwise nat action].
Instances For
If φ : α →* β
then mapMonoidHom φ
is the monoid homomorphism
Filter α →* Filter β
induced by map φ
- Filter.mapMonoidHom φ = { toFun := Filter.map ⇑φ, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If φ : α →+ β
then mapAddMonoidHom φ
is the monoid homomorphism
Filter α →+ Filter β
induced by map φ
- Filter.mapAddMonoidHom φ = { toFun := Filter.map ⇑φ, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
as a MonoidHom
- Filter.pureMonoidHom = { toFun := Filter.pureMulHom.toFun, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
as an AddMonoidHom
- Filter.pureAddMonoidHom = { toFun := Filter.pureAddHom.toFun, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Filter α
is a Monoid
under pointwise operations if α
- Filter.monoid = Monoid.mk ⋯ ⋯ npowRecAuto ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Filter α
is an AddMonoid
under pointwise operations if α
- Filter.addMonoid = AddMonoid.mk ⋯ ⋯ nsmulRecAuto ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Filter α
is a commutative subtraction monoid under pointwise operations if α
Instances For
Note that Filter
is not a MulZeroClass
because 0 * ⊥ ≠ 0
Note that Filter α
is not a group because f / f ≠ 1
in general
Scalar addition/multiplication of filters #
Scalar subtraction of filters #
Translation/scaling of filters #
a • f
is the map of f
under a •
in locale Pointwise
- Filter.instSMulFilter = { smul := fun (a : α) => Filter.map fun (x : β) => a • x }
Instances For
a +ᵥ f
is the map of f
under a +ᵥ
in locale Pointwise
- Filter.instVAddFilter = { vadd := fun (a : α) => Filter.map fun (x : β) => a +ᵥ x }
Instances For
A distributive multiplicative action of a monoid on an additive monoid β
gives a distributive
multiplicative action on Filter β
Instances For
A multiplicative action of a monoid on a monoid β
gives a multiplicative action on Set β
Instances For
Note that we have neither SMulWithZero α (Filter β)
nor SMulWithZero (Filter α) (Filter β)
because 0 * ⊥ ≠ 0