Separating prime filters and ideals #
In a bounded distributive lattice, if $F$ is a filter, $I$ is an ideal, and $F$ and $I$ are disjoint, then there exists a prime ideal $J$ containing $I$ with $J$ still disjoint from $F$. This theorem is a crucial ingredient to [Stone's][Sto1938] duality for bounded distributive lattices. The construction of the separator relies on Zorn's lemma.
Tags #
ideal, filter, prime, distributive lattice
References #
- [M. H. Stone, Topological representations of distributive lattices and Brouwerian logics (1938)][Sto1938]
{α : Type u_1}
[DistribLattice α]
[BoundedOrder α]
(a b : α)
(J : Order.Ideal α)
{α : Type u_1}
[DistribLattice α]
[BoundedOrder α]
{F : Order.PFilter α}
{I : Order.Ideal α}
(hFI : Disjoint ↑F ↑I)