

The low-degree cohomology of a k-linear G-representation #

Let k be a commutative ring and G a group. This file gives simple expressions for the group cohomology of a k-linear G-representation A in degrees 0, 1 and 2.

In RepresentationTheory.GroupCohomology.Basic, we define the nth group cohomology of A to be the cohomology of a complex inhomogeneousCochains A, whose objects are (Fin n → G) → A; this is unnecessarily unwieldy in low degree. Moreover, cohomology of a complex is defined as an abstract cokernel, whereas the definitions here are explicit quotients of cocycles by coboundaries.

We also show that when the representation on A is trivial, H¹(G, A) ≃ Hom(G, A).

Given an additive or multiplicative abelian group A with an appropriate scalar action of G, we provide support for turning a function f : G → A satisfying the 1-cocycle identity into an element of the oneCocycles of the representation on A (or Additive A) corresponding to the scalar action. We also do this for 1-coboundaries, 2-cocycles and 2-coboundaries. The multiplicative case, starting with the section IsMulCocycle, just mirrors the additive case; unfortunately @[to_additive] can't deal with scalar actions.

The file also contains an identification between the definitions in RepresentationTheory.GroupCohomology.Basic, groupCohomology.cocycles A n and groupCohomology A n, and the nCocycles and Hn A in this file, for n = 0, 1, 2.

Main definitions #


def groupCohomology.zeroCochainsLequiv {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

The 0th object in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G is isomorphic to A as a k-module.

Instances For
    def groupCohomology.oneCochainsLequiv {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
    ((inhomogeneousCochains A).X 1) ≃ₗ[k] GA.V

    The 1st object in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G is isomorphic to Fun(G, A) as a k-module.

    Instances For
      def groupCohomology.twoCochainsLequiv {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
      ((inhomogeneousCochains A).X 2) ≃ₗ[k] G × GA.V

      The 2nd object in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G is isomorphic to Fun(G², A) as a k-module.

      Instances For
        def groupCohomology.threeCochainsLequiv {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
        ((inhomogeneousCochains A).X 3) ≃ₗ[k] G × G × GA.V

        The 3rd object in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G is isomorphic to Fun(G³, A) as a k-module.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def groupCohomology.dZero {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
          A.V →ₗ[k] GA.V

          The 0th differential in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G, as a k-linear map A → Fun(G, A). It sends (a, g) ↦ ρ_A(g)(a) - a.

          Instances For
            theorem groupCohomology.dZero_apply {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) (m : A.V) (g : G) :
            (dZero A) m g = (A.ρ g) m - m
            theorem groupCohomology.dZero_eq_zero {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) [A.IsTrivial] :
            dZero A = 0
            def groupCohomology.dOne {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
            (GA.V) →ₗ[k] G × GA.V

            The 1st differential in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G, as a k-linear map Fun(G, A) → Fun(G × G, A). It sends (f, (g₁, g₂)) ↦ ρ_A(g₁)(f(g₂)) - f(g₁g₂) + f(g₁).

            • groupCohomology.dOne A = { toFun := fun (f : GA.V) (g : G × G) => (A.ρ g.1) (f g.2) - f (g.1 * g.2) + f g.1, map_add' := , map_smul' := }
            Instances For
              theorem groupCohomology.dOne_apply {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) (f : GA.V) (g : G × G) :
              (dOne A) f g = (A.ρ g.1) (f g.2) - f (g.1 * g.2) + f g.1
              def groupCohomology.dTwo {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
              (G × GA.V) →ₗ[k] G × G × GA.V

              The 2nd differential in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G, as a k-linear map Fun(G × G, A) → Fun(G × G × G, A). It sends (f, (g₁, g₂, g₃)) ↦ ρ_A(g₁)(f(g₂, g₃)) - f(g₁g₂, g₃) + f(g₁, g₂g₃) - f(g₁, g₂).

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                theorem groupCohomology.dTwo_apply {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) (f : G × GA.V) (g : G × G × G) :
                (dTwo A) f g = (A.ρ g.1) (f (g.2.1, g.2.2)) - f (g.1 * g.2.1, g.2.2) + f (g.1, g.2.1 * g.2.2) - f (g.1, g.2.1)

                Let C(G, A) denote the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G. This lemma says dZero gives a simpler expression for the 0th differential: that is, the following square commutes:

                  C⁰(G, A) ---d⁰---> C¹(G, A)
                  |                    |
                  |                    |
                  |                    |
                  v                    v
                  A ---- dZero ---> Fun(G, A)

                where the vertical arrows are zeroCochainsLequiv and oneCochainsLequiv respectively.

                Let C(G, A) denote the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G. This lemma says dOne gives a simpler expression for the 1st differential: that is, the following square commutes:

                  C¹(G, A) ---d¹-----> C²(G, A)
                    |                      |
                    |                      |
                    |                      |
                    v                      v
                  Fun(G, A) -dOne-> Fun(G × G, A)

                where the vertical arrows are oneCochainsLequiv and twoCochainsLequiv respectively.

                Let C(G, A) denote the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A : Rep k G. This lemma says dTwo gives a simpler expression for the 2nd differential: that is, the following square commutes:

                      C²(G, A) -------d²-----> C³(G, A)
                        |                         |
                        |                         |
                        |                         |
                        v                         v
                  Fun(G × G, A) --dTwo--> Fun(G × G × G, A)

                where the vertical arrows are twoCochainsLequiv and threeCochainsLequiv respectively.

                theorem groupCohomology.dOne_comp_dZero {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
                theorem groupCohomology.dTwo_comp_dOne {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                The (exact) short complex A.ρ.invariants ⟶ A ⟶ (G → A).

                Instances For

                  The short complex A --dZero--> Fun(G, A) --dOne--> Fun(G × G, A).

                  Instances For

                    The short complex Fun(G, A) --dOne--> Fun(G × G, A) --dTwo--> Fun(G × G × G, A).

                    Instances For
                      def groupCohomology.oneCocycles {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
                      Submodule k (GA.V)

                      The 1-cocycles Z¹(G, A) of A : Rep k G, defined as the kernel of the map Fun(G, A) → Fun(G × G, A) sending (f, (g₁, g₂)) ↦ ρ_A(g₁)(f(g₂)) - f(g₁g₂) + f(g₁).

                      Instances For
                        def groupCohomology.twoCocycles {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
                        Submodule k (G × GA.V)

                        The 2-cocycles Z²(G, A) of A : Rep k G, defined as the kernel of the map Fun(G × G, A) → Fun(G × G × G, A) sending (f, (g₁, g₂, g₃)) ↦ ρ_A(g₁)(f(g₂, g₃)) - f(g₁g₂, g₃) + f(g₁, g₂g₃) - f(g₁, g₂).

                        Instances For
                          theorem groupCohomology.oneCocycles.coe_mk {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : GA.V) (hf : f oneCocycles A) :
                          f, hf = f
                          theorem groupCohomology.oneCocycles.val_eq_coe {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (oneCocycles A)) :
                          f = f
                          theorem groupCohomology.oneCocycles_ext {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} {f₁ f₂ : (oneCocycles A)} (h : ∀ (g : G), f₁ g = f₂ g) :
                          f₁ = f₂
                          theorem groupCohomology.mem_oneCocycles_def {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : GA.V) :
                          f oneCocycles A ∀ (g h : G), (A.ρ g) (f h) - f (g * h) + f g = 0
                          theorem groupCohomology.mem_oneCocycles_iff {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : GA.V) :
                          f oneCocycles A ∀ (g h : G), f (g * h) = (A.ρ g) (f h) + f g
                          theorem groupCohomology.oneCocycles_map_one {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (oneCocycles A)) :
                          f 1 = 0
                          theorem groupCohomology.oneCocycles_map_inv {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (oneCocycles A)) (g : G) :
                          (A.ρ g) (f g⁻¹) = -f g
                          theorem groupCohomology.dZero_apply_mem_oneCocycles {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (x : A.V) :
                          theorem groupCohomology.oneCocycles_map_mul_of_isTrivial {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} [A.IsTrivial] (f : (oneCocycles A)) (g h : G) :
                          f (g * h) = f g + f h

                          When A : Rep k G is a trivial representation of G, Z¹(G, A) is isomorphic to the group homs G → A.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            theorem groupCohomology.oneCocyclesLequivOfIsTrivial_symm_apply_coe {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) [hA : A.IsTrivial] (f : Additive G →+ A.V) (a : Additive G) :
                            theorem groupCohomology.oneCocyclesLequivOfIsTrivial_apply_apply {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) [hA : A.IsTrivial] (f : (oneCocycles A)) (a✝ : Additive G) :
                            ((oneCocyclesLequivOfIsTrivial A) f) a✝ = (f Additive.toMul) a✝
                            theorem groupCohomology.twoCocycles.coe_mk {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : G × GA.V) (hf : f twoCocycles A) :
                            f, hf = f
                            theorem groupCohomology.twoCocycles.val_eq_coe {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (twoCocycles A)) :
                            f = f
                            theorem groupCohomology.twoCocycles_ext {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} {f₁ f₂ : (twoCocycles A)} (h : ∀ (g h : G), f₁ (g, h) = f₂ (g, h)) :
                            f₁ = f₂
                            theorem groupCohomology.mem_twoCocycles_def {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : G × GA.V) :
                            f twoCocycles A ∀ (g h j : G), (A.ρ g) (f (h, j)) - f (g * h, j) + f (g, h * j) - f (g, h) = 0
                            theorem groupCohomology.mem_twoCocycles_iff {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : G × GA.V) :
                            f twoCocycles A ∀ (g h j : G), f (g * h, j) + f (g, h) = (A.ρ g) (f (h, j)) + f (g, h * j)
                            theorem groupCohomology.twoCocycles_map_one_fst {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (twoCocycles A)) (g : G) :
                            f (1, g) = f (1, 1)
                            theorem groupCohomology.twoCocycles_map_one_snd {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (twoCocycles A)) (g : G) :
                            f (g, 1) = (A.ρ g) (f (1, 1))
                            theorem groupCohomology.twoCocycles_ρ_map_inv_sub_map_inv {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (twoCocycles A)) (g : G) :
                            (A.ρ g) (f (g⁻¹, g)) - f (g, g⁻¹) = f (1, 1) - f (g, 1)
                            theorem groupCohomology.dOne_apply_mem_twoCocycles {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (x : GA.V) :
                            def groupCohomology.oneCoboundaries {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
                            Submodule k (GA.V)

                            The 1-coboundaries B¹(G, A) of A : Rep k G, defined as the image of the map A → Fun(G, A) sending (a, g) ↦ ρ_A(g)(a) - a.

                            Instances For
                              def groupCohomology.twoCoboundaries {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
                              Submodule k (G × GA.V)

                              The 2-coboundaries B²(G, A) of A : Rep k G, defined as the image of the map Fun(G, A) → Fun(G × G, A) sending (f, (g₁, g₂)) ↦ ρ_A(g₁)(f(g₂)) - f(g₁g₂) + f(g₁).

                              Instances For
                                theorem groupCohomology.oneCoboundaries.coe_mk {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : GA.V) (hf : f oneCoboundaries A) :
                                f, hf = f
                                theorem groupCohomology.oneCoboundaries.val_eq_coe {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (oneCoboundaries A)) :
                                f = f
                                theorem groupCohomology.oneCoboundaries_ext {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} {f₁ f₂ : (oneCoboundaries A)} (h : ∀ (g : G), f₁ g = f₂ g) :
                                f₁ = f₂
                                @[reducible, inline]

                                Natural inclusion B¹(G, A) →ₗ[k] Z¹(G, A).

                                Instances For
                                  theorem groupCohomology.twoCoboundaries.coe_mk {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : G × GA.V) (hf : f twoCoboundaries A) :
                                  f, hf = f
                                  theorem groupCohomology.twoCoboundaries.val_eq_coe {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} (f : (twoCoboundaries A)) :
                                  f = f
                                  theorem groupCohomology.twoCoboundaries_ext {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] {A : Rep k G} {f₁ f₂ : (twoCoboundaries A)} (h : ∀ (g h : G), f₁ (g, h) = f₂ (g, h)) :
                                  f₁ = f₂
                                  @[reducible, inline]

                                  Natural inclusion B²(G, A) →ₗ[k] Z²(G, A).

                                  Instances For
                                    def groupCohomology.IsOneCocycle {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [Mul G] [AddCommGroup A] [SMul G A] (f : GA) :

                                    A function f : G → A satisfies the 1-cocycle condition if f(gh) = g • f(h) + f(g) for all g, h : G.

                                    Instances For
                                      def groupCohomology.IsTwoCocycle {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [Mul G] [AddCommGroup A] [SMul G A] (f : G × GA) :

                                      A function f : G × G → A satisfies the 2-cocycle condition if f(gh, j) + f(g, h) = g • f(h, j) + f(g, hj) for all g, h : G.

                                      Instances For
                                        theorem groupCohomology.map_one_of_isOneCocycle {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [Monoid G] [AddCommGroup A] [MulAction G A] {f : GA} (hf : IsOneCocycle f) :
                                        f 1 = 0
                                        theorem groupCohomology.map_one_fst_of_isTwoCocycle {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [Monoid G] [AddCommGroup A] [MulAction G A] {f : G × GA} (hf : IsTwoCocycle f) (g : G) :
                                        f (1, g) = f (1, 1)
                                        theorem groupCohomology.map_one_snd_of_isTwoCocycle {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [Monoid G] [AddCommGroup A] [MulAction G A] {f : G × GA} (hf : IsTwoCocycle f) (g : G) :
                                        f (g, 1) = g f (1, 1)
                                        theorem groupCohomology.map_inv_of_isOneCocycle {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [Group G] [AddCommGroup A] [MulAction G A] {f : GA} (hf : IsOneCocycle f) (g : G) :
                                        g f g⁻¹ = -f g
                                        theorem groupCohomology.smul_map_inv_sub_map_inv_of_isTwoCocycle {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [Group G] [AddCommGroup A] [MulAction G A] {f : G × GA} (hf : IsTwoCocycle f) (g : G) :
                                        g f (g⁻¹, g) - f (g, g⁻¹) = f (1, 1) - f (g, 1)
                                        def groupCohomology.IsOneCoboundary {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup A] [SMul G A] (f : GA) :

                                        A function f : G → A satisfies the 1-coboundary condition if there's x : A such that g • x - x = f(g) for all g : G.

                                        Instances For
                                          def groupCohomology.IsTwoCoboundary {G : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [Mul G] [AddCommGroup A] [SMul G A] (f : G × GA) :

                                          A function f : G × G → A satisfies the 2-coboundary condition if there's x : G → A such that g • x(h) - x(gh) + x(g) = f(g, h) for all g, h : G.

                                          Instances For

                                            Given a k-module A with a compatible DistribMulAction of G, and a function f : G → A satisfying the 1-cocycle condition, produces a 1-cocycle for the representation on A induced by the DistribMulAction.

                                            Instances For
                                              theorem groupCohomology.oneCocyclesOfIsOneCocycle_coe {k G A : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] [AddCommGroup A] [Module k A] [DistribMulAction G A] [SMulCommClass G k A] {f : GA} (hf : IsOneCocycle f) (a✝ : G) :
                                              (oneCocyclesOfIsOneCocycle hf) a✝ = f a✝

                                              Given a k-module A with a compatible DistribMulAction of G, and a function f : G → A satisfying the 1-coboundary condition, produces a 1-coboundary for the representation on A induced by the DistribMulAction.

                                              Instances For
                                                theorem groupCohomology.oneCoboundariesOfIsOneCoboundary_coe {k G A : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] [AddCommGroup A] [Module k A] [DistribMulAction G A] [SMulCommClass G k A] {f : GA} (hf : IsOneCoboundary f) (a✝ : G) :

                                                Given a k-module A with a compatible DistribMulAction of G, and a function f : G × G → A satisfying the 2-cocycle condition, produces a 2-cocycle for the representation on A induced by the DistribMulAction.

                                                Instances For
                                                  theorem groupCohomology.twoCocyclesOfIsTwoCocycle_coe {k G A : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] [AddCommGroup A] [Module k A] [DistribMulAction G A] [SMulCommClass G k A] {f : G × GA} (hf : IsTwoCocycle f) (a✝ : G × G) :
                                                  (twoCocyclesOfIsTwoCocycle hf) a✝ = f a✝

                                                  Given a k-module A with a compatible DistribMulAction of G, and a function f : G × G → A satisfying the 2-coboundary condition, produces a 2-coboundary for the representation on A induced by the DistribMulAction.

                                                  Instances For
                                                    theorem groupCohomology.twoCoboundariesOfIsTwoCoboundary_coe {k G A : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] [AddCommGroup A] [Module k A] [DistribMulAction G A] [SMulCommClass G k A] {f : G × GA} (hf : IsTwoCoboundary f) (a✝ : G × G) :

                                                    The next few sections, until the section Cohomology, are a multiplicative copy of the previous few sections beginning with IsCocycle. Unfortunately @[to_additive] doesn't work with scalar actions.

                                                    def groupCohomology.IsMulOneCocycle {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Mul G] [CommGroup M] [SMul G M] (f : GM) :

                                                    A function f : G → M satisfies the multiplicative 1-cocycle condition if f(gh) = g • f(h) * f(g) for all g, h : G.

                                                    Instances For
                                                      def groupCohomology.IsMulTwoCocycle {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Mul G] [CommGroup M] [SMul G M] (f : G × GM) :

                                                      A function f : G × G → M satisfies the multiplicative 2-cocycle condition if f(gh, j) * f(g, h) = g • f(h, j) * f(g, hj) for all g, h : G.

                                                      Instances For
                                                        theorem groupCohomology.map_one_of_isMulOneCocycle {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Monoid G] [CommGroup M] [MulAction G M] {f : GM} (hf : IsMulOneCocycle f) :
                                                        f 1 = 1
                                                        theorem groupCohomology.map_one_fst_of_isMulTwoCocycle {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Monoid G] [CommGroup M] [MulAction G M] {f : G × GM} (hf : IsMulTwoCocycle f) (g : G) :
                                                        f (1, g) = f (1, 1)
                                                        theorem groupCohomology.map_one_snd_of_isMulTwoCocycle {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Monoid G] [CommGroup M] [MulAction G M] {f : G × GM} (hf : IsMulTwoCocycle f) (g : G) :
                                                        f (g, 1) = g f (1, 1)
                                                        theorem groupCohomology.map_inv_of_isMulOneCocycle {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Group G] [CommGroup M] [MulAction G M] {f : GM} (hf : IsMulOneCocycle f) (g : G) :
                                                        g f g⁻¹ = (f g)⁻¹
                                                        theorem groupCohomology.smul_map_inv_div_map_inv_of_isMulTwoCocycle {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Group G] [CommGroup M] [MulAction G M] {f : G × GM} (hf : IsMulTwoCocycle f) (g : G) :
                                                        g f (g⁻¹, g) / f (g, g⁻¹) = f (1, 1) / f (g, 1)
                                                        def groupCohomology.IsMulOneCoboundary {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [CommGroup M] [SMul G M] (f : GM) :

                                                        A function f : G → M satisfies the multiplicative 1-coboundary condition if there's x : M such that g • x / x = f(g) for all g : G.

                                                        Instances For
                                                          def groupCohomology.IsMulTwoCoboundary {G : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Mul G] [CommGroup M] [SMul G M] (f : G × GM) :

                                                          A function f : G × G → M satisfies the 2-coboundary condition if there's x : G → M such that g • x(h) / x(gh) * x(g) = f(g, h) for all g, h : G.

                                                          Instances For

                                                            Given an abelian group M with a MulDistribMulAction of G, and a function f : G → M satisfying the multiplicative 1-cocycle condition, produces a 1-cocycle for the representation on Additive M induced by the MulDistribMulAction.

                                                            Instances For
                                                              theorem groupCohomology.oneCocyclesOfIsMulOneCocycle_coe {G M : Type} [Group G] [CommGroup M] [MulDistribMulAction G M] {f : GM} (hf : IsMulOneCocycle f) (a✝ : G) :

                                                              Given an abelian group M with a MulDistribMulAction of G, and a function f : G → M satisfying the multiplicative 1-coboundary condition, produces a 1-coboundary for the representation on Additive M induced by the MulDistribMulAction.

                                                              Instances For

                                                                Given an abelian group M with a MulDistribMulAction of G, and a function f : G × G → M satisfying the multiplicative 2-cocycle condition, produces a 2-cocycle for the representation on Additive M induced by the MulDistribMulAction.

                                                                Instances For
                                                                  theorem groupCohomology.twoCocyclesOfIsMulTwoCocycle_coe {G M : Type} [Group G] [CommGroup M] [MulDistribMulAction G M] {f : G × GM} (hf : IsMulTwoCocycle f) (a✝ : G × G) :

                                                                  Given an abelian group M with a MulDistribMulAction of G, and a function f : G × G → M satisfying the multiplicative 2-coboundary condition, produces a 2-coboundary for the representation on M induced by the MulDistribMulAction.

                                                                  Instances For
                                                                    @[reducible, inline]
                                                                    abbrev groupCohomology.H0 {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                    We define the 0th group cohomology of a k-linear G-representation A, H⁰(G, A), to be the invariants of the representation, Aᴳ.

                                                                    Instances For
                                                                      @[reducible, inline]
                                                                      abbrev groupCohomology.H1 {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                      We define the 1st group cohomology of a k-linear G-representation A, H¹(G, A), to be 1-cocycles (i.e. Z¹(G, A) := Ker(d¹ : Fun(G, A) → Fun(G², A)) modulo 1-coboundaries (i.e. B¹(G, A) := Im(d⁰: A → Fun(G, A))).

                                                                      Instances For
                                                                        @[reducible, inline]
                                                                        abbrev groupCohomology.H1π {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                        The quotient map Z¹(G, A) → H¹(G, A).

                                                                        Instances For
                                                                          @[reducible, inline]
                                                                          abbrev groupCohomology.H2 {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                          We define the 2nd group cohomology of a k-linear G-representation A, H²(G, A), to be 2-cocycles (i.e. Z²(G, A) := Ker(d² : Fun(G², A) → Fun(G³, A)) modulo 2-coboundaries (i.e. B²(G, A) := Im(d¹: Fun(G, A) → Fun(G², A))).

                                                                          Instances For
                                                                            @[reducible, inline]
                                                                            abbrev groupCohomology.H2π {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                            The quotient map Z²(G, A) → H²(G, A).

                                                                            Instances For
                                                                              def groupCohomology.H0LequivOfIsTrivial {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) [A.IsTrivial] :
                                                                              (H0 A) ≃ₗ[k] A.V

                                                                              When the representation on A is trivial, then H⁰(G, A) is all of A.

                                                                              Instances For
                                                                                theorem groupCohomology.H0LequivOfIsTrivial_apply {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) [A.IsTrivial] (x : (H0 A)) :
                                                                                theorem groupCohomology.H0LequivOfIsTrivial_symm_apply {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) [A.IsTrivial] (x : A.V) :
                                                                                def groupCohomology.H1LequivOfIsTrivial {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) [A.IsTrivial] :
                                                                                (H1 A) ≃ₗ[k] Additive G →+ A.V

                                                                                When A : Rep k G is a trivial representation of G, H¹(G, A) is isomorphic to the group homs G → A.

                                                                                Instances For

                                                                                  The arrow A --dZero--> Fun(G, A) is isomorphic to the differential (inhomogeneousCochains A).d 0 1 of the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A.

                                                                                  Instances For
                                                                                    def groupCohomology.isoZeroCocycles {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                                    The 0-cocycles of the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A are isomorphic to A.ρ.invariants, which is a simpler type.

                                                                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                    Instances For
                                                                                      def groupCohomology.isoH0 {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                                      The 0th group cohomology of A, defined as the 0th cohomology of the complex of inhomogeneous cochains, is isomorphic to the invariants of the representation on A.

                                                                                      Instances For

                                                                                        The short complex A --dZero--> Fun(G, A) --dOne--> Fun(G × G, A) is isomorphic to the 1st short complex associated to the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A.

                                                                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                        Instances For
                                                                                          theorem groupCohomology.shortComplexH1Iso_hom {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
                                                                                          (shortComplexH1Iso A).hom = { τ₁ := ModuleCat.ofHom (zeroCochainsLequiv A), τ₂ := ModuleCat.ofHom (oneCochainsLequiv A), τ₃ := ModuleCat.ofHom (twoCochainsLequiv A), comm₁₂ := , comm₂₃ := }

                                                                                          The 1-cocycles of the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A are isomorphic to oneCocycles A, which is a simpler type.

                                                                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                          Instances For
                                                                                            def groupCohomology.isoH1 {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                                            The 1st group cohomology of A, defined as the 1st cohomology of the complex of inhomogeneous cochains, is isomorphic to oneCocycles A ⧸ oneCoboundaries A, which is a simpler type.

                                                                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                            Instances For

                                                                                              The short complex Fun(G, A) --dOne--> Fun(G × G, A) --dTwo--> Fun(G × G × G, A) is isomorphic to the 2nd short complex associated to the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A.

                                                                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                              Instances For
                                                                                                theorem groupCohomology.shortComplexH2Iso_hom {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :
                                                                                                (shortComplexH2Iso A).hom = { τ₁ := ModuleCat.ofHom (oneCochainsLequiv A), τ₂ := ModuleCat.ofHom (twoCochainsLequiv A), τ₃ := ModuleCat.ofHom (threeCochainsLequiv A), comm₁₂ := , comm₂₃ := }

                                                                                                The 2-cocycles of the complex of inhomogeneous cochains of A are isomorphic to twoCocycles A, which is a simpler type.

                                                                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                                Instances For
                                                                                                  def groupCohomology.isoH2 {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A : Rep k G) :

                                                                                                  The 2nd group cohomology of A, defined as the 2nd cohomology of the complex of inhomogeneous cochains, is isomorphic to twoCocycles A ⧸ twoCoboundaries A, which is a simpler type.

                                                                                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                                  Instances For