

Cotangent and localization away #

Let R → S → T be algebras such that T is the localization of S away from one element, where S is generated over R by P with kernel I and Q is the canonical S-presentation of T. Denote by J the kernel of the composition R[X,Y] → T.

Main results #

noncomputable def Algebra.Generators.compLocalizationAwayAlgHom {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (T : Type u_3) [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] [CommRing T] [Algebra R T] [Algebra S T] [IsScalarTower R S T] (g : S) [IsLocalization.Away g T] (P : Generators R S) :

If R[X] → S generates S, T is the localization of S away from g and f is a pre-image of g in R[X], this is the R-algebra map R[X,Y] →ₐ[R] (R[X]/I²)[1/f] defined via mapping Y to 1/f.

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Instances For

    Let R → S → T be algebras such that T is the localization of S away from one element, where S is generated over R by P with kernel I and Q is the canonical S-presentation of T. Denote by J the kernel of the composition R[X,Y] → T. Then T ⊗[S] (I/I²) → J/J² is injective.

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