The Height of an Ideal #
In this file, we define the height of a prime ideal and the height of an ideal.
Main definitions #
: The height of a prime ideal $\mathfrak{p}$. We define it as the supremum of the lengths of strictly decreasing chains of prime ideals below it. This definition is implemented viaOrder.height
: The height of an ideal. We defined it as the infimum of theprimeHeight
of the minimal prime ideals of I.
The height of a prime ideal is defined as the supremum of the lengths of strictly decreasing chains of prime ideals below it.
- I.primeHeight = Order.height { asIdeal := I, isPrime := hI }
Instances For
The height of an ideal is defined as the infimum of the heights of its minimal prime ideals.
- I.height = ⨅ (J : Ideal R), ⨅ (h : J ∈ I.minimalPrimes), J.primeHeight
Instances For
For a prime ideal, its height equals its prime height.
An ideal has finite height if it is either the unit ideal or its height is finite.
We include the unit ideal in order to have the instance IsNoetherianRing R → FiniteHeight I