

Ideal norms #

This file defines the relative ideal norm Ideal.spanNorm R (I : Ideal S) : Ideal S as the ideal spanned by the norms of elements in I.

Main definitions #

Main results #

Ideal.spanNorm R (I : Ideal S) is the ideal generated by mapping Algebra.intNorm R S over I.

See also Ideal.relNorm.

Instances For
    theorem Ideal.map_spanIntNorm (R : Type u_1) [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {S : Type u_3} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] [IsIntegrallyClosed R] [IsIntegrallyClosed S] [Algebra R S] [Module.Finite R S] [NoZeroSMulDivisors R S] [Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing R) (FractionRing S)] (I : Ideal S) {T : Type u_4} [CommRing T] (f : R →+* T) :
    map f (spanNorm R I) = span (f (Algebra.intNorm R S) '' I)
    theorem Ideal.spanIntNorm_localization (R : Type u_1) [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {S : Type u_3} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] [IsIntegrallyClosed R] [IsIntegrallyClosed S] [Algebra R S] [Module.Finite R S] [NoZeroSMulDivisors R S] [Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing R) (FractionRing S)] (I : Ideal S) (M : Submonoid R) (hM : M nonZeroDivisors R) {Rₘ : Type u_4} (Sₘ : Type u_5) [CommRing Rₘ] [Algebra R Rₘ] [CommRing Sₘ] [Algebra S Sₘ] [Algebra Rₘ Sₘ] [Algebra R Sₘ] [IsScalarTower R Rₘ Sₘ] [IsScalarTower R S Sₘ] [IsLocalization M Rₘ] [IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S M) Sₘ] [IsIntegrallyClosed Rₘ] [IsDomain Rₘ] [IsDomain Sₘ] [NoZeroSMulDivisors Rₘ Sₘ] [Module.Finite Rₘ Sₘ] [IsIntegrallyClosed Sₘ] [Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing Rₘ) (FractionRing Sₘ)] :
    spanNorm Rₘ (map (algebraMap S Sₘ) I) = map (algebraMap R Rₘ) (spanNorm R I)
    theorem Ideal.spanNorm_mul_of_bot_or_top (R : Type u_1) [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {S : Type u_3} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] [IsIntegrallyClosed R] [IsIntegrallyClosed S] [Algebra R S] [Module.Finite R S] [NoZeroSMulDivisors R S] [Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing R) (FractionRing S)] (eq_bot_or_top : ∀ (I : Ideal R), I = I = ) (I J : Ideal S) :
    spanNorm R (I * J) = spanNorm R I * spanNorm R J

    This condition eq_bot_or_top is equivalent to being a field. However, Ideal.spanNorm_mul_of_field is harder to apply since we'd need to upgrade a CommRing R instance to a Field R instance.

    Multiplicativity of Ideal.spanNorm. simp-normal form is map_mul (Ideal.relNorm R).

    The relative norm Ideal.relNorm R (I : Ideal S), where R and S are Dedekind domains, and S is an extension of R that is finite and free as a module.

    Instances For