Integral closure as a characteristic predicate #
Main definitions #
Let R
be a CommRing
and let A
be an R-algebra.
IsIntegralClosure R A
: the characteristic predicate statingA
is the integral closure ofR
, i.e. that an element ofB
is integral overR
iff it is an element of (the image of)A
(A : Type u_1)
(R : Type u_2)
(B : Type u_3)
[CommRing R]
[CommSemiring A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
IsIntegralClosure A R B
is the characteristic predicate stating A
the integral closure of R
in B
i.e. that an element of B
is integral over R
iff it is an element of (the image of) A
- algebraMap_injective' : Function.Injective ⇑(algebraMap A B)