The Jacobi-Zariski exact sequence #
Given R → S → T
, the Jacobi-Zariski exact sequence is
H¹(L_{T/R}) → H¹(L_{T/S}) → T ⊗[S] Ω[S/R] → Ω[T/R] → Ω[T/S] → 0
The maps are
Given representations 0 → I → R[X] → S → 0
and 0 → K → S[Y] → T → 0
we may consider the induced representation 0 → J → R[X, Y] → T → 0
, and the sequence
T ⊗[S] (I/I²) → J/J² → K/K²
is exact.
Given R[X] → S
and S[Y] → T
, the cotangent space of R[X][Y] → T
is isomorphic
to the direct product of the cotangent space of S[Y] → T
and R[X] → S
(base changed to T
Instances For
Given representations R[X] → S
and S[Y] → T
, the sequence
T ⊗[S] (⨁ₓ S dx) → (⨁ₓ T dx) ⊕ (⨁ᵧ T dy) → ⨁ᵧ T dy
is exact.
Given 0 → I → S[Y] → T → 0
, this is an auxiliary map from S[Y]
to T ⊗[S] Ω[S⁄R]
restriction to ker(I/I² → ⊕ S dyᵢ)
is the connecting homomorphism in the Jacobi-Zariski sequence.
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Instances For
The connecting homomorphism in the Jacobi-Zariski sequence for given presentations.
Given representations 0 → I → R[X] → S → 0
and 0 → K → S[Y] → T → 0
we may consider the induced representation 0 → J → R[X, Y] → T → 0
and this map is obtained by applying snake lemma to the following diagram
T ⊗[S] Ω[S/R] → Ω[T/R] → Ω[T/S] → 0
↑ ↑ ↑
0 → T ⊗[S] (⨁ₓ S dx) → (⨁ₓ T dx) ⊕ (⨁ᵧ T dy) → ⨁ᵧ T dy → 0
↑ ↑ ↑
T ⊗[S] (I/I²) → J/J² → K/K² → 0
↑ ↑
H¹(L_{T/R}) → H¹(L_{T/S})
This is independent from the presentations chosen. See H1Cotangent.δ_comp_equiv
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Instances For
A variant of exact_map_δ
that takes in an arbitrary map between generators.
Given algebras R → S → T
, H¹(L_{T/R}) → H¹(L_{T/S}) → T ⊗[S] Ω[S/R]
is exact.
Given algebras R → S → T
, H¹(L_{T/S}) → T ⊗[S] Ω[S/R] → Ω[T/R]
is exact.