Laurent Series #
In this file we define LaurentSeries R
, the formal Laurent series over R
, here an arbitrary
type with a zero. They are denoted R⸨X⸩
Main Definitions #
- Defines
as an abbreviation forHahnSeries ℤ
. - Defines
of a Laurent series with coefficients in a module over a ring. - Provides a coercion from power series
given byHahnSeries.ofPowerSeries
. - Defines
- Defines the localization map
which evaluates toHahnSeries.ofPowerSeries
. - Embedding of rational functions into Laurent series, provided as a coercion, utilizing
the underlying
. - Study of the
-Adic valuation on the ring of Laurent series over a field - In
we show that sending a Laurent series to itsd
th coefficient is uniformly continuous, ensuring that it sends a Cauchy filterℱ
to a Cauchy filter inK
: since this latter is given the discrete topology, this provides an elementLaurentSeries.Cauchy.coeff ℱ d
that serves asd
th coefficient of the Laurent series to which the filterℱ
Main Results #
- Basic properties of Hasse derivatives
About the X
-Adic valuation: #
- The (integral) valuation of a power series is the order of the first non-zero coefficient, see
. - The valuation of a Laurent series is the order of the first non-zero coefficient, see
. - Every Laurent series of valuation less than
(1 : ℤₘ₀)
comes from a power series, seeLaurentSeries.val_le_one_iff_eq_coe
. - The uniform space of
over a field is complete, formalized in the instanceinstLaurentSeriesComplete
. - The field of rational functions is dense in
: this is the declarationLaurentSeries.coe_range_dense
and relies principally uponLaurentSeries.exists_ratFunc_val_lt
, stating that for every Laurent seriesf
and everyγ : ℤₘ₀
one can find a rational functionQ
such that theX
-adic valuationv
satisfiesv (f - Q) < γ
. - In
we prove that the extension of theX
-adic valuation fromRatFunc K
up to its abstract completion coincides, modulo the isomorphism withK⸨X⸩
, with theX
-adic valuation onK⸨X⸩
. - The two declarations
show that an element in the completion ofRatFunc K
is in the unit ball if and only if it comes from a power series through the isomorphismLaurentSeriesRingEquiv
. LaurentSeries.powerSeriesAlgEquiv
is theK
-algebra isomorphism betweenK⟦X⟧
and the unit ball inside theX
-adic completion ofRatFunc K
Implementation details #
- Since
is just an abbreviation ofHahnSeries ℤ R
, the definition of the coefficients is given in terms ofHahnSeries.coeff
and this forces sometimes to go back-and-forth fromX : R⸨X⸩
tosingle 1 1 : HahnSeries ℤ R
. - To prove the isomorphism between the
-adic completion ofRatFunc K
we construct two completions ofRatFunc K
: the first (LaurentSeries.ratfuncAdicComplPkg
) is its abstract uniform completion; the second (LaurentSeries.LaurentSeriesPkg
) is simplyK⸨X⸩
, once we prove that it is complete and containsRatFunc K
as a dense subspace. The isomorphism is the comparison equivalence, expressing the mathematical idea that the completion "is unique". It isLaurentSeries.comparePkg
. - For applications to
it is actually more handy to use the inverse of the above equivalence:LaurentSeries.LaurentSeriesAlgEquiv
is the topological, algebra equivalenceK⸨X⸩ ≃ₐ[K] RatFuncAdicCompl K
. - In order to compare
with the valuation subring in theX
-adic completion ofRatFunc K
we consider its aliasLaurentSeries.powerSeries_as_subring
as a subring ofK⸨X⸩
, that is itself clearly isomorphic (via the inverse ofLaurentSeries.powerSeriesEquivSubring
) toK⟦X⟧
LaurentSeries R
is the type of formal Laurent series with coefficients in R
, denoted R⸨X⸩
It is implemented as a HahnSeries
with value group ℤ
- LaurentSeries R = HahnSeries ℤ R
Instances For
is notation for LaurentSeries R
- LaurentSeries.«term_⸨X⸩» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `LaurentSeries.«term_⸨X⸩» 9000 0 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "⸨X⸩")
Instances For
The Hasse derivative of Laurent series, as a linear map.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The derivative of a Laurent series.
Instances For
- LaurentSeries.instCoePowerSeries = { coe := ⇑(HahnSeries.ofPowerSeries ℤ R) }
This is a power series that can be multiplied by an integer power of X
to give our
Laurent series. If the Laurent series is nonzero, powerSeriesPart
has a nonzero
constant term.
- x.powerSeriesPart = fun (n : ℕ) => x.coeff (HahnSeries.order x + ↑n)
Instances For
The localization map from power series to Laurent series.
The coercion RatFunc F → F⸨X⸩
as bundled alg hom.
- RatFunc.coeAlgHom F = RatFunc.liftAlgHom (Algebra.ofId (Polynomial F) (LaurentSeries F)) ⋯
Instances For
The coercion RatFunc F → F⸨X⸩
as a function.
This is the implementation of coeToLaurentSeries
Instances For
The prime ideal (X)
of K⟦X⟧
, when K
is a field, as a term of the HeightOneSpectrum
- PowerSeries.idealX K = { asIdeal := Ideal.span {PowerSeries.X}, isPrime := ⋯, ne_bot := ⋯ }
Instances For
The integral valuation of the power series X : K⟦X⟧
equals (ofAdd -1) : ℤₘ₀
Since extracting coefficients is uniformly continuous, every Cauchy filter in
gives rise to a Cauchy filter in K
for every d : ℤ
, and such Cauchy filter
in K
converges to a principal filter
- LaurentSeries.Cauchy.coeff hℱ = fun (d : ℤ) => UniformSpace.DiscreteUnif.cauchyConst ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
To any Cauchy filter ℱ of K⸨X⸩
, we can attach a laurent series that is the limit
of the filter. Its d
-th coefficient is defined as the limit of Cauchy.coeff hℱ d
, which is
again Cauchy but valued in the discrete space K
. That sufficiently negative coefficients vanish
follows from Cauchy.coeff_support_bddBelow
- LaurentSeries.Cauchy.limit hℱ = { coeff := LaurentSeries.Cauchy.coeff hℱ, isPWO_support' := ⋯ }
Instances For
For every Laurent series f
and every γ : ℤₘ₀
one can find a rational function Q
that the X
-adic valuation v
satisfies v (f - Q) < γ
Having established that the K⸨X⸩
is complete and contains RatFunc K
as a dense
subspace, it gives rise to an abstract completion of RatFunc K
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Instances For
Reintrerpret the extension of coe : RatFunc K → K⸨X⸩
as ring homomorphism
Instances For
The uniform space isomorphism between two abstract completions of ratfunc K
Instances For
The uniform space equivalence between two abstract completions of ratfunc K
as a ring
equivalence: this will be the inverse of the fundamental one.
- LaurentSeries.ratfuncAdicComplRingEquiv K = { toEquiv := (LaurentSeries.comparePkg K).toEquiv, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The uniform space equivalence between two abstract completions of ratfunc K
as a ring
equivalence: it goes from K⸨X⸩
to RatFuncAdicCompl K
Instances For
The algebra equivalence between K⸨X⸩
and the X
-adic completion of RatFunc X
Instances For
In order to compare K⟦X⟧
with the valuation subring in the X
-adic completion of
RatFunc K
we consider its alias as a subring of K⸨X⸩
Instances For
The ring K⟦X⟧
is isomorphic to the subring powerSeries_as_subring K
Instances For
The ring isomorphism between K⟦X⟧
and the unit ball inside the X
-adic completion of
RatFunc K
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
The algebra isomorphism between K⟦X⟧
and the unit ball inside the X
-adic completion of
RatFunc K