Linearly disjoint subalgebras #
This file contains basics about linearly disjoint subalgebras.
We adapt the definitions in
See the file Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/LinearDisjoint.lean
for details.
Main definitions #
: two subalgebras are linearly disjoint, if they are linearly disjoint as submodules (Submodule.LinearDisjoint
: if two subalgebrasA
ofS / R
are linearly disjoint, then there isA ⊗[R] B ≃ₐ[R] A ⊔ B
induced by multiplication inS
Main results #
Equivalent characterization of linear disjointness #
: ifA
are linearly disjoint, and ifB
is a flatR
-module, then for any family ofR
-linearly independent elements ofA
, they are alsoB
-linearly independent.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.of_basis_left_op
: conversely, if a basis ofA
is alsoB
-linearly independent, thenA
are linearly disjoint.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.linearIndependent_right_of_flat
: ifA
are linearly disjoint, and ifA
is a flatR
-module, then for any family ofR
-linearly independent elements ofB
, they are alsoA
-linearly independent.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.of_basis_right
: conversely, if a basis ofB
is alsoA
-linearly independent, thenA
are linearly disjoint.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.linearIndependent_mul_of_flat
: ifA
are linearly disjoint, and if one ofA
is flat, then for any family ofR
-linearly independent elements{ a_i }
, and any family ofR
-linearly independent elements{ b_j }
, the family{ a_i * b_j }
is alsoR
-linearly independent.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.of_basis_mul
: conversely, if{ a_i }
is anR
-basis ofA
, if{ b_j }
is anR
-basis ofB
, such that the family{ a_i * b_j }
-linearly independent, thenA
are linearly disjoint.
Equivalent characterization by IsDomain
or IsField
of tensor product #
The following results are related to the equivalent characterizations in
: under some flatness and injectivity conditions, ifA
-algebras, thenA ⊗[R] B
is a domain if and only if there exists anR
-algebra which is a field thatA
embed into with linearly disjoint images.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.of_isField
: ifA ⊗[R] B
is a field, thenA
are linearly disjoint, moreover, for anyR
and injections ofA
, their images are linearly disjoint.Algebra.TensorProduct.not_isField_of_transcendental
: ifA
are flatR
-algebras, both of them are transcendental, thenA ⊗[R] B
cannot be a field, equivalently, ifA ⊗[R] B
is a field, then one of them is algebraic.
Other main results #
: linear disjointness is symmetric under some commutative
: linear disjointness is preserved by injective algebra homomorphisms.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.bot_left
: the image ofR
is linearly disjoint with any other subalgebras.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.sup_free_of_free
: the compositum of two linearly disjoint subalgebras is a free module, if two subalgebras are also free modules.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.rank_sup_of_free
: if subalgebrasA
are linearly disjoint and they are free modules, then the rank ofA ⊔ B
is equal to the product of the rank ofA
: conversely, ifA
are subalgebras which are free modules of finite rank, such that rank ofA ⊔ B
is equal to the product of the rank ofA
, thenA
are linearly disjoint.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.adjoin_rank_eq_rank_left
: ifA
are linearly disjoint, ifA
is free andB
is flat (resp.B
is free andA
is flat), then[B[A] : B] = [A : R]
(resp.[A[B] : A] = [B : R]
). See alsoSubalgebra.adjoin_rank_le
: if the rank ofA
are coprime, and they satisfy some freeness condition, thenA
are linearly disjoint.Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.inf_eq_bot_of_commute
: ifA
are linearly disjoint, under suitable technical conditions, they are disjoint.
The results with name containing "of_commute" also have corresponding specialized versions
assuming S
is commutative.
Tags #
linearly disjoint, linearly independent, tensor product
If A
and B
are subalgebras of S / R
then A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if they are linearly disjoint as submodules of S
Instances For
Linear disjointness is symmetric if elements in the module commute.
Linear disjointness is symmetric if elements in the module commute.
Linear disjointness is preserved by injective algebra homomorphisms.
The image of R
in S
is linearly disjoint with any other subalgebras.
The image of R
in S
is linearly disjoint with any other subalgebras.
Images of two R
-algebras A
and B
in A ⊗[R] B
are linearly disjoint.
Linear disjointness is symmetric in a commutative ring.
Linear disjointness is symmetric in a commutative ring.
Two subalgebras A
, B
in a commutative ring are linearly disjoint if and only if
Subalgebra.mulMap A B
is injective.
If A
and B
are subalgebras in a commutative algebra S
over R
, and if they are
linearly disjoint, then there is the natural isomorphism
A ⊗[R] B ≃ₐ[R] A ⊔ B
induced by multiplication in S
Instances For
If A
and B
are subalgebras in a commutative algebra S
over R
, and if they are
linearly disjoint, and if they are free R
-modules, then A ⊔ B
is also a free R
If A
and B
are subalgebras in a domain S
over R
, and if they are
linearly disjoint, then A ⊗[R] B
is also a domain.
If A
and B
are R
-algebras, such that there exists a domain S
over R
such that A
and B
inject into it and their images are linearly disjoint,
then A ⊗[R] B
is also a domain.
If A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if B
is a flat R
-module, then for any family of
-linearly independent elements of A
, they are also B
-linearly independent
in the opposite ring.
If a basis of A
is also B
-linearly independent in the opposite ring,
then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if A
is a flat R
-module, then for any family of
-linearly independent elements of B
, they are also A
-linearly independent.
If a basis of B
is also A
-linearly independent, then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If A
and B
are linearly disjoint and their elements commute, if B
is a flat R
then for any family of R
-linearly independent elements of A
they are also B
-linearly independent.
If a basis of A
is also B
-linearly independent, if elements in A
and B
then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if A
is flat, then for any family of
-linearly independent elements { a_i }
of A
, and any family of
-linearly independent elements { b_j }
of B
, the family { a_i * b_j }
in S
also R
-linearly independent.
If A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if B
is flat, then for any family of
-linearly independent elements { a_i }
of A
, and any family of
-linearly independent elements { b_j }
of B
, the family { a_i * b_j }
in S
also R
-linearly independent.
If A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if one of A
and B
is flat, then for any family of
-linearly independent elements { a_i }
of A
, and any family of
-linearly independent elements { b_j }
of B
, the family { a_i * b_j }
in S
also R
-linearly independent.
If { a_i }
is an R
-basis of A
, if { b_j }
is an R
-basis of B
such that the family { a_i * b_j }
in S
is R
-linearly independent,
then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
In a commutative ring, if A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if B
is a flat R
then for any family of R
-linearly independent elements of A
they are also B
-linearly independent.
In a commutative ring, if a basis of A
is also B
-linearly independent,
then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If A
and B
are flat algebras over R
, such that A ⊗[R] B
is a domain, and such that
the algebra maps are injective, then there exists an R
-algebra K
that is a field that A
and B
inject into with linearly disjoint images. Note: K
can chosen to be the
fraction field of A ⊗[R] B
, but here we hide this fact.
If A ⊗[R] B
is a field, then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If A ⊗[R] B
is a field, then for any R
-algebra S
and injections of A
and B
into S
, their images are linearly disjoint.
If A
and B
are flat R
-algebras, both of them are transcendental, then A ⊗[R] B
be a field.
If A
and B
are flat R
-algebras, such that A ⊗[R] B
is a field, then one of A
and B
is algebraic over R
In a commutative ring, if subalgebras A
and B
are linearly disjoint and they are
free modules, then the rank of A ⊔ B
is equal to the product of the rank of A
and B
In a commutative ring, if subalgebras A
and B
are linearly disjoint and they are
free modules, then the rank of A ⊔ B
is equal to the product of the rank of A
and B
In a commutative ring, if A
and B
are subalgebras which are free modules of finite rank,
such that rank of A ⊔ B
is equal to the product of the rank of A
and B
then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if A
is free and B
is flat,
then [B[A] : B] = [A : R]
. See also Subalgebra.adjoin_rank_le
If A
and B
are linearly disjoint, if B
is free and A
is flat,
then [A[B] : A] = [B : R]
. See also Subalgebra.adjoin_rank_le
If the rank of A
and B
are coprime, and they satisfy some freeness condition,
then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If A/R
is integral, such that A'
and B
are linearly disjoint for all subalgebras A'
of A
which are finitely generated R
-modules, then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If B/R
is integral, such that A
and B'
are linearly disjoint for all subalgebras B'
of B
which are finitely generated R
-modules, then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.
If A/R
and B/R
are integral, such that any finite subalgebras in A
and B
linearly disjoint, then A
and B
are linearly disjoint.