Localizing a product of commutative rings #
Main Result #
: the canonical map from a localization of a finite product of ringsR i
at a monoidM
to the direct product of localizationsR i
at the projection ofM
onto each corresponding factor is bijective.
Implementation notes #
See Mathlib/RingTheory/Localization/Defs.lean
for a design overview.
Tags #
localization, commutative ring
If S i
is a localization of R i
at the submonoid M i
for each i
then Π i, S i
is a localization of Π i, R i
at the product submonoid.
Let M
be a submonoid of a direct product of commutative rings R i
, and let M' i
the projection of M
onto each corresponding factor. Given a ring homomorphism from the direct
product Π i, R i
to the product of the localizations of each R i
at M' i
, every y : M
maps to a unit under this homomorphism.
Let M
be a submonoid of a direct product of commutative rings R i
, and let M' i
the projection of M
onto each factor. Then the canonical map from the localization of the direct
product Π i, R i
at M
to the direct product of the localizations of each R i
at M' i
is bijective.