

Exponential map on algebras #

This file defines the exponential map IsNilpotent.exp on -algebras. The definition of IsNilpotent.exp a applies to any element a in an algebra over , though it yields meaningful (non-junk) values only when a is nilpotent.

The main result is IsNilpotent.exp_add_of_commute, which establishes the expected connection between the additive and multiplicative structures of A for commuting nilpotent elements.

Additionally, IsNilpotent.exp_of_nilpotent_is_unit shows that if a is nilpotent in A, then IsNilpotent.exp a is a unit in A.

Note: Although the definition works with -algebras, the results can be applied to any algebra over a characteristic zero field.

Main definitions #

Tags #

algebra, exponential map, nilpotent

noncomputable def IsNilpotent.exp {A : Type u_1} [Ring A] [Algebra A] (a : A) :

The exponential map on algebras, defined in analogy with the usual exponential series. It provides meaningful (non-junk) values for nilpotent elements.

Instances For
    theorem IsNilpotent.exp_eq_truncated {A : Type u_1} [Ring A] [Algebra A] {a : A} {k : } (h : a ^ k = 0) :
    iFinset.range k, (↑i.factorial)⁻¹ a ^ i = exp a
    theorem IsNilpotent.exp_zero_eq_one {A : Type u_1} [Ring A] [Algebra A] :
    exp 0 = 1
    theorem IsNilpotent.exp_add_of_commute {A : Type u_1} [Ring A] [Algebra A] {a b : A} (h₁ : Commute a b) (h₂ : IsNilpotent a) (h₃ : IsNilpotent b) :
    exp (a + b) = exp a * exp b
    theorem IsNilpotent.exp_of_nilpotent_is_unit {A : Type u_1} [Ring A] [Algebra A] {a : A} (h : IsNilpotent a) :