Untilt Function #
In this file, we define the untilt function from the pretilt of a
-adically complete ring to the ring itself. Note that this
is not the untilt functor.
Main definition #
: Given ap
-adically complete ringO
, this is the multiplicative map fromPreTilt O p
itself. Specifically, it is defined as the limit ofp^n
-th powers of arbitrary lifts inO
of then
-th component from the perfection ofO/p
Main theorem #
: The composition of the modp
map with the untilt function equals taking the zeroth component of the perfection.
Reference #
- [Berkeley Lectures on ( p )-adic Geometry][MR4446467]
Tags #
Perfectoid, Tilting equivalence, Untilt
The auxiliary sequence to define the untilt map. The (n + 1)
-th term
is the p^n
-th powers of arbitrary lifts in O
of the n
-th component
from the perfection of O/p
- x.untiltAux 0 = 1
- x.untiltAux n_2.succ = Quotient.out ((Perfection.coeff (ModP O p) p n_2) x) ^ p ^ n_2
Instances For
Given a p
-adically complete ring O
, this is the underlying function of the untilt map.
It is defined as the limit of p^n
-th powers of arbitrary lifts in O
of the
-th component from the perfection of O/p
Instances For
Given a p
-adically complete ring O
, this is the
multiplicative map from PreTilt O p
to O
itself. Specifically, it is
defined as the limit of p^n
-th powers of arbitrary lifts in O
of the
-th component from the perfection of O/p
- PreTilt.untilt = { toFun := PreTilt.untiltFun, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of the mod p
with the untilt function equals taking the zeroth component of the perfection.
The composition of the mod p
with the untilt function equals taking the zeroth component of the perfection.
A variation of PreTilt.mk_untilt_eq_coeff_zero