Regular sequences and weakly regular sequences #
The notion of a regular sequence is fundamental in commutative algebra. Properties of regular sequences encode information about singularities of a ring and regularity of a sequence can be tested homologically. However the notion of a regular sequence is only really sensible for Noetherian local rings.
TODO: Koszul regular sequences, H_1-regular sequences, quasi-regular sequences, depth.
Tags #
module, regular element, regular sequence, commutative algebra
The ideal generated by a list of elements.
- Ideal.ofList rs = Ideal.span {r : R | r ∈ rs}
Instances For
The equivalence between M ⧸ (r₀, r₁, …, rₙ)M and (M ⧸ r₀M) ⧸ (r₁, …, rₙ) (M ⧸ r₀M).
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Instances For
The equivalence between M ⧸ (r₀, r₁, …, rₙ)M and (M ⧸ (r₁, …, rₙ)) ⧸ r₀ (M ⧸ (r₁, …, rₙ)).
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Instances For
A sequence [r₁, …, rₙ]
is weakly regular on M
iff rᵢ
is regular on
M⧸(r₁, …, rᵢ₋₁)M
for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n
Instances For
A weakly regular sequence rs
on M
is regular if also M/rsM ≠ 0
- regular_mod_prev (i : ℕ) (h : i < rs.length) : IsSMulRegular (M ⧸ Ideal.ofList (List.take i rs) • ⊤) rs[i]
Instances For
Weakly regular sequences can be inductively characterized by:
- The empty sequence is weakly regular on any module.
- If
is regular onM
is a weakly regular sequence onM⧸rM
then the sequence obtained fromrs
by prependingr
is weakly regular onM
This is the induction principle produced by the inductive definition above.
The motive will usually be valued in Prop
, but Sort*
works too.
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- RingTheory.Sequence.IsWeaklyRegular.recIterModByRegular nil cons x_7 = nil x
Instances For
A simplified version of IsWeaklyRegular.recIterModByRegular
where the
motive is not allowed to depend on the proof of IsWeaklyRegular
- RingTheory.Sequence.IsWeaklyRegular.ndrecIterModByRegular nil cons = RingTheory.Sequence.IsWeaklyRegular.recIterModByRegular nil fun {M : Type ?u.141} [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] => cons
Instances For
An alternate induction principle from IsWeaklyRegular.recIterModByRegular
where we mod out by successive elements in both the module and the base ring.
This is useful for propagating certain properties of the initial M
, e.g.
faithfulness or freeness, throughout the induction.
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- RingTheory.Sequence.IsWeaklyRegular.recIterModByRegularWithRing nil cons x_10 = nil x✝⁴ x✝²
Instances For
A simplified version of IsWeaklyRegular.recIterModByRegularWithRing
the motive is not allowed to depend on the proof of IsWeaklyRegular
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Instances For
Regular sequences can be inductively characterized by:
- The empty sequence is regular on any nonzero module.
- If
is regular onM
is a regular sequence onM⧸rM
then the sequence obtained fromrs
by prependingr
is regular onM
This is the induction principle produced by the inductive definition above.
The motive will usually be valued in Prop
, but Sort*
works too.
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Instances For
A simplified version of IsRegular.recIterModByRegular
where the motive is
not allowed to depend on the proof of IsRegular
- RingTheory.Sequence.IsRegular.ndrecIterModByRegular nil cons = RingTheory.Sequence.IsRegular.recIterModByRegular nil fun {M : Type ?u.144} [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] => cons
Instances For
An alternate induction principle from IsRegular.recIterModByRegular
we mod out by successive elements in both the module and the base ring. This is
useful for propagating certain properties of the initial M
, e.g. faithfulness
or freeness, throughout the induction.
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Instances For
A simplified version of IsRegular.recIterModByRegularWithRing
where the
motive is not allowed to depend on the proof of IsRegular
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Instances For
Alias of IsLocalRing.isRegular_of_perm