Standard smooth algebras #
In this file we define standard smooth algebras. For this we introduce
the notion of a PreSubmersivePresentation
. This is a presentation P
that has
fewer relations than generators. More precisely there exists an injective map from P.rels
to P.vars
. To such a presentation we may associate a jacobian. P
is then a submersive
presentation, if its jacobian is invertible.
Finally, a standard smooth algebra is an algebra that admits a submersive presentation.
While every standard smooth algebra is smooth, the converse does not hold. But if S
is R
then S
is R
-standard smooth locally on S
, i.e. there exists a set { t }
of S
generates the unit ideal, such that Sₜ
is R
-standard smooth for every t
(TODO, see below).
Main definitions #
All of these are in the Algebra
namespace. Let S
be an R
: APresentation
-algebra, equipped with an injective
. This map is used to define the differential of a presubmersive presentation.
For a presubmersive presentation P
of S
over R
we make the following definitions:
: A linear endomorphism ofP.rels → P.Ring
sending thej
-th standard basis vector, corresponding to thej
-th relation, to the vector of partial derivatives ofP.relation j
with respect to the i
fori : P.rels
: The determinant ofP.differential
: IfP.rels
has aFintype
instance, we may form the matrix corresponding toP.differential
. Its determinant isP.jacobian
: A submersive presentation is a finite, presubmersive presentationP
with inS
invertible jacobian.
Furthermore, for algebras we define:
-standard smooth ifS
admits a submersiveR
: IfS
-standard smooth this is the dimension of an arbitrary submersiveR
-presentation ofS
. This is independent of the choice of the presentation (TODO, see below).Algebra.IsStandardSmoothOfRelativeDimension n
-standard smooth of relative dimensionn
if it admits a submersiveR
-presentation of dimensionn
Finally, for ring homomorphisms we define:
: A ring homomorphismR →+* S
is standard smooth ifS
is standard smooth asR
-algebra.RingHom.IsStandardSmoothOfRelativeDimension n
: A ring homomorphismR →+* S
is standard smooth of relative dimensionn
is standard smooth of relative dimensionn
- Show that the module of Kaehler differentials of a standard smooth
of relative dimensionn
-free of rankn
. In particular this shows that the relative dimension is independent of the choice of the standard smooth presentation. - Show that standard smooth algebras are smooth. This relies on the computation of the module of Kaehler differentials.
- Show that locally on the target, smooth algebras are standard smooth.
Implementation details #
Standard smooth algebras and ring homomorphisms feature 4 universe levels: The universe levels of the rings involved and the universe levels of the types of the variables and relations.
Notes #
This contribution was created as part of the AIM workshop "Formalizing algebraic geometry" in June 2024.
A PreSubmersivePresentation
of an R
-algebra S
is a Presentation
with finitely-many relations equipped with an injective map : relations → vars
This map determines how the differential of P
is constructed. See
for details.
- σ' : S → MvPolynomial self.vars R
- algebra : Algebra (MvPolynomial self.vars R) S
A map from the relations type to the variables type. Used to compute the differential.
- map_inj : Function.Injective
Instances For
The standard basis of P.rels → P.ring
- P.basis = Pi.basisFun P.Ring P.rels
Instances For
The differential of a P : PreSubmersivePresentation
is a P.Ring
-linear map on
P.rels → P.Ring
The j
-th standard basis vector, corresponding to the j
-th relation of P
, is mapped
to the vector of partial derivatives of P.relation j
with respect
to the coordinates i
for all i : P.rels
The determinant of this map is the jacobian of P
used to define when a PreSubmersivePresentation
is submersive. See PreSubmersivePresentation.jacobian
- P.differential = (P.basis.constr P.Ring) fun (j i : P.rels) => (MvPolynomial.pderiv ( i)) (P.relation j)
Instances For
pushed forward to S
via aeval P.val
- P.aevalDifferential = ((Pi.basisFun S P.rels).constr S) fun (j i : P.rels) => (MvPolynomial.aeval P.val) ((MvPolynomial.pderiv ( i)) (P.relation j))
Instances For
The jacobian of a P : PreSubmersivePresentation
is the determinant
of P.differential
viewed as element of S
- P.jacobian = (algebraMap P.Ring S) (LinearMap.det P.differential)
Instances For
If P.rels
has a Fintype
and DecidableEq
instance, the differential of P
can be expressed in matrix form.
- P.jacobiMatrix = (LinearMap.toMatrix P.basis P.basis) P.differential
Instances For
If algebraMap R S
is bijective, the empty generators are a pre-submersive
presentation with no relations.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If S
is the localization of R
at r
, this is the canonical submersive presentation
of S
as R
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given an R
-algebra S
and an S
-algebra T
with pre-submersive presentations,
this is the canonical pre-submersive presentation of T
as an R
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The dimension of the composition of two finite submersive presentations is the sum of the dimensions.
Jacobian of composition #
Let S
be an R
-algebra and T
be an S
-algebra with presentations P
and Q
In this section we compute the jacobian of the composition of Q
and P
to be
the product of the jacobians. For this we use a block decomposition of the jacobi matrix and show
that the upper-right block vanishes, the upper-left block has determinant jacobian of Q
the lower-right block has determinant jacobian of P
The jacobian of the composition of presentations is the product of the jacobians.
If P
is a pre-submersive presentation of S
over R
and T
is an R
-algebra, we
obtain a natural pre-submersive presentation of T ⊗[R] S
over T
- Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.baseChange T P = { toPresentation := Algebra.Presentation.baseChange T P.toPresentation, map :=, map_inj := ⋯, relations_finite := ⋯ }
Instances For
A PreSubmersivePresentation
is submersive if its jacobian is a unit in S
and the presentation is finite.
- σ' : S → MvPolynomial self.vars R
- algebra : Algebra (MvPolynomial self.vars R) S
- map_inj : Function.Injective
- relations_finite : Finite self.rels
- isFinite : self.IsFinite
Instances For
If algebraMap R S
is bijective, the empty generators are a submersive
presentation with no relations.
- Algebra.SubmersivePresentation.ofBijectiveAlgebraMap h = { toPreSubmersivePresentation := Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.ofBijectiveAlgebraMap h, jacobian_isUnit := ⋯, isFinite := ⋯ }
Instances For
The canonical submersive R
-presentation of R
with no generators and no relations.
Instances For
Given an R
-algebra S
and an S
-algebra T
with submersive presentations,
this is the canonical submersive presentation of T
as an R
- Q.comp P = { toPreSubmersivePresentation := Q.comp P.toPreSubmersivePresentation, jacobian_isUnit := ⋯, isFinite := ⋯ }
Instances For
If S
is the localization of R
at r
, this is the canonical submersive presentation
of S
as R
- Algebra.SubmersivePresentation.localizationAway S r = { toPreSubmersivePresentation := Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.localizationAway S r, jacobian_isUnit := ⋯, isFinite := ⋯ }
Instances For
If P
is a submersive presentation of S
over R
and T
is an R
-algebra, we
obtain a natural submersive presentation of T ⊗[R] S
over T
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If P
is submersive, PreSubmersivePresentation.aevalDifferential
is an isomorphism.
Instances For
If P
is a submersive presentation, the partial derivatives of P.relation i
by j
form a basis of P.rels → S
- P.basisDeriv = (Pi.basisFun S P.rels).map P.aevalDifferentialEquiv
Instances For
An R
-algebra S
is called standard smooth, if there
exists a submersive presentation.
- out : Nonempty (SubmersivePresentation R S)
The relative dimension of a standard smooth R
-algebra S
the dimension of an arbitrarily chosen submersive R
-presentation of S
Note: If S
is non-trivial, this number is independent of the choice of the presentation as it is
equal to the S
-rank of Ω[S/R]
Instances For
An R
-algebra S
is called standard smooth of relative dimension n
, if there exists
a submersive presentation of dimension n
- out : ∃ (P : SubmersivePresentation R S), P.dimension = n