Multiplication by n
in the ring of Witt vectors #
In this file we show that multiplication by n
in the ring of Witt vectors
is a polynomial function. We then use this fact to show that the composition of Frobenius
and Verschiebung is equal to multiplication by p
Main declarations #
: multiplication byn
is a polynomial function
References #
[Hazewinkel, Witt Vectors][Haze09]
[Commelin and Lewis, Formalizing the Ring of Witt Vectors][CL21]
wittMulN p n
is the family of polynomials that computes
the coefficients of x * n
in terms of the coefficients of the Witt vector x
- WittVector.wittMulN p 0 = 0
- WittVector.wittMulN p n.succ = fun (k : ℕ) => (MvPolynomial.bind₁ (Function.uncurry ![WittVector.wittMulN p n, MvPolynomial.X])) (WittVector.wittAdd p k)
Instances For